import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
+from Tools.XMLTools import elementsWithTag, mergeText
+colorNames = dict()
def dump(x, i=0):
print " " * i + str(x)
-dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(
- """
- <skin>
- <screen name="mainMenu" position="300,100" size="300,300" title="real main menu">
- <widget name="okbutton" position="10,190" size="280,50" />
- <widget name="title" position="10,10" size="280,20" />
- <widget name="menu" position="10,30" size="280,140" />
- </screen>
- <screen name="clockDisplay" position="300,100" size="300,300">
- <widget name="okbutton" position="10,10" size="280,40" />
- <widget name="title" position="10,120" size="280,50" />
- <widget name="theClock" position="10,60" size="280,50" />
- </screen>
- <screen name="infoBar" position="100,100" size="300,400" title="InfoBar">
- <widget name="channelSwitcher" position="10,190" size="280,50" />
- </screen>
- <screen name="channelSelection" position="300,100" size="300,300" title="Channel Selection">
- <widget name="okbutton" position="10,190" size="280,50" />
- <widget name="list" position="10,30" size="280,140" />
- </screen>
- <screen name="serviceScan" position="150,100" size="300,200" title="Service Scan">
- <widget name="scan_progress" position="10,10" size="280,50" />
- <widget name="scan_state" position="10,60" size="280,30" />
- <widget name="okbutton" position="10,100" size="280,40" />
- </screen>
- </skin>
+from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_SKIN, SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE
+dom_skins = [ ]
+def loadSkin(name):
+ # read the skin
+ dom_skins.append(xml.dom.minidom.parse(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN, name)))
def parsePosition(str):
x, y = str.split(',')
x, y = str.split(',')
return eSize(int(x), int(y))
-def applyAttributes(guiObject, node):
+def parseFont(str):
+ name, size = str.split(';')
+ return gFont(name, int(size))
+def parseColor(str):
+ if str[0] != '#':
+ try:
+ return colorNames[str]
+ except:
+ raise ("color '%s' must be #aarrggbb or valid named color" % (str))
+ return gRGB(int(str[1:], 0x10))
+def collectAttributes(skinAttributes, node, skin_path_prefix=None):
# walk all attributes
for p in range(node.attributes.length):
a = node.attributes.item(p)
# convert to string (was: unicode)
attrib = str(
- # TODO: proper UTF8 translation?! (for value)
# TODO: localization? as in e1?
- value = str(a.value)
+ value = a.value.encode("utf-8")
+ if skin_path_prefix and attrib in ["pixmap", "pointer"] and len(value) and value[0:2] == "~/":
+ value = skin_path_prefix + value[1:]
- # and set attributes
+ skinAttributes.append((attrib, value))
+def loadPixmap(path):
+ ptr = loadPNG(path)
+ if ptr is None:
+ raise "pixmap file %s not found!" % (path)
+ return ptr
+def applySingleAttribute(guiObject, desktop, attrib, value):
+ # and set attributes
+ try:
if attrib == 'position':
elif attrib == 'size':
elif attrib == 'title':
- guiObject.setTitle(value)
+ guiObject.setTitle(_(value))
+ elif attrib == 'text':
+ guiObject.setText(value)
+ elif attrib == 'font':
+ guiObject.setFont(parseFont(value))
+ elif attrib == 'zPosition':
+ guiObject.setZPosition(int(value))
+ elif attrib == "pixmap":
+ ptr = loadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, value))
+ # that __deref__ still scares me!
+ desktop.makeCompatiblePixmap(ptr.__deref__())
+ guiObject.setPixmap(ptr.__deref__())
+ # guiObject.setPixmapFromFile(value)
+ elif attrib == "alphatest": # used by ePixmap
+ guiObject.setAlphatest(
+ { "on": True,
+ "off": False
+ }[value])
+ elif attrib == "orientation": # used by eSlider
+ try:
+ guiObject.setOrientation(
+ { "orVertical": guiObject.orVertical,
+ "orHorizontal": guiObject.orHorizontal
+ }[value])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "oprientation must be either orVertical or orHorizontal!"
+ elif attrib == "valign":
+ try:
+ guiObject.setVAlign(
+ { "top": guiObject.alignTop,
+ "center": guiObject.alignCenter,
+ "bottom": guiObject.alignBottom
+ }[value])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "valign must be either top, center or bottom!"
+ elif attrib == "halign":
+ try:
+ guiObject.setHAlign(
+ { "left": guiObject.alignLeft,
+ "center": guiObject.alignCenter,
+ "right": guiObject.alignRight,
+ "block": guiObject.alignBlock
+ }[value])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "halign must be either left, center, right or block!"
+ elif attrib == "flags":
+ flags = value.split(',')
+ for f in flags:
+ try:
+ fv = eWindow.__dict__[f]
+ guiObject.setFlag(fv)
+ except KeyError:
+ print "illegal flag %s!" % f
+ elif attrib == "backgroundColor":
+ guiObject.setBackgroundColor(parseColor(value))
+ elif attrib == "foregroundColor":
+ guiObject.setForegroundColor(parseColor(value))
+ elif attrib == "selectionDisabled":
+ guiObject.setSelectionEnable(0)
+ elif attrib == "transparent":
+ guiObject.setTransparent(int(value))
+ elif attrib == "borderColor":
+ guiObject.setBorderColor(parseColor(value))
+ elif attrib == "borderWidth":
+ guiObject.setBorderWidth(int(value))
+ elif attrib == "scrollbarMode":
+ guiObject.setScrollbarMode(
+ { "showOnDemand": guiObject.showOnDemand,
+ "showAlways": guiObject.showAlways,
+ "showNever": guiObject.showNever
+ }[value])
+ elif attrib == "enableWrapAround":
+ guiObject.setWrapAround(True)
+ elif attrib == "pointer":
+ (name, pos) = value.split(':')
+ pos = parsePosition(pos)
+ ptr = loadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, name))
+ desktop.makeCompatiblePixmap(ptr.__deref__())
+ guiObject.setPointer(ptr.__deref__(), pos)
elif attrib != 'name':
print "unsupported attribute " + attrib + "=" + value
+ except int:
+# AttributeError:
+ print "widget %s (%s) doesn't support attribute %s!" % ("", guiObject.__class__.__name__, attrib)
+def applyAllAttributes(guiObject, desktop, attributes):
+ for (attrib, value) in attributes:
+ applySingleAttribute(guiObject, desktop, attrib, value)
+def loadSingleSkinData(desktop, dom_skin):
+ """loads skin data like colors, windowstyle etc."""
+ skin = dom_skin.childNodes[0]
+ assert skin.tagName == "skin", "root element in skin must be 'skin'!"
+ for c in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "colors"):
+ for color in elementsWithTag(c.childNodes, "color"):
+ name = str(color.getAttribute("name"))
+ color = str(color.getAttribute("value"))
+ if not len(color):
+ raise ("need color and name, got %s %s" % (name, color))
+ colorNames[name] = parseColor(color)
+ for windowstyle in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "windowstyle"):
+ style = eWindowStyleSkinned()
+ style.setTitleFont(gFont("Regular", 20));
+ style.setTitleOffset(eSize(20, 5));
+ for borderset in elementsWithTag(windowstyle.childNodes, "borderset"):
+ bsName = str(borderset.getAttribute("name"))
+ for pixmap in elementsWithTag(borderset.childNodes, "pixmap"):
+ bpName = str(pixmap.getAttribute("pos"))
+ filename = str(pixmap.getAttribute("filename"))
+ png = loadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, filename))
+ # adapt palette
+ desktop.makeCompatiblePixmap(png.__deref__())
+ style.setPixmap(eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__[bsName], eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__[bpName], png.__deref__())
+ for color in elementsWithTag(windowstyle.childNodes, "color"):
+ type = str(color.getAttribute("name"))
+ color = parseColor(color.getAttribute("color"))
+ try:
+ style.setColor(eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__["col" + type], color)
+ except:
+ raise ("Unknown color %s" % (type))
+ x = eWindowStyleManagerPtr()
+ eWindowStyleManager.getInstance(x)
+ x.setStyle(style)
+def loadSkinData(desktop):
+ for dom_skin in dom_skins:
+ loadSingleSkinData(desktop, dom_skin)
-def applyGUIskin(screen, parent, skin, name):
+def lookupScreen(name):
+ for dom_skin in dom_skins:
+ # first, find the corresponding screen element
+ skin = dom_skin.childNodes[0]
+ for x in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "screen"):
+ if x.getAttribute('name') == name:
+ return x
+ return None
+def readSkin(screen, skin, name, desktop):
+ myscreen = lookupScreen(name)
+ # otherwise try embedded skin
+ myscreen = myscreen or getattr(screen, "parsedSkin", None)
- myscreen = None
+ # try uncompiled embedded skin
+ if myscreen is None and getattr(screen, "skin", None):
+ myscreen = screen.parsedSkin = xml.dom.minidom.parseString([0]
- # first, find the corresponding screen element
- skin = dom.getElementsByTagName("skin")[0]
- screens = skin.getElementsByTagName("screen")
- del skin
- for x in screens:
- if x.getAttribute('name') == name:
- myscreen = x
+ assert myscreen is not None, "no skin for screen '" + name + "' found!"
+ screen.skinAttributes = [ ]
- assert myscreen != None, "no skin for screen '" + name + "' found!"
+ skin_path_prefix = getattr(screen, "skin_path", None)
+ collectAttributes(screen.skinAttributes, myscreen, skin_path_prefix)
- applyAttributes(parent, myscreen)
+ screen.additionalWidgets = [ ]
# now walk all widgets
- for widget in myscreen.getElementsByTagName("widget"):
+ for widget in elementsWithTag(myscreen.childNodes, "widget"):
wname = widget.getAttribute('name')
if wname == None:
print "widget has no name!"
# get corresponding gui object
- guiObject =[wname]["instance"]
+ attributes = screen[wname].skinAttributes = [ ]
raise str("component with name '" + wname + "' was not found in skin of screen '" + name + "'!")
- applyAttributes(guiObject, widget)
+ collectAttributes(attributes, widget, skin_path_prefix)
+ # now walk additional objects
+ for widget in elementsWithTag(myscreen.childNodes, lambda x: x != "widget"):
+ if widget.tagName == "applet":
+ codeText = mergeText(widget.childNodes).strip()
+ type = widget.getAttribute('type')
+ code = compile(codeText, "skin applet", "exec")
+ if type == "onLayoutFinish":
+ screen.onLayoutFinish.append(code)
+ else:
+ raise str("applet type '%s' unknown!" % type)
+ continue
+ class additionalWidget:
+ pass
+ w = additionalWidget()
+ if widget.tagName == "eLabel":
+ w.widget = eLabel
+ elif widget.tagName == "ePixmap":
+ w.widget = ePixmap
+ else:
+ raise str("unsupported stuff : %s" % widget.tagName)
+ w.skinAttributes = [ ]
+ collectAttributes(w.skinAttributes, widget, skin_path_prefix)
+ # applyAttributes(guiObject, widget, desktop)
+ # guiObject.thisown = 0
+ screen.additionalWidgets.append(w)