AWStats helper scripts ====================== We use AWStats [1] to get statistics about the web sites hosted on our server. Setting up AWStats for a single site is easy, but for multiple domains it is really tedious work. Further, the tools provided with AWStats that support multiple configuration files do not support historic data. There is i.e. no way to look at the detailled statistics of last month or the stats for a site of two years ago. These scripts provide the following functionality: - Rendering of historical data - Updating the current month's data and regenerating report files - Regenerating last month's report files - Index page generation linking to all this data The scripts utilize and from the AWStats distribution. [1] Installation ------------ 1. copy config.php.dist to config.php 2. Adjust config.php to your needs 3. Run update-sites.php to generate initial data collection 4. Run create-historic.php to create all historic files 5. Add update-sites.php to your crontab, let it run every hour 6. Add update-lastmonth.php to your crontab and let it run on the first day every month AWStats vhost host setup ------------------------ AWStats needs a configuration file for each of the domains you want to analyze. The file needs to be put in ``/etc/awstats/awstats.$domain.conf``, e.g. ``/etc/awstats/``. Example:: Include "/etc/awstats/awstats.conf" LogFile="/var/log/apache2/cweiske/" SiteDomain="" DefaultFile=""