#include <lib/dvb/dvb.h>
#include <lib/dvb/frontend.h>
#include <lib/dvb/epgcache.h>
+#include <lib/base/eenv.h>
#include <lib/base/eerror.h>
#include <lib/base/estring.h>
+#include <xmlccwrap/xmlccwrap.h>
#include <dvbsi++/service_description_section.h>
#include <dvbsi++/descriptor_tag.h>
#include <dvbsi++/service_descriptor.h>
-RESULT eBouquet::addService(const eServiceReference &ref)
+RESULT eBouquet::addService(const eServiceReference &ref, eServiceReference before)
list::iterator it =
std::find(m_services.begin(), m_services.end(), ref);
if ( it != m_services.end() )
return -1;
- m_services.push_back(ref);
+ if (before.valid())
+ {
+ it = std::find(m_services.begin(), m_services.end(), before);
+ m_services.insert(it, ref);
+ }
+ else
+ m_services.push_back(ref);
return 0;
RESULT eBouquet::flushChanges()
- FILE *f=fopen((CONFIGDIR"/enigma2/"+m_filename).c_str(), "w");
+ FILE *f=fopen(eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/" + m_filename).c_str(), "w");
if (!f)
return -1;
if ( fprintf(f, "#NAME %s\r\n", m_bouquet_name.c_str()) < 0 )
eServiceReference tmp = *i;
std::string str = tmp.path;
- if ( (i->flags&eServiceReference::flagDirectory) == eServiceReference::flagDirectory )
- {
- unsigned int p1 = str.find("FROM BOUQUET \"");
- if (p1 == std::string::npos)
- {
- eDebug("doof... kaputt");
- continue;
- }
- str.erase(0, p1+14);
- p1 = str.find("\"");
- if (p1 == std::string::npos)
- {
- eDebug("doof2... kaputt");
- continue;
- }
- str.erase(p1);
- tmp.path=str;
- }
if ( fprintf(f, "#SERVICE %s\r\n", tmp.toString().c_str()) < 0 )
goto err;
if ( i->name.length() )
- :m_flags(0)
+ :m_cache(0), m_flags(0)
- memset(m_cache, -1, sizeof(m_cache));
-bool eDVBService::cacheEmpty()
- for (int i=0; i < cacheMax; ++i)
- if (m_cache[i] != -1)
- return false;
- return true;
+ delete [] m_cache;
eDVBService &eDVBService::operator=(const eDVBService &s)
m_service_name_sort = s.m_service_name_sort;
m_provider_name = s.m_provider_name;
m_flags = s.m_flags;
-// m_ca = s.m_ca;
- memcpy(m_cache, s.m_cache, sizeof(m_cache));
+ m_ca = s.m_ca;
+ copyCache(s.m_cache);
return *this;
return eEPGCache::getInstance()->lookupEventTime(ref, start_time, ptr);
-bool eDVBService::isPlayable(const eServiceReference &ref, const eServiceReference &ignore)
+int eDVBService::isPlayable(const eServiceReference &ref, const eServiceReference &ignore, bool simulate)
ePtr<eDVBResourceManager> res_mgr;
if ( eDVBResourceManager::getInstance( res_mgr ) )
eDVBChannelID chid, chid_ignore;
((const eServiceReferenceDVB&)ref).getChannelID(chid);
((const eServiceReferenceDVB&)ignore).getChannelID(chid_ignore);
- return res_mgr->canAllocateChannel(chid, chid_ignore);
+ return res_mgr->canAllocateChannel(chid, chid_ignore, simulate);
- return false;
+ return 0;
int eDVBService::checkFilter(const eServiceReferenceDVB &ref, const eDVBChannelQuery &query)
switch (query.m_type)
case eDVBChannelQuery::tName:
- res = m_service_name_sort.find(query.m_string) != std::string::npos;
+ res = m_service_name_sort == query.m_string;
case eDVBChannelQuery::tProvider:
- res = m_provider_name.find(query.m_string) != std::string::npos;
+ if (query.m_string == "Unknown" && m_provider_name.empty())
+ res = 1;
+ else
+ res = m_provider_name == query.m_string;
case eDVBChannelQuery::tType:
- res = ref.getServiceType() == query.m_int;
+ {
+ int service_type = ref.getServiceType();
+ if (query.m_int == 1) // TV Service
+ {
+ // Hack for dish network
+ int onid = ref.getOriginalNetworkID().get();
+ if (onid >= 0x1001 && onid <= 0x100b)
+ {
+ static int dish_tv_types[] = { 128, 133, 137, 140, 144, 145, 150, 154, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 173, 174 };
+ static size_t dish_tv_num_types = sizeof(dish_tv_types) / sizeof(int);
+ if (std::binary_search(dish_tv_types, dish_tv_types + dish_tv_num_types, service_type))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ res = service_type == query.m_int;
+ }
case eDVBChannelQuery::tBouquet:
res = 0;
return res;
-int eDVBService::getCachePID(cacheID id)
+bool eDVBService::cacheEmpty()
+ if (m_cache)
+ for (int i=0; i < cacheMax; ++i)
+ if (m_cache[i] != -1)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void eDVBService::initCache()
+ m_cache = new int[cacheMax];
+ memset(m_cache, -1, sizeof(int) * cacheMax);
+void eDVBService::copyCache(int *source)
+ if (source)
+ {
+ if (!m_cache)
+ m_cache = new int[cacheMax];
+ memcpy(m_cache, source, cacheMax * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete [] m_cache;
+ m_cache = 0;
+ }
+int eDVBService::getCacheEntry(cacheID id)
- if (id >= cacheMax)
+ if (id >= cacheMax || !m_cache)
return -1;
return m_cache[id];
-void eDVBService::setCachePID(cacheID id, int pid)
+void eDVBService::setCacheEntry(cacheID id, int pid)
+ if (!m_cache)
+ initCache();
if (id < cacheMax)
m_cache[id] = pid;
- /* THIS CODE IS BAD. it should be replaced by somethine better. */
void eDVBDB::reloadServicelist()
+ loadServicelist(eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb").c_str());
+void eDVBDB::parseServiceData(ePtr<eDVBService> s, std::string str)
+ while ((!str.empty()) && str[1]==':') // new: p:, f:, c:%02d...
+ {
+ size_t c=str.find(',');
+ char p=str[0];
+ std::string v;
+ if (c == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ v=str.substr(2);
+ str="";
+ } else
+ {
+ v=str.substr(2, c-2);
+ str=str.substr(c+1);
+ }
+// eDebug("%c ... %s", p, v.c_str());
+ if (p == 'p')
+ s->m_provider_name=v;
+ else if (p == 'f')
+ {
+ sscanf(v.c_str(), "%x", &s->m_flags);
+ } else if (p == 'c')
+ {
+ int cid, val;
+ sscanf(v.c_str(), "%02d%x", &cid, &val);
+ s->setCacheEntry((eDVBService::cacheID)cid,val);
+ } else if (p == 'C')
+ {
+ int val;
+ sscanf(v.c_str(), "%04x", &val);
+ s->m_ca.push_front((uint16_t)val);
+ }
+ }
+ /* THIS CODE IS BAD. it should be replaced by somethine better. */
+void eDVBDB::loadServicelist(const char *file)
eDebug("---- opening lame channel db");
- FILE *f=fopen(CONFIGDIR"/enigma2/lamedb", "rt");
- if (!f)
+ FILE *f=fopen(file, "rt");
+ if (!f && strcmp(file, eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb").c_str()) == 0)
struct stat s;
if ( !stat("lamedb", &s) )
- if ( !stat(CONFIGDIR"/enigma2", &s) )
+ if ( !stat(eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2").c_str(), &s) )
- rename("lamedb", CONFIGDIR"/enigma2/lamedb" );
+ rename("lamedb", eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb").c_str());
char line[256];
- if ((!fgets(line, 256, f)) || strncmp(line, "eDVB services", 13))
+ int version=3;
+ if ((!fgets(line, 256, f)) || sscanf(line, "eDVB services /%d/", &version) != 1)
- eDebug("not a servicefile");
+ eDebug("not a valid servicefile");
- eDebug("reading services");
+ eDebug("reading services (version %d)", version);
if ((!fgets(line, 256, f)) || strcmp(line, "transponders\n"))
eDebug("services invalid, no transponders");
eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite sat;
int frequency, symbol_rate, polarisation, fec, orbital_position, inversion,
- system=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::System::DVB_S,
- modulation=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Modulation::QPSK,
- rolloff=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::RollOff::alpha_auto;
- sscanf(line+2, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &symbol_rate, &polarisation, &fec, &orbital_position, &inversion, &system, &modulation, &rolloff);
+ flags=0,
+ system=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::System_DVB_S,
+ modulation=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Modulation_QPSK,
+ rolloff=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::RollOff_alpha_0_35,
+ pilot=eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Pilot_Unknown;
+ if (version == 3)
+ sscanf(line+3, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &symbol_rate, &polarisation, &fec, &orbital_position, &inversion, &system, &modulation, &rolloff, &pilot);
+ else
+ sscanf(line+3, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &symbol_rate, &polarisation, &fec, &orbital_position, &inversion, &flags, &system, &modulation, &rolloff, &pilot);
sat.frequency = frequency;
sat.symbol_rate = symbol_rate;
sat.polarisation = polarisation;
sat.inversion = inversion;
sat.system = system;
sat.modulation = modulation;
- sat.roll_off = rolloff;
+ sat.rolloff = rolloff;
+ sat.pilot = pilot;
+ feparm->setFlags(flags);
} else if (line[1]=='t')
eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial ter;
- int frequency, bandwidth, code_rate_HP, code_rate_LP, modulation, transmission_mode, guard_interval, hierarchy, inversion;
- sscanf(line+2, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &bandwidth, &code_rate_HP, &code_rate_LP, &modulation, &transmission_mode, &guard_interval, &hierarchy, &inversion);
+ int frequency, bandwidth, code_rate_HP, code_rate_LP, modulation, transmission_mode, guard_interval, hierarchy, inversion, flags=0;
+ sscanf(line+3, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &bandwidth, &code_rate_HP, &code_rate_LP, &modulation, &transmission_mode, &guard_interval, &hierarchy, &inversion, &flags);
ter.frequency = frequency;
ter.bandwidth = bandwidth;
ter.code_rate_HP = code_rate_HP;
ter.hierarchy = hierarchy;
ter.inversion = inversion;
+ feparm->setFlags(flags);
} else if (line[1]=='c')
eDVBFrontendParametersCable cab;
int frequency, symbol_rate,
- inversion=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::Inversion::Unknown,
- modulation=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::Modulation::Auto,
- fec_inner=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::FEC::fAuto;
- sscanf(line+2, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &symbol_rate, &inversion, &modulation, &fec_inner);
+ inversion=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::Inversion_Unknown,
+ modulation=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::Modulation_Auto,
+ fec_inner=eDVBFrontendParametersCable::FEC_Auto,
+ flags=0;
+ sscanf(line+3, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &frequency, &symbol_rate, &inversion, &modulation, &fec_inner, &flags);
cab.frequency = frequency;
cab.fec_inner = fec_inner;
cab.inversion = inversion;
cab.symbol_rate = symbol_rate;
cab.modulation = modulation;
+ feparm->setFlags(flags);
addChannelToList(channelid, feparm);
fgets(line, 256, f);
if (strlen(line))
- std::string str=line;
- if (str[1]!=':') // old ... (only service_provider)
- {
+ if (line[1]!=':') // old ... (only service_provider)
- } else
- while ((!str.empty()) && str[1]==':') // new: p:, f:, c:%02d...
- {
- unsigned int c=str.find(',');
- char p=str[0];
- std::string v;
- if (c == std::string::npos)
- {
- v=str.substr(2);
- str="";
- } else
- {
- v=str.substr(2, c-2);
- str=str.substr(c+1);
- }
-// eDebug("%c ... %s", p, v.c_str());
- if (p == 'p')
- s->m_provider_name=v;
- else if (p == 'f')
- {
- sscanf(v.c_str(), "%x", &s->m_flags);
- } else if (p == 'c')
- {
- int cid, val;
- sscanf(v.c_str(), "%02d%04x", &cid, &val);
- s->m_cache[cid]=val;
- }/* else if (p == 'C')
- {
- int val;
- sscanf(v.c_str(), "%04x", &val);
- s->m_ca.insert(val);
- }*/
- }
+ else
+ parseServiceData(s, line);
addService(ref, s);
-void eDVBDB::saveServicelist()
+void eDVBDB::saveServicelist(const char *file)
eDebug("---- saving lame channel db");
- FILE *f=fopen(CONFIGDIR"/enigma2/lamedb", "w");
+ FILE *f=fopen(file, "w");
int channels=0, services=0;
if (!f)
eFatal("couldn't save lame channel db!");
- fprintf(f, "eDVB services /3/\n");
+ fprintf(f, "eDVB services /4/\n");
fprintf(f, "transponders\n");
for (std::map<eDVBChannelID, channel>::const_iterator i(m_channels.begin());
i != m_channels.end(); ++i)
eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite sat;
eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial ter;
eDVBFrontendParametersCable cab;
+ unsigned int flags; // flagOnlyFree yet..
+ ch.m_frontendParameters->getFlags(flags);
if (!ch.m_frontendParameters->getDVBS(sat))
- if (sat.system == eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::System::DVB_S2)
+ if (sat.system == eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::System_DVB_S2)
- fprintf(f, "\ts %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
+ fprintf(f, "\ts %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
sat.frequency, sat.symbol_rate,
sat.polarisation, sat.fec,
sat.orbital_position > 1800 ? sat.orbital_position - 3600 : sat.orbital_position,
+ flags,
- sat.roll_off);
+ sat.rolloff,
+ sat.pilot);
- fprintf(f, "\ts %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
+ fprintf(f, "\ts %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
sat.frequency, sat.symbol_rate,
sat.polarisation, sat.fec,
sat.orbital_position > 1800 ? sat.orbital_position - 3600 : sat.orbital_position,
- sat.inversion);
+ sat.inversion, flags);
- if (!ch.m_frontendParameters->getDVBT(ter))
+ else if (!ch.m_frontendParameters->getDVBT(ter))
- fprintf(f, "\tt %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
+ fprintf(f, "\tt %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
ter.frequency, ter.bandwidth, ter.code_rate_HP,
ter.code_rate_LP, ter.modulation, ter.transmission_mode,
- ter.guard_interval, ter.hierarchy, ter.inversion);
+ ter.guard_interval, ter.hierarchy, ter.inversion, flags);
- if (!ch.m_frontendParameters->getDVBC(cab))
+ else if (!ch.m_frontendParameters->getDVBC(cab))
- fprintf(f, "\tc %d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
- cab.frequency, cab.symbol_rate, cab.inversion, cab.modulation, cab.fec_inner);
+ fprintf(f, "\tc %d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d\n",
+ cab.frequency, cab.symbol_rate, cab.inversion, cab.modulation, cab.fec_inner, flags);
fprintf(f, "/\n");
// write cached pids
for (int x=0; x < eDVBService::cacheMax; ++x)
- if (i->second->m_cache[x] != -1)
- fprintf(f, ",c:%02d%04x", x, i->second->m_cache[x]);
+ {
+ int entry = i->second->getCacheEntry((eDVBService::cacheID)x);
+ if (entry != -1)
+ fprintf(f, ",c:%02d%04x", x, entry);
+ }
// write cached ca pids
- for (std::set<int>::const_iterator ca(i->second->m_ca.begin());
+ for (CAID_LIST::const_iterator ca(i->second->m_ca.begin());
ca != i->second->m_ca.end(); ++ca)
fprintf(f, ",C:%04x", *ca);
if (i->second->m_flags)
fprintf(f, ",f:%x", i->second->m_flags);
+void eDVBDB::saveServicelist()
+ saveServicelist(eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/lamedb").c_str());
void eDVBDB::loadBouquet(const char *path)
std::string bouquet_name = path;
eDebug("Bouquet load failed.. no path given..");
- unsigned int pos = bouquet_name.rfind('/');
+ size_t pos = bouquet_name.rfind('/');
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
bouquet_name.erase(0, pos+1);
if (bouquet_name.empty())
std::list<eServiceReference> &list = bouquet.m_services;
- std::string p = CONFIGDIR"/enigma2/";
+ std::string p = eEnv::resolve("${sysconfdir}/enigma2/");
eDebug("loading bouquet... %s", p.c_str());
FILE *fp=fopen(p.c_str(), "rt");
if (line[0]=='#')
- if (!strncmp(line, "#SERVICE ", 9) || !strncmp(line, "#SERVICE: ", 10))
+ if (!strncmp(line, "#SERVICE", 8))
int offs = line[8] == ':' ? 10 : 9;
eServiceReference tmp(line+offs);
eDebug("only DVB Bouquets supported");
- if ( (tmp.flags&eServiceReference::flagDirectory) == eServiceReference::flagDirectory )
+ if ( tmp.flags&eServiceReference::canDescent )
- unsigned int pos = tmp.path.rfind('/');
+ size_t pos = tmp.path.rfind('/');
+ char buf[256];
+ std::string path = tmp.path;
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
- tmp.path.erase(0, pos+1);
- if (tmp.path.empty())
+ path.erase(0, pos+1);
+ if (path.empty())
eDebug("Bouquet load failed.. no filename given..");
- loadBouquet(tmp.path.c_str());
- char buf[256];
- snprintf(buf, 256, "(type == %d) FROM BOUQUET \"%s\" ORDER BY bouquet", tmp.data[0], tmp.path.c_str());
- tmp.path = buf;
+ pos = path.find("FROM BOUQUET ");
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ char endchr = path[pos+13];
+ if (endchr != '"')
+ {
+ eDebug("ignore invalid bouquet '%s' (only \" are allowed)",
+ tmp.toString().c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ char *beg = &path[pos+14];
+ char *end = strchr(beg, endchr);
+ path.assign(beg, end - beg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf(buf, 256, "FROM BOUQUET \"%s\" ORDER BY bouquet", path.c_str());
+ tmp.path = buf;
+ }
+ loadBouquet(path.c_str());
e = &list.back();
- else if (read_descr && !strncmp(line, "#DESCRIPTION ", 13))
+ else if (read_descr && !strncmp(line, "#DESCRIPTION", 12))
- e->name = line+13;
+ int offs = line[12] == ':' ? 14 : 13;
+ e->name = line+offs;
else if (!strncmp(line, "#NAME ", 6))
- ref.path="(type == 1) FROM BOUQUET \"userbouquet.favourites.tv\" ORDER BY bouquet";
+ ref.path="FROM BOUQUET \"userbouquet.favourites.tv\" ORDER BY bouquet";
eBouquet &parent = m_bouquets["bouquets.tv"];
- ref.path="(type == 2) FROM BOUQUET \"userbouquet.favourites.radio\" ORDER BY bouquet";
+ ref.path="FROM BOUQUET \"userbouquet.favourites.radio\" ORDER BY bouquet";
eBouquet &parent = m_bouquets["bouquets.radio"];
eDVBDB *eDVBDB::instance;
+using namespace xmlcc;
instance = this;
+PyObject *eDVBDB::readSatellites(ePyObject sat_list, ePyObject sat_dict, ePyObject tp_dict)
+ if (!PyDict_Check(tp_dict)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 2 is not a python dict");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (!PyDict_Check(sat_dict))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 1 is not a python dict");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (!PyList_Check(sat_list))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 0 is not a python list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ XMLTree tree;
+ tree.setFilename("/etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml");
+ tree.read();
+ Element *root = tree.getRoot();
+ if (!root)
+ {
+ eDebug("couldn't open /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml!!");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_False);
+ return Py_False;
+ }
+ int tmp, *dest = NULL,
+ modulation, system, freq, sr, pol, fec, inv, pilot, rolloff, tsid, onid;
+ char *end_ptr;
+ const Attribute *at;
+ std::string name;
+ const ElementList &root_elements = root->getElementList();
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(root_elements.begin()); it != root_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("element: %s", (*it)->name().c_str());
+ const Element *el = *it;
+ const ElementList &sat_elements = el->getElementList();
+ const AttributeList &sat_attributes = el->getAttributeList();
+ ePyObject sat_name;
+ ePyObject sat_pos;
+ ePyObject sat_flags;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(sat_attributes.begin()); it != sat_attributes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ at = *it;
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "name")
+ sat_name = PyString_FromString(at->value().c_str());
+ else if (name == "flags")
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ sat_flags = PyInt_FromLong(tmp);
+ }
+ else if (name == "position")
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ {
+ if (tmp < 0)
+ tmp = 3600 + tmp;
+ sat_pos = PyInt_FromLong(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sat_pos && sat_name)
+ {
+ ePyObject tplist = PyList_New(0);
+ ePyObject tuple = PyTuple_New(3);
+ if (!sat_flags)
+ sat_flags = PyInt_FromLong(0);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, sat_pos);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, sat_name);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, sat_flags);
+ PyList_Append(sat_list, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ PyDict_SetItem(sat_dict, sat_pos, sat_name);
+ PyDict_SetItem(tp_dict, sat_pos, tplist);
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(sat_elements.begin()); it != sat_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ //eDebug("\telement: %s", (*it)->name().c_str());
+ const AttributeList &tp_attributes = (*it)->getAttributeList();
+ AttributeConstIterator end = tp_attributes.end();
+ modulation = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Modulation_QPSK;
+ system = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::System_DVB_S;
+ freq = 0;
+ sr = 0;
+ pol = -1;
+ fec = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::FEC_Auto;
+ inv = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Inversion_Unknown;
+ pilot = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::Pilot_Unknown;
+ rolloff = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite::RollOff_alpha_0_35;
+ tsid = -1;
+ onid = -1;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(tp_attributes.begin()); it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ at = *it;
+ //eDebug("\t\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "modulation") dest = &modulation;
+ else if (name == "system") dest = &system;
+ else if (name == "frequency") dest = &freq;
+ else if (name == "symbol_rate") dest = &sr;
+ else if (name == "polarization") dest = &pol;
+ else if (name == "fec_inner") dest = &fec;
+ else if (name == "inversion") dest = &inv;
+ else if (name == "rolloff") dest = &rolloff;
+ else if (name == "pilot") dest = &pilot;
+ else if (name == "tsid") dest = &tsid;
+ else if (name == "onid") dest = &onid;
+ else continue;
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ //eDebug("\t\t\tvalue: %s", at->value().c_str());
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ *dest = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (freq && sr && pol != -1)
+ {
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(12);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(0));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(freq));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong(sr));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 3, PyInt_FromLong(pol));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 4, PyInt_FromLong(fec));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 5, PyInt_FromLong(system));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 6, PyInt_FromLong(modulation));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 7, PyInt_FromLong(inv));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 8, PyInt_FromLong(rolloff));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 9, PyInt_FromLong(pilot));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 10, PyInt_FromLong(tsid));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 11, PyInt_FromLong(onid));
+ PyList_Append(tplist, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(tplist);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (sat_pos)
+ Py_DECREF(sat_pos);
+ if (sat_name)
+ Py_DECREF(sat_name);
+ if (sat_flags)
+ Py_DECREF(sat_flags);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_True);
+ return Py_True;
+PyObject *eDVBDB::readCables(ePyObject cab_list, ePyObject tp_dict)
+ if (!PyDict_Check(tp_dict)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 1 is not a python dict");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (!PyList_Check(cab_list))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 0 is not a python list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ XMLTree tree;
+ tree.setFilename("/etc/tuxbox/cables.xml");
+ tree.read();
+ Element *root = tree.getRoot();
+ if (!root)
+ {
+ eDebug("couldn't open /etc/tuxbox/cables.xml!!");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_False);
+ return Py_False;
+ }
+ const Attribute *at;
+ int tmp, *dest,
+ modulation, fec, freq, sr;
+ std::string name;
+ char *end_ptr;
+ const ElementList &root_elements = root->getElementList();
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(root_elements.begin()); it != root_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("element: %s", el->name().c_str());
+ const Element *el = *it;
+ const ElementList &cab_elements = el->getElementList();
+ const AttributeList &cab_attributes = el->getAttributeList();
+ ePyObject cab_name;
+ ePyObject cab_flags;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(cab_attributes.begin()); it != cab_attributes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ at = *it;
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "name")
+ cab_name = PyString_FromString(at->value().c_str());
+ else if (name == "flags")
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ cab_flags = PyInt_FromLong(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cab_name)
+ {
+ ePyObject tplist = PyList_New(0);
+ ePyObject tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ if (!cab_flags)
+ cab_flags = PyInt_FromLong(0);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, cab_name);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, cab_flags);
+ PyList_Append(cab_list, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ PyDict_SetItem(tp_dict, cab_name, tplist);
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(cab_elements.begin()); it != cab_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\telement: %s", (*it)->name().c_str());
+ const AttributeList &tp_attributes = (*it)->getAttributeList();
+ AttributeConstIterator end = tp_attributes.end();
+ modulation = eDVBFrontendParametersCable::Modulation_QAM64;
+ fec = eDVBFrontendParametersCable::FEC_Auto;
+ freq = 0;
+ sr = 0;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(tp_attributes.begin()); it != end; ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\t\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ at = *it;
+ dest = 0;
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "modulation") dest = &modulation;
+ else if (name == "frequency") dest = &freq;
+ else if (name == "symbol_rate") dest = &sr;
+ else if (name == "fec_inner") dest = &fec;
+ else continue;
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ *dest = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (freq && sr)
+ {
+ while (freq > 999999)
+ freq /= 10;
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(5);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(1));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(freq));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong(sr));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 3, PyInt_FromLong(modulation));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 4, PyInt_FromLong(fec));
+ PyList_Append(tplist, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(tplist);
+ }
+ else if (cab_flags)
+ Py_DECREF(cab_flags);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_True);
+ return Py_True;
+PyObject *eDVBDB::readTerrestrials(ePyObject ter_list, ePyObject tp_dict)
+ if (!PyDict_Check(tp_dict)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 1 is not a python dict");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (!PyList_Check(ter_list))
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_StandardError,
+ "type error");
+ eDebug("arg 0 is not a python list");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ XMLTree tree;
+ tree.setFilename("/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml");
+ tree.read();
+ Element *root = tree.getRoot();
+ if (!root)
+ {
+ eDebug("couldn't open /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml!!");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_False);
+ return Py_False;
+ }
+ const Attribute *at;
+ std::string name;
+ int tmp, *dest,
+ freq, bw, constellation, crh = 5, crl = 5, guard = 4, transm, hierarchy, inv = 2;
+ char *end_ptr;
+ const ElementList &root_elements = root->getElementList();
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(root_elements.begin()); it != root_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("element: %s", el->name().c_str());
+ const Element *el = *it;
+ const ElementList &ter_elements = el->getElementList();
+ const AttributeList &ter_attributes = el->getAttributeList();
+ ePyObject ter_name;
+ ePyObject ter_flags;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(ter_attributes.begin()); it != ter_attributes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ at = *it;
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "name")
+ ter_name = PyString_FromString(at->value().c_str());
+ else if (name == "flags")
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ ter_flags = PyInt_FromLong(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ter_name)
+ {
+ ePyObject tplist = PyList_New(0);
+ ePyObject tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ if (!ter_flags)
+ ter_flags = PyInt_FromLong(0);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, ter_name);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, ter_flags);
+ PyList_Append(ter_list, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ PyDict_SetItem(tp_dict, ter_name, tplist);
+ for (ElementConstIterator it(ter_elements.begin()); it != ter_elements.end(); ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\telement: %s", (*it)->name().c_str());
+ const AttributeList &tp_attributes = (*it)->getAttributeList();
+ AttributeConstIterator end = tp_attributes.end();
+ freq = 0;
+ bw = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::Bandwidth_Auto;
+ constellation = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::Modulation_Auto;
+ crh = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::FEC_Auto;
+ crl = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::FEC_Auto;
+ guard = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::GuardInterval_Auto;
+ transm = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::TransmissionMode_Auto;
+ hierarchy = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::Hierarchy_Auto;
+ inv = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial::Inversion_Unknown;
+ for (AttributeConstIterator it(tp_attributes.begin()); it != end; ++it)
+ {
+// eDebug("\t\tattr: %s", at->name().c_str());
+ at = *it;
+ dest = 0;
+ name = at->name();
+ if (name == "centre_frequency") dest = &freq;
+ else if (name == "bandwidth") dest = &bw;
+ else if (name == "constellation") dest = &constellation;
+ else if (name == "code_rate_hp") dest = &crh;
+ else if (name == "code_rate_lp") dest = &crl;
+ else if (name == "guard_interval") dest = &guard;
+ else if (name == "transmission_mode") dest = &transm;
+ else if (name == "hierarchy_information") dest = &hierarchy;
+ else if (name == "inversion") dest = &inv;
+ else continue;
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ tmp = strtol(at->value().c_str(), &end_ptr, 10);
+ if (!*end_ptr)
+ *dest = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ if (freq)
+ {
+ if (crh > 5) // our terrestrial.xml is buggy... 6 for AUTO
+ crh = 5;
+ if (crl > 5) // our terrestrial.xml is buggy... 6 for AUTO
+ crl = 5;
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(10);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(2));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(freq));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 2, PyInt_FromLong(bw));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 3, PyInt_FromLong(constellation));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 4, PyInt_FromLong(crh));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 5, PyInt_FromLong(crl));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 6, PyInt_FromLong(guard));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 7, PyInt_FromLong(transm));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 8, PyInt_FromLong(hierarchy));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 9, PyInt_FromLong(inv));
+ PyList_Append(tplist, tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(tplist);
+ }
+ else if (ter_flags)
+ Py_DECREF(ter_flags);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_True);
+ return Py_True;
bool remove=true;
int system;
- if ( orbpos != 0xFFFFFFFF && system == iDVBFrontend::feSatellite )
+ if ( system == iDVBFrontend::feSatellite )
eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite sat;
if ((unsigned int)sat.orbital_position != orbpos)
- if ( remove && chid.dvbnamespace != eNs && chid.dvbnamespace != ch.dvbnamespace )
+ if ( remove && chid.dvbnamespace != eNs ) // namespace given?
+ {
+ if ( system == iDVBFrontend::feCable && chid.dvbnamespace.get() == (int)0xFFFF0000 )
+ ;
+ else if ( system == iDVBFrontend::feTerrestrial && chid.dvbnamespace.get() == (int)0xEEEE0000 )
+ ;
+ else if ( chid.dvbnamespace != ch.dvbnamespace )
+ remove=false;
+ }
+ else if ( system == iDVBFrontend::feCable || system == iDVBFrontend::feTerrestrial )
if ( remove && chid.original_network_id != eOnid && chid.original_network_id != ch.original_network_id )
return ret;
+RESULT eDVBDB::removeServices(iDVBFrontendParameters *feparm)
+ int ret = -1;
+ std::set<eDVBChannelID> removed_chids;
+ std::map<eDVBChannelID, channel>::iterator it(m_channels.begin());
+ while (it != m_channels.end())
+ {
+ int diff;
+ if (!feparm->calculateDifference(&(*it->second.m_frontendParameters), diff, false))
+ {
+ if (diff < 4000)
+ {
+ removed_chids.insert(it->first);
+ m_channels.erase(it++);
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (!removed_chids.empty())
+ {
+ std::map<eServiceReferenceDVB, ePtr<eDVBService> >::iterator service(m_services.begin());
+ while(service != m_services.end())
+ {
+ eDVBChannelID chid;
+ service->first.getChannelID(chid);
+ std::set<eDVBChannelID>::iterator it(removed_chids.find(chid));
+ if (it != removed_chids.end())
+ m_services.erase(service++);
+ else
+ ++service;
+ }
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
RESULT eDVBDB::addFlag(const eServiceReference &ref, unsigned int flagmask)
if (ref.type == eServiceReference::idDVB)
if ((unsigned int)sat.orbital_position != orbpos)
- if ( remove && chid.dvbnamespace != eNs && chid.dvbnamespace != ch.dvbnamespace )
- remove=false;
+ if ( remove && chid.dvbnamespace != eNs )
+ {
+ if (system == iDVBFrontend::feCable && chid.dvbnamespace.get() == (int)0xFFFF0000)
+ ;
+ else if (system == iDVBFrontend::feTerrestrial && chid.dvbnamespace.get() == (int)0xEEEE0000)
+ ;
+ else if ( chid.dvbnamespace != ch.dvbnamespace )
+ remove=false;
+ }
if ( remove && chid.original_network_id != eOnid && chid.original_network_id != ch.original_network_id )
if ( remove && chid.transport_stream_id != eTsid && chid.transport_stream_id != ch.transport_stream_id )
RESULT eDVBDB::addChannelToList(const eDVBChannelID &id, iDVBFrontendParameters *feparm)
channel ch;
- assert(feparm);
+ std::map<eDVBChannelID, channel>::iterator it = m_channels.find(id);
+ ASSERT(feparm);
ch.m_frontendParameters = feparm;
- m_channels.insert(std::pair<eDVBChannelID, channel>(id, ch));
+ if (it != m_channels.end())
+ it->second = ch;
+ else
+ m_channels.insert(std::pair<eDVBChannelID, channel>(id, ch));
return 0;
eDebug("getBouquet failed.. no path given!");
return -1;
- unsigned int pos = str.find("FROM BOUQUET \"");
+ size_t pos = str.find("FROM BOUQUET \"");
if ( pos != std::string::npos )
str.erase(0, pos+14);
int eDVBDBQueryBase::compareLessEqual(const eServiceReferenceDVB &a, const eServiceReferenceDVB &b)
ePtr<eDVBService> a_service, b_service;
int sortmode = m_query ? m_query->m_sort : eDVBChannelQuery::tName;
if ((sortmode == eDVBChannelQuery::tName) || (sortmode == eDVBChannelQuery::tProvider))
- if (m_db->getService(a, a_service))
+ if (a.name.empty() && m_db->getService(a, a_service))
return 1;
- if (m_db->getService(b, b_service))
+ if (b.name.empty() && m_db->getService(b, b_service))
return 1;
switch (sortmode)
case eDVBChannelQuery::tName:
- return a_service->m_service_name_sort < b_service->m_service_name_sort;
+ if (a_service)
+ {
+ if (b_service)
+ return a_service->m_service_name_sort < b_service->m_service_name_sort;
+ else
+ {
+ std::string str = b.name;
+ makeUpper(str);
+ return a_service->m_service_name_sort < str;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (b_service)
+ {
+ std::string str = a.name;
+ makeUpper(str);
+ return str < b_service->m_service_name_sort;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string aa = a.name, bb = b.name;
+ makeUpper(aa);
+ makeUpper(bb);
+ return aa < bb;
+ }
case eDVBChannelQuery::tProvider:
return a_service->m_provider_name < b_service->m_provider_name;
case eDVBChannelQuery::tType:
while (m_cursor != m_db->m_services.end())
- ref = m_cursor->first;
+ ePtr<eDVBService> service = m_cursor->second;
+ if (service->isHidden())
+ ++m_cursor;
+ else
+ {
+ ref = m_cursor->first;
- int res = (!m_query) || m_cursor->second->checkFilter(ref, *m_query);
+ int res = (!m_query) || service->checkFilter(ref, *m_query);
- ++m_cursor;
+ ++m_cursor;
- if (res)
- return 0;
+ if (res)
+ return 0;
+ }
ref.type = eServiceReference::idInvalid;
std::map<eServiceReferenceDVB, ePtr<eDVBService> >::iterator it =
- int res = (!m_query) || it == m_db->m_services.end() || it->second->checkFilter(ref, *m_query);
+ int res = (!m_query) || it == m_db->m_services.end() || !(it->second->isHidden() && it->second->checkFilter(ref, *m_query));
y -= 3600;
return x < y;
- return a.name < b.name;
+ std::string aa = a.name, bb = b.name;
+ makeUpper(aa);
+ makeUpper(bb);
+ return aa < bb;
eDVBDBSatellitesQuery::eDVBDBSatellitesQuery(eDVBDB *db, const eServiceReference &source, eDVBChannelQuery *query)
:eDVBDBListQuery(db, source, query)
+ std::set<unsigned int> found;
for (std::map<eServiceReferenceDVB, ePtr<eDVBService> >::iterator it(m_db->m_services.begin());
it != m_db->m_services.end(); ++it)
- int res = it->second->checkFilter(it->first, *query);
+ int res = !it->second->isHidden() && it->second->checkFilter(it->first, *query);
if (res)
unsigned int dvbnamespace = it->first.getDVBNamespace().get()&0xFFFF0000;
- bool found=0;
- for (std::list<eServiceReferenceDVB>::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i)
- if ( (i->getDVBNamespace().get()&0xFFFF0000) == dvbnamespace )
- {
- found=true;
- break;
- }
- if (!found)
+ if (found.find(dvbnamespace) == found.end())
+ found.insert(dvbnamespace);
eServiceReferenceDVB ref;
eDVBDBProvidersQuery::eDVBDBProvidersQuery(eDVBDB *db, const eServiceReference &source, eDVBChannelQuery *query)
:eDVBDBListQuery(db, source, query)
+ std::set<std::string> found;
for (std::map<eServiceReferenceDVB, ePtr<eDVBService> >::iterator it(m_db->m_services.begin());
it != m_db->m_services.end(); ++it)
- int res = it->second->checkFilter(it->first, *query);
+ int res = !it->second->isHidden() && it->second->checkFilter(it->first, *query);
if (res)
- bool found=0;
const char *provider_name = it->second->m_provider_name.length() ?
it->second->m_provider_name.c_str() :
- for (std::list<eServiceReferenceDVB>::iterator i(m_list.begin()); i != m_list.end(); ++i)
- if (i->name == provider_name)
- {
- found=true;
- break;
- }
- if (!found)
+ if (found.find(std::string(provider_name)) == found.end())
+ found.insert(std::string(provider_name));
eServiceReferenceDVB ref;
char buf[64];
RESULT parseExpression(ePtr<eDVBChannelQuery> &res, std::list<std::string>::const_iterator begin, std::list<std::string>::const_iterator end)
std::list<std::string>::const_iterator end_of_exp;
if (begin == end)
- {
- eDebug("empty expression!");
return 0;
- }
if (*begin == "(")
end_of_exp = begin;
if (end_of_exp == end)
eDebug("expression parse: end of expression while searching for closing brace");
return -1;
// begin..end_of_exp
int r = parseExpression(res, begin, end_of_exp);
if (r)
return r;
/* we had only one sub expression */
if (end_of_exp == end)
// eDebug("only one sub expression");
return 0;
/* otherwise we have an operator here.. */
ePtr<eDVBChannelQuery> r2 = res;
res = new eDVBChannelQuery();
res->m_sort = 0;
res->m_p1 = r2;
res->m_inverse = 0;
r2 = 0;
if (*end_of_exp == "||")
res->m_type = eDVBChannelQuery::tOR;
else if (*end_of_exp == "&&")
res = 0;
return 1;
return parseExpression(res->m_p2, end_of_exp, end);
// "begin" <op> "end"
std::string type, op, val;
res = new eDVBChannelQuery();
res->m_sort = 0;
int cnt = 0;
while (begin != end)
if (cnt != 3)
eDebug("malformed query: missing stuff");
res = 0;
return 1;
res->m_type = decodeType(type);
if (res->m_type == -1)
eDebug("malformed query: invalid type %s", type.c_str());
res = 0;
return 1;
if (op == "==")
res->m_inverse = 0;
else if (op == "!=")
res = 0;
return 1;
res->m_string = val;
- res->m_int = atoi(val.c_str());
-// res->m_channelid = eDVBChannelID(val);
+ if (res->m_type == eDVBChannelQuery::tChannelID)
+ {
+ int ns, tsid, onid;
+ if (sscanf(val.c_str(), "%08x%04x%04x", &ns, &tsid, &onid) == 3)
+ res->m_channelid = eDVBChannelID(eDVBNamespace(ns), eTransportStreamID(tsid), eOriginalNetworkID(onid));
+ else
+ eDebug("couldn't parse channelid !! format should be hex NNNNNNNNTTTTOOOO (namespace, tsid, onid)");
+ }
+ else
+ res->m_int = atoi(val.c_str());
return 0;
RESULT eDVBChannelQuery::compile(ePtr<eDVBChannelQuery> &res, std::string query)
std::list<std::string> tokens;
std::string current_token;
std::string bouquet_name;
int c = (i < query.size()) ? query[i] : ' ';
int issplit = !!strchr(splitchars, c);
int isaln = isalnum(c);
int iswhite = c == ' ';
int isquot = c == '\"';
if (quotemode)
iswhite = issplit = 0;
isaln = lastalnum;
if (issplit || iswhite || isquot || lastsplit || (lastalnum != isaln))
if (current_token.size())
if (!(iswhite || isquot))
current_token += c;
if (isquot)
quotemode = !quotemode;
lastsplit = issplit;
lastalnum = isaln;
// for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator a(tokens.begin()); a != tokens.end(); ++a)
// {
// printf("%s\n", a->c_str());
res = 0;
return -1;
// eDebug("sort by %d", sort);
/* now we recursivly parse that. */
int r = parseExpression(res, tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
/* we have an empty (but valid!) expression */
if (!r && !res)
res->m_inverse = 0;
res->m_type = eDVBChannelQuery::tAny;
if (res)
res->m_sort = sort;