+ eTimer *m_tuneTimer;
+ eSecCommandList m_sec_sequence;
+ enum {
+ CSW, // state of the committed switch
+ UCSW, // state of the uncommitted switch
+ TONEBURST, // current state of toneburst switch
+ NEW_ROTOR_CMD, // prev sent rotor cmd
+ NEW_ROTOR_POS, // new rotor position (not validated)
+ ROTOR_CMD, // completed rotor cmd (finalized)
+ ROTOR_POS, // current rotor position
+ LINKED_PREV_PTR, // prev double linked list (for linked FEs)
+ LINKED_NEXT_PTR, // next double linked list (for linked FEs)
+ SATPOS_DEPENDS_PTR, // pointer to FE with configured rotor (with twin/quattro lnb)
+ FREQ_OFFSET, // current frequency offset
+ CUR_VOLTAGE, // current voltage
+ CUR_TONE, // current continuous tone
+ };
+ int m_data[NUM_DATA_ENTRIES];
+ int m_idleInputpower[2]; // 13V .. 18V
+ int m_runningInputpower;
+ int m_timeoutCount; // needed for timeout
+ int m_retryCount; // diseqc retry for rotor