* @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @link http://cweiske.de/bdrem.htm */ namespace bdrem; require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; /** * Send out mails * * @category Tools * @package Bdrem * @author Christian Weiske * @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://cweiske.de/bdrem.htm */ class Renderer_Mail extends Renderer { /** * Render the events - send out mails. * * Uses the config's "mail_to" array as recipients. * Sends out a single mail for each recipient. * Config "mail_from" can also be used. * * @param array $arEvents Array of events to display * * @return void */ public function render($arEvents) { $todays = array(); foreach ($arEvents as $event) { if ($event->days == 0) { $todays[] = $this->shorten($event->title, 15); } } $subject = 'Birthday reminder'; if (count($todays)) { $subject .= ': ' . implode(', ', $todays); } $rc = new Renderer_Console(); $rh = new Renderer_Html(); $hdrs = array( 'From' => $this->config->get('mail_from', 'birthday@example.org'), 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated' ); $mime = new \Mail_mime( array( 'eol' => "\n", 'head_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', ) ); $mime->setTXTBody($rc->render($arEvents)); $mime->setHTMLBody($rh->render($arEvents)); $body = $mime->get(); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $textHeaders = ''; foreach ($hdrs as $k => $v) { $textHeaders .= $k . ':' . $v . "\n"; } foreach ((array) $this->config->get('mail_to') as $recipient) { mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $textHeaders); } } /** * Shorten the given string to the specified length. * Adds ... when the string was too long * * @param string $str String to shorten * @param integer $len Maximum length of the string * * @return string Shortened string */ protected function shorten($str, $len) { if (mb_strlen($str) <= $len) { return $str; } return mb_substr($str, 0, $len - 1) . '…'; } } ?>