+ else:
+ sec.setSlotNotLinked(x)
+ if nim.configMode.value == "equal":
+ pass
+ elif nim.configMode.value == "simple": #simple config
+ if nim.diseqcMode.value == "single": #single
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcA.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.NONE, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.SENDNO)
+ elif nim.diseqcMode.value == "toneburst_a_b": #Toneburst A/B
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcA.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.A, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.SENDNO)
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcB.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.B, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.SENDNO)
+ elif nim.diseqcMode.value == "diseqc_a_b": #DiSEqC A/B
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcA.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.AA)
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcB.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.AB)
+ elif nim.diseqcMode.value == "diseqc_a_b_c_d": #DiSEqC A/B/C/D
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcA.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.AA)
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcB.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.AB)
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcC.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.BA)
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, orbpos = nim.diseqcD.orbital_position, toneburstmode = diseqcParam.NO, diseqcmode = diseqcParam.V1_0, diseqcpos = diseqcParam.BB)
+ elif nim.diseqcMode.value == "positioner": #Positioner
+ if nim.latitudeOrientation.value == "north":
+ laValue = rotorParam.NORTH
+ else:
+ laValue = rotorParam.SOUTH
+ if nim.longitudeOrientation.value == "east":
+ loValue = rotorParam.EAST
+ else:
+ loValue = rotorParam.WEST
+ inputPowerDelta=50
+ useInputPower=False
+ turning_speed=0
+ if nim.powerMeasurement.value:
+ useInputPower=True
+ inputPowerDelta=nim.powerThreshold.value
+ turn_speed_dict = { "fast": rotorParam.FAST, "slow": rotorParam.SLOW }
+ if turn_speed_dict.has_key(nim.turningSpeed.value):
+ turning_speed = turn_speed_dict[nim.turningSpeed.value]
+ else:
+ beg_time = localtime(nim.fastTurningBegin.value)
+ end_time = localtime(nim.fastTurningEnd.value)
+ turning_speed = ((beg_time.tm_hour+1) * 60 + beg_time.tm_min + 1) << 16
+ turning_speed |= (end_time.tm_hour+1) * 60 + end_time.tm_min + 1
+ self.addLNBSimple(sec, slotid = x, diseqcmode = 3,
+ longitude = nim.longitude.float,
+ loDirection = loValue,
+ latitude = nim.latitude.float,
+ laDirection = laValue,
+ turningSpeed = turning_speed,
+ useInputPower = useInputPower,
+ inputPowerDelta = inputPowerDelta)
+ elif nim.configMode.value == "advanced": #advanced config
+ self.updateAdvanced(sec, x)
+ print "sec config completed"
+ def updateAdvanced(self, sec, slotid):
+ lnbSat = {}
+ for x in range(1,33):
+ lnbSat[x] = []
+ for x in self.NimManager.satList:
+ lnb = int(config.Nims[slotid].advanced.sat[x[0]].lnb.value)
+ if lnb != 0:
+ print "add", x[0], "to", lnb
+ lnbSat[lnb].append(x[0])
+ for x in range(1,33):
+ if len(lnbSat[x]) > 0:
+ currLnb = config.Nims[slotid].advanced.lnb[x]
+ sec.addLNB()
+ tunermask = 1 << slotid
+ if self.equal.has_key(slotid):
+ tunermask |= (1 << self.equal[slotid])
+ elif self.linked.has_key(slotid):
+ tunermask |= (1 << self.linked[slotid])
+ if currLnb.lof.value == "universal_lnb":
+ sec.setLNBLOFL(9750000)
+ sec.setLNBLOFH(10600000)
+ sec.setLNBThreshold(11700000)
+ elif currLnb.lof.value == "c_band":
+ sec.setLNBLOFL(5150000)
+ sec.setLNBLOFH(5150000)
+ sec.setLNBThreshold(5150000)
+ elif currLnb.lof.value == "user_defined":
+ sec.setLNBLOFL(currLnb.lofl.value * 1000)
+ sec.setLNBLOFH(currLnb.lofh.value * 1000)
+ sec.setLNBThreshold(currLnb.threshold.value * 1000)
+# if currLnb.output_12v.value == "0V":
+# pass # nyi in drivers
+# elif currLnb.output_12v.value == "12V":
+# pass # nyi in drivers
+ if currLnb.increased_voltage.value:
+ sec.setLNBIncreasedVoltage(lnbParam.ON)
+ else:
+ sec.setLNBIncreasedVoltage(lnbParam.OFF)
+ dm = currLnb.diseqcMode.value
+ if dm == "none":
+ sec.setDiSEqCMode(diseqcParam.NONE)
+ elif dm == "1_0":
+ sec.setDiSEqCMode(diseqcParam.V1_0)
+ elif dm == "1_1":
+ sec.setDiSEqCMode(diseqcParam.V1_1)
+ elif dm == "1_2":
+ sec.setDiSEqCMode(diseqcParam.V1_2)
+ if self.satposdepends.has_key(slotid): # only useable with rotors
+ tunermask |= (1 << self.satposdepends[slotid])
+ if dm != "none":
+ if currLnb.toneburst.value == "none":
+ sec.setToneburst(diseqcParam.NO)
+ elif currLnb.toneburst.value == "A":
+ sec.setToneburst(diseqcParam.A)
+ elif currLnb.toneburst.value == "B":
+ sec.setToneburst(diseqcParam.B)
+ # Committed Diseqc Command
+ cdc = currLnb.commitedDiseqcCommand.value
+ c = { "none": diseqcParam.SENDNO,
+ "AA": diseqcParam.AA,
+ "AB": diseqcParam.AB,
+ "BA": diseqcParam.BA,
+ "BB": diseqcParam.BB }
+ if c.has_key(cdc):
+ sec.setCommittedCommand(c[cdc])
+ else:
+ sec.setCommittedCommand(long(cdc))
+ sec.setFastDiSEqC(currLnb.fastDiseqc.value)
+ sec.setSeqRepeat(currLnb.sequenceRepeat.value)
+ if currLnb.diseqcMode.value == "1_0":
+ currCO = currLnb.commandOrder1_0.value
+ else:
+ currCO = currLnb.commandOrder.value
+ udc = int(currLnb.uncommittedDiseqcCommand.value)
+ if udc > 0:
+ sec.setUncommittedCommand(0xF0|(udc-1))
+ else:
+ sec.setUncommittedCommand(0) # SENDNO
+ sec.setRepeats({"none": 0, "one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}[currLnb.diseqcRepeats.value])
+ setCommandOrder = False
+ # 0 "committed, toneburst",
+ # 1 "toneburst, committed",
+ # 2 "committed, uncommitted, toneburst",
+ # 3 "toneburst, committed, uncommitted",
+ # 4 "uncommitted, committed, toneburst"
+ # 5 "toneburst, uncommitted, commmitted"
+ order_map = {"ct": 0, "tc": 1, "cut": 2, "tcu": 3, "uct": 4, "tuc": 5}
+ sec.setCommandOrder(order_map[currCO])
+ if dm == "1_2":
+ latitude = currLnb.latitude.float
+ sec.setLatitude(latitude)
+ longitude = currLnb.longitude.float
+ sec.setLongitude(longitude)
+ if currLnb.latitudeOrientation.value == "north":
+ sec.setLaDirection(rotorParam.NORTH)
+ else:
+ sec.setLaDirection(rotorParam.SOUTH)
+ if currLnb.longitudeOrientation.value == "east":
+ sec.setLoDirection(rotorParam.EAST)
+ else:
+ sec.setLoDirection(rotorParam.WEST)
+ if currLnb.powerMeasurement.value:
+ sec.setUseInputpower(True)
+ sec.setInputpowerDelta(currLnb.powerThreshold.value)
+ turn_speed_dict = { "fast": rotorParam.FAST, "slow": rotorParam.SLOW }
+ if turn_speed_dict.has_key(currLnb.turningSpeed.value):
+ turning_speed = turn_speed_dict[currLnb.turningSpeed.value]
+ else:
+ beg_time = localtime(currLnb.fastTurningBegin.value)
+ end_time = localtime(currLnb.fastTurningEnd.value)
+ turning_speed = ((beg_time.tm_hour + 1) * 60 + beg_time.tm_min + 1) << 16
+ turning_speed |= (end_time.tm_hour + 1) * 60 + end_time.tm_min + 1
+ sec.setRotorTurningSpeed(turning_speed)
+ else:
+ sec.setUseInputpower(False)
+ sec.setLNBSlotMask(tunermask)
+ # finally add the orbital positions
+ for y in lnbSat[x]:
+ sec.addSatellite(y)
+ currSat = config.Nims[slotid].advanced.sat[y]
+ if currSat.voltage.value == "polarization":
+ sec.setVoltageMode(switchParam.HV)
+ elif currSat.voltage.value == "13V":
+ sec.setVoltageMode(switchParam._14V)
+ elif currSat.voltage.value == "18V":
+ sec.setVoltageMode(switchParam._18V)
+ if currSat.tonemode == "band":
+ sec.setToneMode(switchParam.HILO)
+ elif currSat.tonemode == "on":
+ sec.setToneMode(switchParam.ON)
+ elif currSat.tonemode == "off":
+ sec.setToneMode(switchParam.OFF)
+ if not currSat.usals.value:
+ sec.setRotorPosNum(currSat.rotorposition.value)
+ else:
+ sec.setRotorPosNum(0) #USALS