-from config import *
+from config import config, ConfigSelection, ConfigYesNo, ConfigEnableDisable, ConfigSubsection, ConfigBoolean
import os
-from enigma import *
+from enigma import eAVSwitch
class AVSwitch:
- INPUT = { "ENCODER": 0, "SCART": 1, "AUX": 2 }
- def __init__(self):
- pass
+ INPUT = { "ENCODER": (0, 4), "SCART": (1, 3), "AUX": (2, 4) }
+ def setInput(self, input):
+ eAVSwitch.getInstance().setInput(self.INPUT[input][0])
+ if self.INPUT[input][1] == 4:
+ aspect = self.getAspectRatioSetting()
+ self.setAspectWSS(aspect)
+ self.setAspectSlowBlank(aspect)
+ else:
+ eAVSwitch.getInstance().setSlowblank(self.INPUT[input][1])
+ # FIXME why do we have to reset the colorformat? bug in avs-driver?
+ map = {"cvbs": 0, "rgb": 1, "svideo": 2, "yuv": 3}
+ eAVSwitch.getInstance().setColorFormat(map[config.av.colorformat.value])
def setColorFormat(self, value):
def setAspectRatio(self, value):
+ self.setAspectWSS(value)
+ self.setAspectSlowBlank(value)
def setSystem(self, value):
- print "system:" + str(value)
- def setWSS(self, value):
- #print "wss:" + str(value)
- pass
- def setInput(self, input):
- eAVSwitch.getInstance().setInput(self.INPUT[input])
+ def getAspectRatioSetting(self):
+ valstr = config.av.aspectratio.value
+ if valstr == "4_3_letterbox":
+ val = 0
+ elif valstr == "4_3_panscan":
+ val = 1
+ elif valstr == "16_9":
+ val = 2
+ elif valstr == "16_9_always":
+ val = 3
+ elif valstr == "16_10_letterbox":
+ val = 4
+ elif valstr == "16_10_panscan":
+ val = 5
+ return val
+ def setAspectWSS(self, aspect=None):
+ if aspect is None:
+ aspect = self.getAspectRatioSetting()
+ if aspect == 0 or aspect == 1: # letterbox or panscan
+ value = 3 # 4:3_full_format
+ elif aspect == 2: # 16:9
+ if not config.av.wss.value:
+ value = 2 # auto(4:3_off)
+ else:
+ value = 1 # auto
+ elif aspect == 3: # always 16:9
+ value = 4 # 16:9_full_format
+ elif aspect == 4 or aspect == 5: # 16:10
+ value = 10 # 14:9_full_format
+ eAVSwitch.getInstance().setWSS(value)
+ def setAspectSlowBlank(self, aspect=None):
+ if aspect is None:
+ aspect = self.getAspectRatioSetting()
+ if aspect == 0 or aspect == 1: # letterbox or panscan
+ value = 2 # 12 V
+ elif aspect == 2: # 16:9
+ value = 4 # auto
+ elif aspect == 3 or aspect == 4 or aspect == 5: # always 16:9
+ value = 1 # 6V
+ eAVSwitch.getInstance().setSlowblank(value)
def InitAVSwitch():
- config.av = ConfigSubsection();
- config.av.colorformat = configElement("config.av.colorformat", configSelection, 1, ("CVBS", "RGB", "S-Video") );
- config.av.aspectratio = configElement("config.av.aspectratio", configSelection, 0, ("4:3 Letterbox", "4:3 PanScan", "16:9", "16:9 always") );
- #config.av.tvsystem = configElement("config.av.tvsystem", configSelection, 0, ("PAL", "PAL + PAL60", "Multi", "NTSC") );
- config.av.tvsystem = configElement("config.av.tvsystem", configSelection, 0, ("PAL", "NTSC") );
- config.av.wss = configElement("config.av.wss", configSelection, 0, ("Enable", "Disable") );
- config.av.defaultac3 = configElement("config.av.defaultac3", configSelection, 1, ("Enable", "Disable") );
- config.av.vcrswitch = configElement("config.av.vcrswitch", configSelection, 1, ("Enable", "Disable") );
+ config.av = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.av.yuvenabled = ConfigBoolean(default=False)
+ colorformat_choices = {"cvbs": _("CVBS"), "rgb": _("RGB"), "svideo": _("S-Video")}
+ # when YUV is not enabled, don't let the user select it
+ if config.av.yuvenabled.value:
+ colorformat_choices["yuv"] = _("YPbPr")
+ config.av.colorformat = ConfigSelection(choices=colorformat_choices, default="rgb")
+ config.av.aspectratio = ConfigSelection(choices={
+ "4_3_letterbox": _("4:3 Letterbox"),
+ "4_3_panscan": _("4:3 PanScan"),
+ "16_9": _("16:9"),
+ "16_9_always": _("16:9 always"),
+ "16_10_letterbox": _("16:10 Letterbox"),
+ "16_10_panscan": _("16:10 PanScan")},
+ default = "4_3_letterbox")
+ config.av.tvsystem = ConfigSelection(choices = {"pal": _("PAL"), "ntsc": _("NTSC"), "multinorm": _("multinorm")}, default="pal")
+ config.av.wss = ConfigEnableDisable(default = True)
+ config.av.defaultac3 = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
+ config.av.vcrswitch = ConfigEnableDisable(default = False)
iAVSwitch = AVSwitch()
def setColorFormat(configElement):
- iAVSwitch.setColorFormat(configElement.value);
+ map = {"cvbs": 0, "rgb": 1, "svideo": 2, "yuv": 3}
+ iAVSwitch.setColorFormat(map[configElement.value])
def setAspectRatio(configElement):
- iAVSwitch.setAspectRatio(configElement.value);
+ map = {"4_3_letterbox": 0, "4_3_panscan": 1, "16_9": 2, "16_9_always": 3, "16_10_letterbox": 4, "16_10_panscan": 5}
+ iAVSwitch.setAspectRatio(map[configElement.value])
def setSystem(configElement):
- iAVSwitch.setSystem(configElement.value);
+ map = {"pal": 0, "ntsc": 1, "multinorm" : 2}
+ iAVSwitch.setSystem(map[configElement.value])
def setWSS(configElement):
- iAVSwitch.setWSS(configElement.value);
+ iAVSwitch.setAspectWSS()
# this will call the "setup-val" initial
- config.av.colorformat.addNotifier(setColorFormat);
- config.av.aspectratio.addNotifier(setAspectRatio);
- config.av.tvsystem.addNotifier(setSystem);
- config.av.wss.addNotifier(setWSS);
- iAVSwitch.setInput("ENCODER") # init on startup
\ No newline at end of file
+ config.av.colorformat.addNotifier(setColorFormat)
+ config.av.aspectratio.addNotifier(setAspectRatio)
+ config.av.tvsystem.addNotifier(setSystem)
+ config.av.wss.addNotifier(setWSS)
+ iAVSwitch.setInput("ENCODER") # init on startup