+from Tools import RedirectOutput
from enigma import *
from tools import *
+from Components.Language import language
+import traceback
import Screens.InfoBar
import sys
from skin import readSkin, applyAllAttributes
+from Components.config import configfile
+from Tools.Directories import InitFallbackFiles, resolveFilename, SCOPE_PLUGINS
+ import e2reactor
+ e2reactor.install()
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ def runReactor():
+ reactor.run()
+except ImportError:
+ print "twisted not available"
+ def runReactor():
+ runMainloop()
-# A screen is a function which instanciates all components of a screen into a temporary component.
-# Thus, the global stuff is a screen, too.
-# In a screen, components can either be instanciated from the class-tree, cloned (copied) or
-# "linked" from the instance tree.
-# A screen itself lives as the container of the components, so a screen is a component, too.
+# initialize autorun plugins and plugin menu entries
+from Components.PluginComponent import plugins
-# we thus have one (static) hierarchy of screens (classes, not instances)
-# and one with the instanciated components itself (both global and dynamic)
+from Screens.Wizard import wizardManager
+from Screens.StartWizard import *
+from Screens.TutorialWizard import *
+from Tools.BoundFunction import boundFunction
+from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor
had = dict()
def processDelay(self):
+ callback = self.currentDialog.callback
+ retval = self.currentDialog.returnValue
if self.currentDialog.isTmp:
- print sys.getrefcount(self.currentDialog)
- del self.currentDialog.instance
# dump(self.currentDialog)
del self.currentDialog
+ else:
+ del self.currentDialog.callback
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(*retval)
def execBegin(self):
- self.currentDialog.execBegin()
- self.currentDialog.instance.show()
+ c = self.currentDialog
+ c.execBegin()
+ # when execBegin opened a new dialog, don't bother showing the old one.
+ if c == self.currentDialog:
+ c.show()
def execEnd(self):
- self.currentDialog.execEnd()
- self.currentDialog.instance.hide()
+ self.currentDialog.execEnd()
+ self.currentDialog.hide()
- def create(self, screen, arguments):
+ def create(self, screen, arguments, **kwargs):
# creates an instance of 'screen' (which is a class)
- return screen(self, *arguments)
+ try:
+ return screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
+ except:
+ errstr = "Screen %s(%s, %s): %s" % (str(screen), str(arguments), str(kwargs), sys.exc_info()[0])
+ print errstr
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ quitMainloop(5)
- def instantiateDialog(self, screen, *arguments):
+ def instantiateDialog(self, screen, *arguments, **kwargs):
# create dialog
- dlg = self.create(screen, arguments)
+ try:
+ dlg = self.create(screen, arguments, **kwargs)
+ except:
+ print '-'*60
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ quitMainloop(5)
+ print '-'*60
+ if dlg is None:
+ return
# read skin data
readSkin(dlg, None, dlg.skinName, self.desktop)
# create GUI view of this dialog
assert self.desktop != None
- dlg.instance = eWindow(self.desktop)
+ z = 0
+ for (key, value) in dlg.skinAttributes:
+ if key == "zPosition":
+ z = int(value)
+ dlg.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z)
applyAllAttributes(dlg.instance, self.desktop, dlg.skinAttributes)
gui = GUIOutputDevice()
gui.parent = dlg.instance
if len(self.dialogStack):
self.currentDialog = self.dialogStack.pop()
+ else:
+ self.currentDialog = None
def execDialog(self, dialog):
self.currentDialog = dialog
self.currentDialog.isTmp = False
+ self.currentDialog.callback = None # would cause re-entrancy problems.
- def open(self, screen, *arguments):
+ def openWithCallback(self, callback, screen, *arguments, **kwargs):
+ dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
+ dlg.callback = callback
+ def open(self, screen, *arguments, **kwargs):
- self.currentDialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments)
- self.currentDialog.isTmp = True
+ dlg = self.currentDialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
+ dlg.isTmp = True
+ dlg.callback = None
+ return dlg
def keyEvent(self, code):
print "code " + str(code)
- def close(self):
+ def close(self, *retval):
+ self.currentDialog.returnValue = retval
self.delayTimer.start(0, 1)
+from Screens.Volume import Volume
+from Screens.Mute import Mute
+from GlobalActions import globalActionMap
+from Components.config import ConfigSubsection, configSequence, configElement, configsequencearg
+#TODO .. move this to a own .py file
+class VolumeControl:
+ """Volume control, handles volUp, volDown, volMute actions and display
+ a corresponding dialog"""
+ def __init__(self, session):
+ global globalActionMap
+ globalActionMap.actions["volumeUp"]=self.volUp
+ globalActionMap.actions["volumeDown"]=self.volDown
+ globalActionMap.actions["volumeMute"]=self.volMute
+ config.audio = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.audio.volume = configElement("config.audio.volume", configSequence, [100], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (0, 100)))
+ self.volumeDialog = session.instantiateDialog(Volume)
+ self.muteDialog = session.instantiateDialog(Mute)
+ self.hideVolTimer = eTimer()
+ self.hideVolTimer.timeout.get().append(self.volHide)
+ vol = config.audio.volume.value[0]
+ self.volumeDialog.setValue(vol)
+ eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().setVolume(vol, vol)
+ def volSave(self):
+ config.audio.volume.value = eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().getVolume()
+ config.audio.volume.save()
+ def volUp(self):
+ if (eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted()):
+ self.volMute()
+ eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeUp()
+ self.volumeDialog.show()
+ self.volumeDialog.setValue(eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().getVolume())
+ self.volSave()
+ self.hideVolTimer.start(3000, True)
+ def volDown(self):
+ if (eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted()):
+ self.volMute()
+ eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeDown()
+ self.volumeDialog.show()
+ self.volumeDialog.setValue(eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().getVolume())
+ self.volSave()
+ self.hideVolTimer.start(3000, True)
+ def volHide(self):
+ self.volumeDialog.hide()
+ def volMute(self):
+ eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeToggleMute()
+ self.volumeDialog.setValue(eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().getVolume())
+ if (eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted()):
+ self.muteDialog.show()
+ else:
+ self.muteDialog.hide()
def runScreenTest():
session = Session()
session.nav = Navigation()
- session.open(Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar)
+ screensToRun = [ ]
+ for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_WIZARD):
+ screensToRun.append(p.__call__)
+ screensToRun += wizardManager.getWizards()
+ screensToRun.append(Screens.InfoBar.InfoBar)
+ def runNextScreen(session, screensToRun, *result):
+ if result:
+ quitMainloop(*result)
+ return
+ screen = screensToRun[0]
+ if len(screensToRun):
+ session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen)
+ else:
+ session.open(screen)
+ runNextScreen(session, screensToRun)
CONNECT(keyPressedSignal(), session.keyEvent)
- runMainloop()
+ vol = VolumeControl(session)
+ runReactor()
+ configfile.save()
+ from Tools.DreamboxHardware import setFPWakeuptime
+ from time import time
+ nextRecordingTime = session.nav.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime()
+ if nextRecordingTime != -1:
+ if (nextRecordingTime - time() < 330): # no time to switch box back on
+ setFPWakeuptime(time() + 30) # so switch back on in 30 seconds
+ else:
+ setFPWakeuptime(nextRecordingTime - (300))
import Components.InputDevice
+import Components.AVSwitch
+import Components.RecordingConfig
+import Components.UsageConfig
+import Components.Network
+import Components.Lcd
+import Components.SetupDevices
+import Components.RFmod
+import Components.NimManager
# first, setup a screen
-# now, run the mainloop
-#pt = eDebugClassPtr()
-#eDebugClass.getDebug(pt, 12)
-#p = pt.__deref__()
-#print pt.x
-#print p.x
-#print "removing ptr..."
-#pt = 0
-#print "now"
-#print "p is " + str(p)
-#print p.x
-#p = 0
-#bla = eDebugClass()
-#bla = eDebugClass(2)
+ runScreenTest()
+ plugins.shutdown()
+ print '-'*60
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ quitMainloop(5)
+ print '-'*60