+ def precalcLanguageList(self):
+ # excuse me for those T1, T2 hacks please. The goal was to keep the language_cache.py as small as possible, *and*
+ # don't duplicate these strings.
+ T1 = _("Please use the UP and DOWN keys to select your language. Afterwards press the OK button.")
+ T2 = _("Language selection")
+ l = open("language_cache.py", "w")
+ print >>l, "# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-"
+ print >>l, "LANG_TEXT = {"
+ for language in self.langlist:
+ self.activateLanguage(language)
+ print >>l, '"%s": {' % language
+ for name, lang, country in self.lang.values():
+ print >>l, '\t"%s_%s": "%s",' % (lang, country, _(name))
+ print >>l, '\t"T1": "%s",' % (_(T1))
+ print >>l, '\t"T2": "%s",' % (_(T2))
+ print >>l, '},'
+ print >>l, "}"