from Screen import Screen
from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen
from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigSelection, getConfigListEntry
+from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo
from InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarNotifications
import Screens.Standby
from Tools import Notifications
self.afterevents = [ "nothing", "standby", "deepstandby", "close" ]
self.settings = ConfigSubsection()
- self.settings.afterEvent = ConfigSelection(choices = [("nothing", _("do nothing")), ("close", _("Close")), ("standby", _("go to standby")), ("deepstandby", _("go to deep standby"))], default = self.afterevents[afterEvent])
+ if SystemInfo["DeepstandbySupport"]:
+ shutdownString = _("go to deep standby")
+ else:
+ shutdownString = _("shut down")
+ self.settings.afterEvent = ConfigSelection(choices = [("nothing", _("do nothing")), ("close", _("Close")), ("standby", _("go to standby")), ("deepstandby", shutdownString)], default = self.afterevents[afterEvent])