-from Screen import *
-from Components.MenuList import MenuList
+from Screen import Screen
from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap
from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap
-from Components.Header import Header
-from Components.Button import Button
from Components.Label import Label
-from Components.HTMLComponent import *
-from Components.GUIComponent import *
-from Components.config import *
+from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigSelection, ConfigSubList, getConfigListEntry, KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_0, ConfigNothing, ConfigPIN
+from Components.ConfigList import ConfigList
-#from enigma import eListbox, eListboxPythonConfigContent
-from enigma import *
+from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo
-#use this class to synchronize all ci to/from user communications
-class CiWait(Screen):
- def cancel(self):
- #stop pending requests
- self.Timer.stop()
- self.close()
- def TimerCheck(self):
- #special cases to prevent to fast resets/inits
- if self.lastQuery == 0:
- self.cancel()
- elif self.lastQuery == 1:
- self.cancel()
- def __init__(self, session, slot, query):
- Screen.__init__(self, session)
- self["message"] = Label("waiting for CI...")
- self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions"],
- {
- "cancel": self.cancel
- })
- self.lastQuery = query
- self.Timer = eTimer()
- self.Timer.timeout.get().append(self.TimerCheck)
- if query == 0: #reset
- self.Timer.start(1000) #block 1 second
- print "reset"
- if query == 1: #init
- self.Timer.start(1000) #block 1 second
- print "init"
- if query == 2: #mmi-open
- print "mmi open"
- if query == 3: #mmi-answer
- print "mmi answer"
-class CiEntryList(HTMLComponent, GUIComponent):
- def __init__(self, list):
- GUIComponent.__init__(self)
- self.l = eListboxPythonConfigContent()
- self.l.setList(list)
- self.l.setSeperation(100)
- self.list = list
- def toggle(self):
- selection = self.getCurrent()
- selection[1].toggle()
- self.invalidateCurrent()
- def handleKey(self, key):
- #not every element got an .handleKey
- try:
- selection = self.getCurrent()
- selection[1].handleKey(key)
- self.invalidateCurrent()
- except:
- pass
+from enigma import eTimer, eDVBCI_UI, eDVBCIInterfaces
- def getCurrent(self):
- return self.l.getCurrentSelection()
- def getCurrentIndex(self):
- return self.l.getCurrentSelectionIndex()
+def setCIBitrate(configElement):
+ if configElement.value == "no":
+ eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setClockRate(configElement.slotid, eDVBCI_UI.rateNormal)
+ else:
+ eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setClockRate(configElement.slotid, eDVBCI_UI.rateHigh)
- def invalidateCurrent(self):
- self.l.invalidateEntry(self.l.getCurrentSelectionIndex())
+def InitCiConfig():
+ config.ci = ConfigSubList()
+ for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI):
+ config.ci.append(ConfigSubsection())
+ config.ci[slot].canDescrambleMultipleServices = ConfigSelection(choices = [("auto", _("Auto")), ("no", _("No")), ("yes", _("Yes"))], default = "auto")
+ if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"]:
+ config.ci[slot].canHandleHighBitrates = ConfigSelection(choices = [("no", _("No")), ("yes", _("Yes"))], default = "no")
+ config.ci[slot].canHandleHighBitrates.slotid = slot
+ config.ci[slot].canHandleHighBitrates.addNotifier(setCIBitrate)
- def GUIcreate(self, parent):
- self.instance = eListbox(parent)
- self.instance.setContent(self.l)
- def GUIdelete(self):
- self.instance.setContent(None)
- self.instance = None
-class CiMmi(Screen):
- def addEntry(self, list, entry, index):
- if entry[0] == "TEXT": #handle every item (text / pin only?)
- list.append( (entry[1], index) )
- if entry[0] == "PIN":
- if entry[3] == 1:
- # masked pins:
- x = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [1234], configsequencearg.get("PINCODE", (entry[1], "-")))
- else:
- # unmasked pins:
- x = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [1234], configsequencearg.get("PINCODE", (entry[1], "")))
- self.pin = getConfigListEntry(entry[2],x)
- list.append( self.pin )
- def okbuttonClick(self):
- if self.tag == 0: #ENQ
- print "enq- answer pin:" + str(self.pin[1].parent.value[0])
- #ci[self.slotid]->getInstance().mmiEnqAnswer(self.pin[1].parent.value[0])
- elif self.tag == 1: #Menu
- print "answer - actual:" + str(self["entries"].getCurrentIndex())
- #ci[self.slotid]->getInstance().mmiAnswer(self["entries"].getCurrentIndex())
- elif self.tag == 2: #List
- print "answer on List - send 0"
- #ci[self.slotid]->getInstance().mmiAnswer(0)
- self.close()
- def keyNumberGlobal(self, number):
- self["entries"].handleKey(config.key[str(number)])
+class MMIDialog(Screen):
+ def __init__(self, session, slotid, action, handler = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance(), wait_text = _("wait for ci...") ):
+ Screen.__init__(self, session)
- def keyLeft(self):
- self["entries"].handleKey(config.key["prevElement"])
+ print "MMIDialog with action" + str(action)
- def keyRight(self):
- self["entries"].handleKey(config.key["nextElement"])
+ self.mmiclosed = False
+ self.tag = None
+ self.slotid = slotid
- def keyCancel(self):
- print "keyCancel"
- self.close()
- #tag is 0=ENQ 1=Menu 2=List
- def __init__(self, session, slotid, tag, title, subtitle, bottom, entries):
- Screen.__init__(self, session)
+ self.timer = eTimer()
+ self.timer.callback.append(self.keyCancel)
- self.slotid = slotid
- self.tag = tag
- self["title"] = Label(title)
- self["subtitle"] = Label(subtitle)
- self["bottom"] = Label(bottom)
- list = [ ]
- cnt = 0
- for entry in entries:
- self.addEntry(list, entry, cnt)
- cnt = cnt + 1
- self["entries"] = CiEntryList(list)
+ #else the skins fails
+ self["title"] = Label("")
+ self["subtitle"] = Label("")
+ self["bottom"] = Label("")
+ self["entries"] = ConfigList([ ])
self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["SetupActions"],
"0": self.keyNumberGlobal
}, -1)
+ self.action = action
+ self.handler = handler
+ self.wait_text = wait_text
+ if action == 2: #start MMI
+ handler.startMMI(self.slotid)
+ self.showWait()
+ elif action == 3: #mmi already there (called from infobar)
+ self.showScreen()
+ def addEntry(self, list, entry):
+ if entry[0] == "TEXT": #handle every item (text / pin only?)
+ list.append( (entry[1], ConfigNothing(), entry[2]) )
+ if entry[0] == "PIN":
+ pinlength = entry[1]
+ if entry[3] == 1:
+ # masked pins:
+ x = ConfigPIN(0, len = pinlength, censor = "*")
+ else:
+ # unmasked pins:
+ x = ConfigPIN(0, len = pinlength)
+ self["subtitle"].setText(entry[2])
+ list.append( getConfigListEntry("", x) )
+ self["bottom"].setText(_("please press OK when ready"))
-class CiSelection(Screen):
- def createMenu(self):
- self.list = [ ]
- self.list.append( ("Reset", 0) )
- self.list.append( ("Init", 1) )
- self.state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(0)
- if self.state == 0: #no module
- self.list.append( ("no module found", 2) )
- elif self.state == 1: #module in init
- self.list.append( ("init module", 2) )
- elif self.state == 2: #module ready
- #get appname
- appname = "Dreamcrypt SuperCAM"
- self.list.append( (appname, 2) )
- self["entries"] .list = self.list
- self["entries"] .l.setList(self.list)
- def TimerCheck(self):
- state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(0)
- if self.state != state:
- print "something happens"
- self.state = state
- self.createMenu()
def okbuttonClick(self):
- if self.state == 2:
- #FIXME: find out the correct slot
- self.session.open(CiWait, 0, self["entries"].getCurrent()[1])
+ self.timer.stop()
+ if not self.tag:
+ return
+ if self.tag == "WAIT":
+ print "do nothing - wait"
+ elif self.tag == "MENU":
+ print "answer MENU"
+ cur = self["entries"].getCurrent()
+ if cur:
+ self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, cur[2])
+ else:
+ self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0)
+ self.showWait()
+ elif self.tag == "LIST":
+ print "answer LIST"
+ self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0)
+ self.showWait()
+ elif self.tag == "ENQ":
+ cur = self["entries"].getCurrent()
+ answer = str(cur[1].value)
+ length = len(answer)
+ while length < cur[1].getLength():
+ answer = '0'+answer
+ length+=1
+ self.handler.answerEnq(self.slotid, answer)
+ self.showWait()
+ def closeMmi(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.close(self.slotid)
+ def keyCancel(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ if not self.tag or self.mmiclosed:
+ self.closeMmi()
+ elif self.tag == "WAIT":
+ self.handler.stopMMI(self.slotid)
+ self.closeMmi()
+ elif self.tag in ( "MENU", "LIST" ):
+ print "cancel list"
+ self.handler.answerMenu(self.slotid, 0)
+ self.showWait()
+ elif self.tag == "ENQ":
+ print "cancel enq"
+ self.handler.cancelEnq(self.slotid)
+ self.showWait()
+ else:
+ print "give cancel action to ci"
+ def keyConfigEntry(self, key):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ try:
+ self["entries"].handleKey(key)
+ except:
+ pass
- #generate menu / list
- #list = [ ]
- #list.append( ("TEXT", "CA-Info") )
- #list.append( ("TEXT", "Card Status") )
- #list.append( ("PIN", 6, "Card Pin", 1) )
- #self.session.open(CiMmi, 0, 0, "Wichtiges CI", "Mainmenu", "Footer", list)
+ def keyNumberGlobal(self, number):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_0 + number)
- def cancel(self):
- self.Timer.stop()
- self.close()
+ def keyLeft(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_LEFT)
+ def keyRight(self):
+ self.timer.stop()
+ self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_RIGHT)
+ def updateList(self, list):
+ List = self["entries"]
+ try:
+ List.instance.moveSelectionTo(0)
+ except:
+ pass
+ List.l.setList(list)
+ def showWait(self):
+ self.tag = "WAIT"
+ self["title"].setText("")
+ self["subtitle"].setText("")
+ self["bottom"].setText("")
+ list = [ ]
+ list.append( (self.wait_text, ConfigNothing()) )
+ self.updateList(list)
+ def showScreen(self):
+ screen = self.handler.getMMIScreen(self.slotid)
+ list = [ ]
+ self.timer.stop()
+ if len(screen) > 0 and screen[0][0] == "CLOSE":
+ timeout = screen[0][1]
+ self.mmiclosed = True
+ if timeout > 0:
+ self.timer.start(timeout*1000, True)
+ else:
+ self.keyCancel()
+ else:
+ self.mmiclosed = False
+ self.tag = screen[0][0]
+ for entry in screen:
+ if entry[0] == "PIN":
+ self.addEntry(list, entry)
+ else:
+ if entry[0] == "TITLE":
+ self["title"].setText(entry[1])
+ elif entry[0] == "SUBTITLE":
+ self["subtitle"].setText(entry[1])
+ elif entry[0] == "BOTTOM":
+ self["bottom"].setText(entry[1])
+ elif entry[0] == "TEXT":
+ self.addEntry(list, entry)
+ self.updateList(list)
+ def ciStateChanged(self):
+ do_close = False
+ if self.action == 0: #reset
+ do_close = True
+ if self.action == 1: #init
+ do_close = True
+ #module still there ?
+ if self.handler.getState(self.slotid) != 2:
+ do_close = True
+ #mmi session still active ?
+ if self.handler.getMMIState(self.slotid) != 1:
+ do_close = True
+ if do_close:
+ self.closeMmi()
+ elif self.action > 1 and self.handler.availableMMI(self.slotid) == 1:
+ self.showScreen()
+ #FIXME: check for mmi-session closed
+class CiMessageHandler:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.session = None
+ self.ci = { }
+ self.dlgs = { }
+ eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().ciStateChanged.get().append(self.ciStateChanged)
+ SystemInfo["CommonInterface"] = eDVBCIInterfaces.getInstance().getNumOfSlots() > 0
+ try:
+ file = open("/proc/stb/tsmux/ci0_tsclk", "r")
+ file.close()
+ SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"] = True
+ except:
+ SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"] = False
+ def setSession(self, session):
+ self.session = session
+ def ciStateChanged(self, slot):
+ if slot in self.ci:
+ self.ci[slot](slot)
+ else:
+ if slot in self.dlgs:
+ self.dlgs[slot].ciStateChanged()
+ elif eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().availableMMI(slot) == 1:
+ if self.session:
+ self.dlgs[slot] = self.session.openWithCallback(self.dlgClosed, MMIDialog, slot, 3)
+ def dlgClosed(self, slot):
+ if slot in self.dlgs:
+ del self.dlgs[slot]
+ def registerCIMessageHandler(self, slot, func):
+ self.unregisterCIMessageHandler(slot)
+ self.ci[slot] = func
+ def unregisterCIMessageHandler(self, slot):
+ if slot in self.ci:
+ del self.ci[slot]
+CiHandler = CiMessageHandler()
+class CiSelection(Screen):
def __init__(self, session):
- #FIXME support for one ci only
Screen.__init__(self, session)
- self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions"],
+ self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "CiSelectionActions"],
+ "left": self.keyLeft,
+ "right": self.keyLeft,
"ok": self.okbuttonClick,
"cancel": self.cancel
- })
+ },-1)
+ self.dlg = None
+ self.state = { }
self.list = [ ]
- self["entries"] = CiEntryList(list)
- self.createMenu()
- self.Timer = eTimer()
- self.Timer.timeout.get().append(self.TimerCheck)
- self.Timer.start(1000)
+ for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI):
+ state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot)
+ if state != -1:
+ self.appendEntries(slot, state)
+ CiHandler.registerCIMessageHandler(slot, self.ciStateChanged)
+ menuList = ConfigList(self.list)
+ menuList.list = self.list
+ menuList.l.setList(self.list)
+ self["entries"] = menuList
+ self["entries"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged)
+ self["text"] = Label(_("Slot %d")%(1))
+ def selectionChanged(self):
+ cur_idx = self["entries"].getCurrentIndex()
+ self["text"].setText(_("Slot %d")%((cur_idx / 5)+1))
+ def keyConfigEntry(self, key):
+ try:
+ self["entries"].handleKey(key)
+ self["entries"].getCurrent()[1].save()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def keyLeft(self):
+ self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_LEFT)
+ def keyRight(self):
+ self.keyConfigEntry(KEY_RIGHT)
+ def appendEntries(self, slot, state):
+ self.state[slot] = state
+ self.list.append( (_("Reset"), ConfigNothing(), 0, slot) )
+ self.list.append( (_("Init"), ConfigNothing(), 1, slot) )
+ if self.state[slot] == 0: #no module
+ self.list.append( (_("no module found"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) )
+ elif self.state[slot] == 1: #module in init
+ self.list.append( (_("init module"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) )
+ elif self.state[slot] == 2: #module ready
+ #get appname
+ appname = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getAppName(slot)
+ self.list.append( (appname, ConfigNothing(), 2, slot) )
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Multiple service support"), config.ci[slot].canDescrambleMultipleServices))
+ if SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceSupportsHighBitrates"]:
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("High bitrate support"), config.ci[slot].canHandleHighBitrates))
+ def updateState(self, slot):
+ state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot)
+ self.state[slot] = state
+ slotidx=0
+ while len(self.list[slotidx]) < 3 or self.list[slotidx][3] != slot:
+ slotidx += 1
+ slotidx += 1 # do not change Reset
+ slotidx += 1 # do not change Init
+ if state == 0: #no module
+ self.list[slotidx] = (_("no module found"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)
+ elif state == 1: #module in init
+ self.list[slotidx] = (_("init module"), ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)
+ elif state == 2: #module ready
+ #get appname
+ appname = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getAppName(slot)
+ self.list[slotidx] = (appname, ConfigNothing(), 2, slot)
+ lst = self["entries"]
+ lst.list = self.list
+ lst.l.setList(self.list)
+ def ciStateChanged(self, slot):
+ if self.dlg:
+ self.dlg.ciStateChanged()
+ else:
+ state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot)
+ if self.state[slot] != state:
+ #print "something happens"
+ self.state[slot] = state
+ self.updateState(slot)
+ def dlgClosed(self, slot):
+ self.dlg = None
+ def okbuttonClick(self):
+ cur = self["entries"].getCurrent()
+ if cur and len(cur) > 2:
+ action = cur[2]
+ slot = cur[3]
+ if action == 0: #reset
+ eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setReset(slot)
+ elif action == 1: #init
+ eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().setInit(slot)
+ elif self.state[slot] == 2:
+ self.dlg = self.session.openWithCallback(self.dlgClosed, MMIDialog, slot, action)
+ def cancel(self):
+ for slot in range(MAX_NUM_CI):
+ state = eDVBCI_UI.getInstance().getState(slot)
+ if state != -1:
+ CiHandler.unregisterCIMessageHandler(slot)
+ self.close()