+ static RESULT getInstance(ePtr<eDVBResourceManager> &);
+ /* allocates a frontend able to tune to frontend paramters 'feperm'.
+ the frontend must be tuned lateron. there is no guarante
+ that tuning will succeed - it just means that if this frontend
+ can't tune, no other frontend could do it.
+ there might be a priority given to certain frontend/chid
+ combinations. this will be evaluated here. */
+ RESULT allocateFrontend(ePtr<eDVBAllocatedFrontend> &fe, ePtr<iDVBFrontendParameters> &feparm, bool simulate=false);
+ RESULT allocateFrontendByIndex(ePtr<eDVBAllocatedFrontend> &fe, int slot_index);
+ /* allocate a demux able to filter on the selected frontend. */
+ RESULT allocateDemux(eDVBRegisteredFrontend *fe, ePtr<eDVBAllocatedDemux> &demux, int &cap);