+#if 0
+ if (!m_timeshift_file_next.empty())
+ {
+ eDebug("timeshift SOF, switch to next file");
+ m_decoder->pause();
+ m_first_program_info |= 2;
+ eServiceReferenceDVB r = (eServiceReferenceDVB&)m_reference;
+ r.path = m_timeshift_file_next;
+ /* free the timeshift service handler, we need the resources */
+ m_service_handler_timeshift.free();
+ resetTimeshift(1);
+ if (m_skipmode < 0)
+ m_cue->seekTo(0, -1000);
+ ePtr<iTsSource> source = createTsSource(r);
+ m_service_handler_timeshift.tuneExt(r, 1, source, r.path.c_str(), m_cue, 0, m_dvb_service); /* use the decoder demux for everything */
+ m_event((iPlayableService*)this, evUser+1);
+ }
+ else
+ m_event((iPlayableService*)this, evSOF);