from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap, HelpableActionMap
from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap
from Components.BlinkingPixmap import BlinkingPixmapConditional
-from Components.Clock import Clock
-from Components.EventInfo import EventInfo, EventInfoProgress
from Components.Harddisk import harddiskmanager
from Components.Input import Input
from Components.Label import *
from Components.PluginComponent import plugins
from Components.ProgressBar import *
from Components.ServiceEventTracker import ServiceEventTracker
-from Components.ServiceName import ServiceName
-from Components.config import config, configElement, ConfigSubsection, configSequence, configElementBoolean
-from Components.config import configfile, configsequencearg
+from Components.Sources.CurrentService import CurrentService
+from Components.Sources.EventInfo import EventInfo
+from Components.Sources.FrontendStatus import FrontendStatus
+from Components.Sources.Boolean import Boolean
+from Components.Sources.Clock import Clock
from Components.TimerList import TimerEntryComponent
-from Components.TunerInfo import TunerInfo
+from Components.config import config, configElement, ConfigSubsection, configSequence, configElementBoolean, configSelection, configElement_nonSave, getConfigListEntry
+from Components.config import configfile, configsequencearg
from EpgSelection import EPGSelection
from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor
from Screens.MinuteInput import MinuteInput
from Screens.TimerSelection import TimerSelection
from Screens.PictureInPicture import PictureInPicture
+from Screens.SubtitleDisplay import SubtitleDisplay
from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
from Tools import Notifications
"zapUp": (self.zapUp, _("previous channel")),
"zapDown": (self.zapDown, _("next channel")),
"historyBack": (self.historyBack, _("previous channel in history")),
- "historyNext": (self.historyNext, _("next channel in history"))
+ "historyNext": (self.historyNext, _("next channel in history")),
+ "openServiceList": (self.openServiceList, _("open service list")),
+ def showTvChannelList(self, zap=False):
+ self.servicelist.setModeTv()
+ if zap:
+ self.servicelist.zap()
+ self.session.execDialog(self.servicelist)
+ def showRadioChannelList(self, zap=False):
+ self.servicelist.setModeRadio()
+ if zap:
+ self.servicelist.zap()
+ self.session.execDialog(self.servicelist)
def firstRun(self):
config.misc.initialchannelselection.value = 0
def historyBack(self):
def switchChannelDown(self):
+ def openServiceList(self):
+ self.session.execDialog(self.servicelist)
def zapUp(self):
if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.usage.quickzap_bouquet_change) == "yes":
def __init__(self):
self["MenuActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarMenuActions",
- "mainMenu": (self.mainMenu, "Enter main menu..."),
+ "mainMenu": (self.mainMenu, _("Enter main menu...")),
def mainMenu(self):
class InfoBarEPG:
""" EPG - Opens an EPG list when the showEPGList action fires """
def __init__(self):
+ self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(screen=self, eventmap=
+ {
+ iPlayableService.evUpdatedEventInfo: self.__evEventInfoChanged,
+ })
+ self.is_now_next = False
self.dlg_stack = [ ]
+ self.bouquetSel = None
+ self.eventView = None
self["EPGActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarEPGActions",
"showEventInfo": (self.openEventView, _("show EPG...")),
self.servicelist.setCurrentSelection(service) #select the service in servicelist
- def openBouquetEPG(self, bouquet, withCallback=True):
- ptr=eEPGCache.getInstance()
+ def getBouquetServices(self, bouquet):
services = [ ]
servicelist = eServiceCenter.getInstance().list(bouquet)
if not servicelist is None:
if service.flags: #ignore non playable services
+ return services
+ def openBouquetEPG(self, bouquet, withCallback=True):
+ services = self.getBouquetServices(bouquet)
if len(services):
self.epg_bouquet = bouquet
if withCallback:
- self.dlg_stack.append(self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, EPGSelection, services, self.zapToService))
+ self.dlg_stack.append(self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, EPGSelection, services, self.zapToService, None, self.changeBouquetCB))
-, services, self.zapToService)
+, services, self.zapToService, None, self.changeBouquetCB)
- def closed(self, ret):
- self.dlg_stack.pop()
+ def changeBouquetCB(self, direction, epg):
+ if self.bouquetSel:
+ if direction > 0:
+ self.bouquetSel.down()
+ else:
+ self.bouquetSel.up()
+ bouquet = self.bouquetSel.getCurrent()
+ services = self.getBouquetServices(bouquet)
+ if len(services):
+ self.epg_bouquet = bouquet
+ epg.setServices(services)
+ def closed(self, ret=False):
+ closedScreen = self.dlg_stack.pop()
+ if self.bouquetSel and closedScreen == self.bouquetSel:
+ self.bouquetSel = None
+ elif self.eventView and closedScreen == self.eventView:
+ self.eventView = None
if ret:
- assert dlgs>0
- self.dlg_stack[dlgs-1].close(dlgs > 1)
+ if dlgs > 0:
+ self.dlg_stack[dlgs-1].close(dlgs > 1)
def openMultiServiceEPG(self, withCallback=True):
bouquets = self.servicelist.getBouquetList()
cnt = len(bouquets)
if cnt > 1: # show bouquet list
if withCallback:
- self.dlg_stack.append(self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, BouquetSelector, bouquets, self.openBouquetEPG))
+ self.bouquetSel = self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, BouquetSelector, bouquets, self.openBouquetEPG, enableWrapAround=True)
+ self.dlg_stack.append(self.bouquetSel)
-, bouquets, self.openBouquetEPG)
+ self.bouquetSel =, bouquets, self.openBouquetEPG, enableWrapAround=True)
elif cnt == 1:
self.openBouquetEPG(bouquets[0][1], withCallback)
def openSimilarList(self, eventid, refstr):, refstr, None, eventid)
- def openEventView(self):
+ def getNowNext(self):
self.epglist = [ ]
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- ref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
- info =
- ptr=info.getEvent(0)
+ info = service and
+ ptr = info and info.getEvent(0)
if ptr:
- ptr=info.getEvent(1)
+ ptr = info and info.getEvent(1)
if ptr:
+ def __evEventInfoChanged(self):
+ if self.is_now_next and len(self.dlg_stack) == 1:
+ self.getNowNext()
+ assert self.eventView
+ if len(self.epglist):
+ self.eventView.setEvent(self.epglist[0])
+ def openEventView(self):
+ ref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
+ self.getNowNext()
if len(self.epglist) == 0:
+ self.is_now_next = False
epg = eEPGCache.getInstance()
- ptr = epg.lookupEventTime(ref, -1)
+ ptr = ref and ref.valid() and epg.lookupEventTime(ref, -1)
if ptr:
ptr = epg.lookupEventTime(ref, ptr.getBeginTime(), +1)
if ptr:
+ else:
+ self.is_now_next = True
if len(self.epglist) > 0:
- self.dlg_stack.append(self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, EventViewEPGSelect, self.epglist[0], ServiceReference(ref), self.eventViewCallback, self.openSingleServiceEPG, self.openMultiServiceEPG, self.openSimilarList))
+ self.eventView = self.session.openWithCallback(self.closed, EventViewEPGSelect, self.epglist[0], ServiceReference(ref), self.eventViewCallback, self.openSingleServiceEPG, self.openMultiServiceEPG, self.openSimilarList)
+ self.dlg_stack.append(self.eventView)
print "no epg for the service avail.. so we show multiepg instead of eventinfo"
class InfoBarTuner:
"""provides a snr/agc/ber display"""
def __init__(self):
- self["snr"] = Label()
- self["agc"] = Label()
- self["ber"] = Label()
- self["snr_percent"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.SNR_PERCENTAGE, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self["agc_percent"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.AGC_PERCENTAGE, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self["ber_count"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.BER_VALUE, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self["snr_progress"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.SNR_BAR, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self["agc_progress"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.AGC_BAR, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self["ber_progress"] = TunerInfo(TunerInfo.BER_BAR, servicefkt = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
- self.timer = eTimer()
- self.timer.timeout.get().append(self.updateTunerInfo)
- self.timer.start(1000)
- def updateTunerInfo(self):
- if self.instance.isVisible():
- self["snr_percent"].update()
- self["agc_percent"].update()
- self["ber_count"].update()
- self["snr_progress"].update()
- self["agc_progress"].update()
- self["ber_progress"].update()
+ self["FrontendStatus"] = FrontendStatus(service_source = self.session.nav.getCurrentService)
class InfoBarEvent:
"""provides a current/next event info display"""
def __init__(self):
- self["Event_Now_StartTime"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Now_StartTime)
- self["Event_Next_StartTime"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Next_StartTime)
- self["Event_Now"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Now)
- self["Event_Next"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Next)
- self["Event_Now_Duration"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Now_Remaining)
- self["Event_Next_Duration"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Next_Duration)
- self["Now_ProgressBar"] = EventInfoProgress(self.session.nav, EventInfo.Now)
+ self["Event_Now"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.NOW)
+ self["Event_Next"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.NEXT)
class InfoBarServiceName:
def __init__(self):
- self["ServiceName"] = ServiceName(self.session.nav)
+ self["CurrentService"] = CurrentService(self.session.nav)
class InfoBarSeek:
"""handles actions like seeking, pause"""
self["SeekActions"] = InfoBarSeekActionMap(self, "InfobarSeekActions",
- "pauseService": (self.pauseService, "pause"),
- "unPauseService": (self.unPauseService, "continue"),
+ "pauseService": (self.pauseService, _("pause")),
+ "unPauseService": (self.unPauseService, _("continue")),
- "seekFwd": (self.seekFwd, "skip forward"),
+ "seekFwd": (self.seekFwd, _("skip forward")),
"seekFwdDown": self.seekFwdDown,
"seekFwdUp": self.seekFwdUp,
- "seekBack": (self.seekBack, "skip backward"),
+ "seekBack": (self.seekBack, _("skip backward")),
"seekBackDown": self.seekBackDown,
"seekBackUp": self.seekBackUp,
}, prio=-1)
def unPauseService(self):
print "unpause"
+ if self.seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY:
+ return 0
def doSeek(self, seektime):
def __init__(self):
self["TimeshiftActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarTimeshiftActions",
- "timeshiftStart": (self.startTimeshift, "start timeshift"), # the "yellow key"
- "timeshiftStop": (self.stopTimeshift, "stop timeshift") # currently undefined :), probably 'TV'
+ "timeshiftStart": (self.startTimeshift, _("start timeshift")), # the "yellow key"
+ "timeshiftStop": (self.stopTimeshift, _("stop timeshift")) # currently undefined :), probably 'TV'
}, prio=1)
self["TimeshiftActivateActions"] = ActionMap(["InfobarTimeshiftActivateActions"],
if not ts.startTimeshift():
import time
self.timeshift_enabled = 1
- self.pvrStateDialog["timeshift"].setRelative(time.time())
+ # we remove the "relative time" for now.
+ #self.pvrStateDialog["timeshift"].setRelative(time.time())
self.timeshift_enabled = False
+from Screens.PiPSetup import PiPSetup
class InfoBarExtensions:
def __init__(self):
- self.pipshown = False
+ self.session.pipshown = False
self["InstantExtensionsActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarExtensions",
- #"extensions": (self.extensions, "Extensions..."),
+ "extensions": (self.extensions, _("view extensions...")),
+ PIPON = 0
+ PIPOFF = 1
def extensions(self):
list = []
- if self.pipshown == False:
- list.append((_("Activate Picture in Picture"), "pipon"))
- elif self.pipshown == True:
- list.append((_("Disable Picture in Picture"), "pipoff"))
+ if self.session.pipshown == False:
+ list.append((_("Activate Picture in Picture"), self.PIPON))
+ elif self.session.pipshown == True:
+ list.append((_("Disable Picture in Picture"), self.PIPOFF))
+ list.append((_("Move Picture in Picture"), self.MOVEPIP))
+ list.append((_("Swap services"), self.PIPSWAP))
+ s = self.getCurrentServiceSubtitle()
+ l = s and s.getSubtitleList() or [ ]
+ for x in l:
+ list.append(("DEBUG: Enable Subtitles: " + x[0], self.ENABLE_SUBTITLE, x[1]))
self.session.openWithCallback(self.extensionCallback, ChoiceBox, title=_("Please choose an extension..."), list = list)
def extensionCallback(self, answer):
if answer is not None:
- if answer[1] == "pipon":
- self.session.nav.stopService()
- self.pip = self.session.instantiateDialog(PictureInPicture)
+ if answer[1] == self.PIPON:
+ self.session.pip = self.session.instantiateDialog(PictureInPicture)
newservice = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
- self.pipservice = eServiceCenter.getInstance().play(newservice)
- if self.pipservice and not self.pipservice.setTarget(1):
- self.pipservice.start()
- self.pipshown = True
+ if self.session.pip.playService(newservice):
+ self.session.pipshown = True
+ self.session.pip.servicePath = self.servicelist.getCurrentServicePath()
- self.pipservice = None
- del self.pip
- elif answer[1] == "pipoff":
- #self.pip.hide()
- self.pipservice = None
- del self.pip
- self.pipshown = False
+ self.session.pipshown = False
+ del self.session.pip
+ self.session.nav.playService(newservice)
+ elif answer[1] == self.PIPOFF:
+ del self.session.pip
+ self.session.pipshown = False
+ elif answer[1] == self.PIPSWAP:
+ swapservice = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
+ if self.session.pip.servicePath:
+ servicepath = self.servicelist.getCurrentServicePath()
+ ref=servicepath[len(servicepath)-1]
+ pipref=self.session.pip.getCurrentService()
+ self.session.pip.playService(swapservice)
+ self.servicelist.setCurrentServicePath(self.session.pip.servicePath)
+ if pipref.toString() != ref.toString(): # is a subservice ?
+ self.session.nav.stopService() # stop portal
+ self.session.nav.playService(pipref) # start subservice
+ self.session.pip.servicePath=servicepath
+ elif answer[1] == self.MOVEPIP:
+, pip = self.session.pip)
+ elif answer[1] == self.ENABLE_SUBTITLE:
+ self.selected_subtitle = answer[2]
+ self.subtitles_enabled = True
from RecordTimer import parseEvent
def __init__(self):
self["InstantRecordActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarInstantRecord",
- "instantRecord": (self.instantRecord, "Instant Record..."),
+ "instantRecord": (self.instantRecord, _("Instant Record...")),
self.recording = []
self["BlinkingPoint"] = BlinkingPixmapConditional()
if entry is not None and entry != -1:
def startInstantRecording(self, limitEvent = False):
serviceref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
self.session.openWithCallback(self.recordQuestionCallback, ChoiceBox, title=_("Start recording?"), list=[(_("add recording (indefinitely)"), "indefinitely"), (_("add recording (stop after current event)"), "event"), (_("add recording (enter recording duration)"), "manualduration"),(_("don't record"), "no")])
-from Screens.AudioSelection import AudioSelection
+from Tools.ISO639 import LanguageCodes
class InfoBarAudioSelection:
def __init__(self):
self["AudioSelectionAction"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarAudioSelectionActions",
- "audioSelection": (self.audioSelection, "Audio Options..."),
+ "audioSelection": (self.audioSelection, _("Audio Options...")),
def audioSelection(self):
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- audio = service.audioTracks()
- n = audio.getNumberOfTracks()
- if n > 0:
-, audio)
+ audio = service and service.audioTracks()
+ self.audioTracks = audio
+ n = audio and audio.getNumberOfTracks()
+ keys = [ "red", "", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] + [""]*n
+ tlist = []
+ print "tlist:", tlist
+ if n and n > 0:
+ self.audioChannel = service.audioChannel()
-from Screens.SubserviceSelection import SubserviceSelection
+ for x in range(n):
+ i = audio.getTrackInfo(x)
+ language = i.getLanguage()
+ description = i.getDescription()
+ if len(language) == 3:
+ if language in LanguageCodes:
+ language = LanguageCodes[language][0]
+ if len(description):
+ description += " (" + language + ")"
+ else:
+ description = language
+ tlist.append((description, x))
+ selectedAudio = tlist[0][1]
+ tlist.sort(lambda x,y : cmp(x[0], y[0]))
+ selection = 2
+ for x in tlist:
+ if x[1] != selectedAudio:
+ selection += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ tlist = [([_("Left"), _("Stereo"), _("Right")][self.audioChannel.getCurrentChannel()], "mode"), ("--", "")] + tlist
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.audioSelected, ChoiceBox, title=_("Select audio track"), list = tlist, selection = selection, keys = keys)
+ else:
+ del self.audioTracks
+ def audioSelected(self, audio):
+ if audio is not None:
+ if isinstance(audio[1], str):
+ if audio[1] == "mode":
+ keys = ["red", "green", "yellow"]
+ selection = self.audioChannel.getCurrentChannel()
+ tlist = [(_("left"), 0), (_("stereo"), 1), (_("right"), 2)]
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.modeSelected, ChoiceBox, title=_("Select audio mode"), list = tlist, selection = selection, keys = keys)
+ else:
+ del self.audioChannel
+ if self.session.nav.getCurrentService().audioTracks().getNumberOfTracks() > audio[1]:
+ self.audioTracks.selectTrack(audio[1])
+ else:
+ del self.audioChannel
+ del self.audioTracks
+ def modeSelected(self, mode):
+ if mode is not None:
+ self.audioChannel.selectChannel(mode[1])
+ del self.audioChannel
class InfoBarSubserviceSelection:
def __init__(self):
self["SubserviceSelectionAction"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarSubserviceSelectionActions",
- "subserviceSelection": (self.subserviceSelection, "Subservice list..."),
+ "subserviceSelection": (self.subserviceSelection, _("Subservice list...")),
+ self["SubserviceQuickzapAction"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarSubserviceQuickzapActions",
+ {
+ "nextSubservice": (self.nextSubservice, _("Switch to next subservice")),
+ "prevSubservice": (self.prevSubservice, _("Switch to previous subservice"))
+ }, -1)
+ self["SubserviceQuickzapAction"].setEnabled(False)
+ self.session.nav.event.append(self.checkSubservicesAvail) # we like to get service events
+ def checkSubservicesAvail(self, ev):
+ if ev == iPlayableService.evUpdatedEventInfo:
+ service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
+ subservices = service and service.subServices()
+ if not subservices or subservices.getNumberOfSubservices() == 0:
+ self["SubserviceQuickzapAction"].setEnabled(False)
+ def nextSubservice(self):
+ self.changeSubservice(+1)
+ def prevSubservice(self):
+ self.changeSubservice(-1)
+ def changeSubservice(self, direction):
+ service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
+ subservices = service and service.subServices()
+ n = subservices and subservices.getNumberOfSubservices()
+ if n and n > 0:
+ selection = -1
+ ref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
+ for x in range(n):
+ if subservices.getSubservice(x).toString() == ref.toString():
+ selection = x
+ if selection != -1:
+ selection += direction
+ if selection >= n:
+ selection=0
+ elif selection < 0:
+ selection=n-1
+ newservice = subservices.getSubservice(selection)
+ if newservice.valid():
+ del subservices
+ del service
+ self.session.nav.playService(newservice)
def subserviceSelection(self):
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- subservices = service.subServices()
- n = subservices.getNumberOfSubservices()
- if n > 0:
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.subserviceSelected, SubserviceSelection, subservices)
+ subservices = service and service.subServices()
+ n = subservices and subservices.getNumberOfSubservices()
+ selection = 0
+ if n and n > 0:
+ ref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
+ tlist = []
+ for x in range(n):
+ i = subservices.getSubservice(x)
+ if i.toString() == ref.toString():
+ selection = x
+ tlist.append((i.getName(), i))
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.subserviceSelected, ChoiceBox, title=_("Please select a subservice..."), list = tlist, selection = selection)
def subserviceSelected(self, service):
if not service is None:
- self.session.nav.playService(service)
+ self["SubserviceQuickzapAction"].setEnabled(True)
+ self.session.nav.playService(service[1])
class InfoBarAdditionalInfo:
def __init__(self):
- self["DolbyActive"] = Pixmap()
- self["CryptActive"] = Pixmap()
- self["FormatActive"] = Pixmap()
- self["ButtonRed"] = PixmapConditional(withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonRed"].setConnect(lambda: harddiskmanager.HDDCount() > 0)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonRed"].update)
- self["ButtonRedText"] = LabelConditional(text = _("Record"), withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonRedText"].setConnect(lambda: harddiskmanager.HDDCount() > 0)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonRedText"].update)
- self["ButtonGreen"] = Pixmap()
- self["ButtonGreenText"] = Label(_("Subservices"))
- self["ButtonYellow"] = PixmapConditional(withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonYellow"].setConnect(lambda: harddiskmanager.HDDCount() > 0)
- self["ButtonYellowText"] = LabelConditional(text = _("Timeshifting"), withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonYellowText"].setConnect(lambda: harddiskmanager.HDDCount() > 0)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonYellow"].update)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonYellowText"].update)
- self["ButtonBlue"] = PixmapConditional(withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonBlue"].setConnect(lambda: False)
- self["ButtonBlueText"] = LabelConditional(text = _("Extensions"), withTimer = False)
- self["ButtonBlueText"].setConnect(lambda: False)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonBlue"].update)
- self.onLayoutFinish.append(self["ButtonBlueText"].update)
+ self["NimA"] = Pixmap()
+ self["NimB"] = Pixmap()
+ self["NimA_Active"] = Pixmap()
+ self["NimB_Active"] = Pixmap()
- self.session.nav.event.append(self.gotServiceEvent) # we like to get service events
- def hideSubServiceIndication(self):
- self["ButtonGreen"].hide()
- self["ButtonGreenText"].hide()
- def showSubServiceIndication(self):
- self["ButtonGreen"].show()
- self["ButtonGreenText"].show()
+ self["RecordingPossible"] = Boolean(fixed=harddiskmanager.HDDCount() > 0)
+ self["TimeshiftPossible"] = self["RecordingPossible"]
+ self["ExtensionsAvailable"] = Boolean(fixed=1)
- def checkFormat(self, service):
- info =
- if info is not None:
- aspect = info.getInfo(iServiceInformation.sAspect)
- if aspect in [ 3, 4, 7, 8, 0xB, 0xC, 0xF, 0x10 ]:
- self["FormatActive"].show()
- else:
- self["FormatActive"].hide()
+ self.session.nav.event.append(self.gotServiceEvent) # we like to get service events
+ res_mgr = eDVBResourceManagerPtr()
+ if eDVBResourceManager.getInstance(res_mgr) == 0:
+ res_mgr.frontendUseMaskChanged.get().append(self.tunerUseMaskChanged)
- def checkSubservices(self, service):
- if service.subServices().getNumberOfSubservices() > 0:
- self.showSubServiceIndication()
+ def tunerUseMaskChanged(self, mask):
+ if mask&1:
+ self["NimA_Active"].show()
- self.hideSubServiceIndication()
- def checkDolby(self, service):
- dolby = False
- audio = service.audioTracks()
- if audio is not None:
- n = audio.getNumberOfTracks()
- for x in range(n):
- i = audio.getTrackInfo(x)
- description = i.getDescription();
- if description.find("AC3") != -1 or description.find("DTS") != -1:
- dolby = True
- break
- if dolby:
- self["DolbyActive"].show()
+ self["NimA_Active"].hide()
+ if mask&2:
+ self["NimB_Active"].show()
- self["DolbyActive"].hide()
- def checkCrypted(self, service):
- info =
- if info is not None:
- if info.getInfo(iServiceInformation.sIsCrypted) > 0:
- self["CryptActive"].show()
- else:
- self["CryptActive"].hide()
+ self["NimB_Active"].hide()
+ def checkTunerState(self, service):
+ info = service.frontendInfo()
+ feNumber = info and info.getFrontendInfo(iFrontendInformation.frontendNumber)
+ if feNumber is None:
+ self["NimA"].hide()
+ self["NimB"].hide()
+ elif feNumber == 0:
+ self["NimB"].hide()
+ self["NimA"].show()
+ elif feNumber == 1:
+ self["NimA"].hide()
+ self["NimB"].show()
def gotServiceEvent(self, ev):
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- if ev == iPlayableService.evUpdatedEventInfo:
- self.checkSubservices(service)
- self.checkFormat(service)
- elif ev == iPlayableService.evUpdatedInfo:
- self.checkCrypted(service)
- self.checkDolby(service)
- elif ev == iPlayableService.evEnd:
- self.hideSubServiceIndication()
- self["CryptActive"].hide()
- self["DolbyActive"].hide()
- self["FormatActive"].hide()
+ if ev == iPlayableService.evStart:
+ self.checkTunerState(service)
class InfoBarNotifications:
def __init__(self):
+ self.onClose.append(self.__removeNotification)
+ def __removeNotification(self):
+ Notifications.notificationAdded.remove(self.checkNotificationsIfExecing)
def checkNotificationsIfExecing(self):
if self.execing:
if len(Notifications.notifications):
n = Notifications.notifications[0]
Notifications.notifications = Notifications.notifications[1:]
- print "open",n
cb = n[0]
if cb is not None:
- self.session.openWithCallback(cb, *n[1:])
+ self.session.openWithCallback(cb, n[1], *n[2], **n[3])
+[1], *n[2], **n[3])
class InfoBarServiceNotifications:
def __init__(self):
class InfoBarSummary(Screen):
skin = """
<screen position="0,0" size="132,64">
- <widget name="Clock" position="50,46" size="82,18" font="Regular;16" />
- <widget name="CurrentService" position="0,4" size="132,42" font="Regular;18" />
+ <widget source="CurrentTime" render="Label" position="50,46" size="82,18" font="Regular;16" >
+ <convert type="ClockToText">WithSeconds</convert>
+ </widget>
+ <widget source="CurrentService" render="Label" position="0,4" size="132,42" font="Regular;18" >
+ <convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>
+ </widget>
def __init__(self, session, parent):
Screen.__init__(self, session)
- self["CurrentService"] = ServiceName(self.session.nav)
- self["Clock"] = Clock()
+ self["CurrentService"] = CurrentService(self.session.nav)
+ self["CurrentTime"] = Clock()
class InfoBarSummarySupport:
def __init__(self):
if self.teletext_plugin is not None:
self["TeletextActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarTeletextActions",
- "startTeletext": (self.startTeletext, "View teletext...")
+ "startTeletext": (self.startTeletext, _("View teletext..."))
print "no teletext plugin found!"
def startTeletext(self):
self.teletext_plugin(session=self.session, service=self.session.nav.getCurrentService())
+class InfoBarSubtitleSupport(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ object.__init__(self)
+ self.subtitle_window = self.session.instantiateDialog(SubtitleDisplay)
+ self.__subtitles_enabled = False
+ self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(screen=self, eventmap=
+ {
+ iPlayableService.evStart: self.__serviceStarted,
+ })
+ def __serviceStarted(self):
+ # reenable if it was enabled
+ r = self.__subtitles_enabled
+ self.__subtitles_enabled = False
+ self.__selected_subtitle = None
+ self.setSubtitlesEnable(r)
+ def getCurrentServiceSubtitle(self):
+ service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
+ return service and service.subtitle()
+ def setSubtitlesEnable(self, enable=True):
+ subtitle = self.getCurrentServiceSubtitle()
+ if enable and self.__selected_subtitle:
+ if subtitle and not self.__subtitles_enabled:
+ subtitle.enableSubtitles(self.subtitle_window.instance, self.selected_subtitle)
+ self.__subtitles_enabled = True
+ else:
+ if subtitle:
+ subtitle.disableSubtitles(self.subtitle_window.instance)
+ self.subtitle_window.hide()
+ self.__subtitles_enabled = False
+ def setSelectedSubtitle(self, subtitle):
+ if self.__selected_subtitle != subtitle and self.subtitles_enabled:
+ # kick
+ self.__selected_subtitle = subtitle
+ self.__serviceStarted()
+ else:
+ self.__selected_subtitle = subtitle
+ subtitles_enabled = property(lambda self: self.__subtitles_enabled, setSubtitlesEnable)
+ selected_subtitle = property(lambda self: self.__selected_subtitle, setSelectedSubtitle)