-from GUIComponent import *
+from GUIComponent import GUIComponent
from skin import applyAllAttributes
+from Tools.CList import CList
+from Sources.StaticText import StaticText
class GUISkin:
__module__ = __name__
def __init__(self):
+ self["Title"] = StaticText()
self.onLayoutFinish = [ ]
- self.summaries = [ ]
+ self.summaries = CList()
+ self.instance = None
+ self.desktop = None
- def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop):
- for (name, val) in self.items():
+ def createGUIScreen(self, parent, desktop, updateonly = False):
+ for val in self.renderer:
+ if isinstance(val, GUIComponent):
+ if not updateonly:
+ val.GUIcreate(parent)
+ if not val.applySkin(desktop, self):
+ print "warning, skin is missing renderer", val, "in", self
+ for key in self:
+ val = self[key]
if isinstance(val, GUIComponent):
- val.GUIcreate(parent)
- val.applySkin(desktop)
+ if not updateonly:
+ val.GUIcreate(parent)
+ depr = val.deprecationInfo
+ if val.applySkin(desktop, self):
+ if depr:
+ print "WARNING: OBSOLETE COMPONENT '%s' USED IN SKIN. USE '%s' INSTEAD!" % (key, depr[0])
+ elif not depr:
+ print "warning, skin is missing element", key, "in", self
for w in self.additionalWidgets:
- w.instance = w.widget(parent)
- # w.instance.thisown = 0
- applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes)
+ if not updateonly:
+ w.instance = w.widget(parent)
+ # w.instance.thisown = 0
+ applyAllAttributes(w.instance, desktop, w.skinAttributes, self.scale)
for f in self.onLayoutFinish:
if type(f) is not type(self.close): # is this the best way to do this?
exec(f) in globals(), locals()
def setTitle(self, title):
- self.instance.setTitle(title)
- self.title = title
- for x in self.summaries:
- x.setTitle(title)
+ if self.instance:
+ self.instance.setTitle(title)
+ self["Title"].text = title
+ self.summaries.setTitle(title)
+ def getTitle(self):
+ return self["Title"].text
+ title = property(getTitle, setTitle)
+ def setDesktop(self, desktop):
+ self.desktop = desktop
+ def applySkin(self):
+ z = 0
+ baseres = (720, 576) # FIXME: a skin might have set another resolution, which should be the base res
+ idx = 0
+ skin_title_idx = -1
+ title = self.title
+ for (key, value) in self.skinAttributes:
+ if key == "zPosition":
+ z = int(value)
+ elif key == "title":
+ skin_title_idx = idx
+ if title:
+ self.skinAttributes[skin_title_idx] = ("title", title)
+ else:
+ self["Title"].text = value
+ self.summaries.setTitle(value)
+ elif key == "baseResolution":
+ baseres = tuple([int(x) for x in value.split(',')])
+ idx += 1
+ self.scale = ((baseres[0], baseres[0]), (baseres[1], baseres[1]))
+ if not self.instance:
+ from enigma import eWindow
+ self.instance = eWindow(self.desktop, z)
+ if skin_title_idx == -1 and title:
+ self.skinAttributes.append(("title", title))
+ # we need to make sure that certain attributes come last
+ self.skinAttributes.sort(key=lambda a: {"position": 1}.get(a[0], 0))
+ applyAllAttributes(self.instance, self.desktop, self.skinAttributes, self.scale)
+ self.createGUIScreen(self.instance, self.desktop)