Runs on Android 4.4+.
+After installation, you have to start the application `at least once`__.
+Then it will be running as a background service that shows the headset
+status icon whenever the headphones are plugged in.
+You can close the app, and the status icon will still work - even after
+rebooting your phone.
+Why was it written?
+I wrote the headphone indicator app because I was immensely unsatisfied
+with apps like `susomena's Headphones Indicator`__ which are over
+2 MiB in size, but 99% of their code is only related to advertisement.
+My task was to show that you can make it much, much better.
$ ./gradlew build
+Note that AndroidStudio 1.5.1 does not detect the gradle configuration correctly
+and produces ``.apk`` files much larger than necessary, with duplicated files.
+``gradlew`` on command line does it correctly, though.
+Build it normally, then sign the generated package file::
+ $ ./gradlew assembleRelease
+To sign the release with your key, put the path to the signing configuration
+file into ````::
+ signingconfigfile=/path/to/signing-config.gradle
+The signing configuration file should look like shown in
+`Handling signing configs with Gradle`__
About headphone indicator