-import time
-import codecs
-#from time import datetime
-from Tools import Directories, Notifications
+from enigma import eEPGCache, getBestPlayableServiceReference, \
+ eServiceReference, iRecordableService, quitMainloop
from Components.config import config
-import timer
-import xml.dom.minidom
-from enigma import quitMainloop
+from Components.UsageConfig import defaultMoviePath
+from Components.TimerSanityCheck import TimerSanityCheck
from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
-import NavigationInstance
-from time import localtime
+import Screens.Standby
+from Tools import Directories, Notifications, ASCIItranslit
+from Tools.XMLTools import stringToXML
-from Tools.XMLTools import elementsWithTag, mergeText, stringToXML
+import timer
+import xml.etree.cElementTree
+import NavigationInstance
from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
+from time import localtime, strftime, ctime, time
+from bisect import insort
# ok, for descriptions etc we have:
# service reference (to get the service name)
# name (title)
# parses an event, and gives out a (begin, end, name, duration, eit)-tuple.
# begin and end will be corrected
-def parseEvent(ev):
- name = ev.getEventName()
- description = ev.getShortDescription()
+def parseEvent(ev, description = True):
+ if description:
+ name = ev.getEventName()
+ description = ev.getShortDescription()
+ else:
+ name = ""
+ description = ""
begin = ev.getBeginTime()
end = begin + ev.getDuration()
eit = ev.getEventId()
- begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value[0] * 60
- end += config.recording.margin_after.value[0] * 60
+ begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
+ end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
return (begin, end, name, description, eit)
NONE = 0
+ AUTO = 3
# please do not translate log messages
-class RecordTimerEntry(timer.TimerEntry):
- def __init__(self, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled = False, justplay = False, afterEvent = AFTEREVENT.NONE, checkOldTimers = False):
+class RecordTimerEntry(timer.TimerEntry, object):
+######### the following static methods and members are only in use when the box is in (soft) standby
+ receiveRecordEvents = False
+ @staticmethod
+ def shutdown():
+ quitMainloop(1)
+ @staticmethod
+ def staticGotRecordEvent(recservice, event):
+ if event == iRecordableService.evEnd:
+ print "RecordTimer.staticGotRecordEvent(iRecordableService.evEnd)"
+ recordings = NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings()
+ if not recordings: # no more recordings exist
+ rec_time = NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime()
+ if rec_time > 0 and (rec_time - time()) < 360:
+ print "another recording starts in", rec_time - time(), "seconds... do not shutdown yet"
+ else:
+ print "no starting records in the next 360 seconds... immediate shutdown"
+ RecordTimerEntry.shutdown() # immediate shutdown
+ elif event == iRecordableService.evStart:
+ print "RecordTimer.staticGotRecordEvent(iRecordableService.evStart)"
+ @staticmethod
+ def stopTryQuitMainloop():
+ print "RecordTimer.stopTryQuitMainloop"
+ NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.remove(RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent)
+ RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents = False
+ @staticmethod
+ def TryQuitMainloop(default_yes = True):
+ if not RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents:
+ print "RecordTimer.TryQuitMainloop"
+ NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.append(RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent)
+ RecordTimerEntry.receiveRecordEvents = True
+ # send fake event.. to check if another recordings are running or
+ # other timers start in a few seconds
+ RecordTimerEntry.staticGotRecordEvent(None, iRecordableService.evEnd)
+ # send normal notification for the case the user leave the standby now..
+ Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop, 1, onSessionOpenCallback=RecordTimerEntry.stopTryQuitMainloop, default_yes = default_yes)
+ def __init__(self, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled = False, justplay = False, afterEvent = AFTEREVENT.AUTO, checkOldTimers = False, dirname = None, tags = None):
timer.TimerEntry.__init__(self, int(begin), int(end))
if checkOldTimers == True:
- if self.begin < time.time() - 1209600:
- self.begin = int(time.time())
+ if self.begin < time() - 1209600:
+ self.begin = int(time())
if self.end < self.begin:
self.end = self.begin
self.description = description
self.disabled = disabled
self.timer = None
- self.record_service = None
+ self.__record_service = None
self.start_prepare = 0
self.justplay = justplay
self.afterEvent = afterEvent
- self.session = None
+ self.dirname = dirname
+ self.dirnameHadToFallback = False
+ self.autoincrease = False
+ self.autoincreasetime = 3600 * 24 # 1 day
+ self.tags = tags or []
self.log_entries = []
def log(self, code, msg):
- self.log_entries.append((int(time.time()), code, msg))
+ self.log_entries.append((int(time()), code, msg))
print "[TIMER]", msg
- def resetState(self):
- self.state = self.StateWaiting
- self.cancelled = False
- self.first_try_prepare = True
- self.timeChanged()
def calculateFilename(self):
service_name = self.service_ref.getServiceName()
- begin_date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", time.localtime(self.begin))
+ begin_date = strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(self.begin))
print "begin_date: ", begin_date
print "service_name: ", service_name
if self.name:
filename += " - " + self.name
- self.Filename = Directories.getRecordingFilename(filename)
+ if config.recording.ascii_filenames.value:
+ filename = ASCIItranslit.legacyEncode(filename)
+ if not self.dirname or not Directories.fileExists(self.dirname, 'w'):
+ if self.dirname:
+ self.dirnameHadToFallback = True
+ dirname = defaultMoviePath()
+ else:
+ dirname = self.dirname
+ self.Filename = Directories.getRecordingFilename(filename, dirname)
self.log(0, "Filename calculated as: '%s'" % self.Filename)
#begin_date + " - " + service_name + description)
def tryPrepare(self):
if self.justplay:
return True
- self.record_service = NavigationInstance.instance.recordService(self.service_ref)
- if self.record_service == None:
+ rec_ref = self.service_ref and self.service_ref.ref
+ if rec_ref and rec_ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup:
+ rec_ref = getBestPlayableServiceReference(rec_ref, eServiceReference())
+ if not rec_ref:
+ self.log(1, "'get best playable service for group... record' failed")
+ return False
+ self.record_service = rec_ref and NavigationInstance.instance.recordService(rec_ref)
+ if not self.record_service:
self.log(1, "'record service' failed")
return False
+ if self.repeated:
+ epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance()
+ queryTime=self.begin+(self.end-self.begin)/2
+ evt = epgcache.lookupEventTime(rec_ref, queryTime)
+ if evt:
+ self.description = evt.getShortDescription()
+ event_id = evt.getEventId()
+ else:
+ event_id = -1
event_id = self.eit
if event_id is None:
event_id = -1
- prep_res = self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + ".ts", self.begin, self.end, event_id )
- if prep_res:
- self.log(2, "'prepare' failed: error %d" % prep_res)
- self.record_service = None
- return False
- self.log(3, "prepare ok, writing meta information to %s" % self.Filename)
- try:
- f = open(self.Filename + ".ts.meta", "w")
- f.write(str(self.service_ref) + "\n")
- f.write(self.name + "\n")
- f.write(self.description + "\n")
- f.write(str(self.begin) + "\n")
- f.close()
- except IOError:
+ prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + ".ts", self.begin, self.end, event_id, self.name.replace("\n", ""), self.description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags))
+ if prep_res:
+ if prep_res == -255:
self.log(4, "failed to write meta information")
- return True
+ else:
+ self.log(2, "'prepare' failed: error %d" % prep_res)
+ # we must calc nur start time before stopRecordService call because in Screens/Standby.py TryQuitMainloop tries to get
+ # the next start time in evEnd event handler...
+ self.do_backoff()
+ self.start_prepare = time() + self.backoff
+ NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service)
+ self.record_service = None
+ return False
+ return True
def do_backoff(self):
if self.backoff == 0:
def activate(self):
next_state = self.state + 1
self.log(5, "activating state %d" % next_state)
if next_state == self.StatePrepared:
if self.tryPrepare():
self.log(6, "prepare ok, waiting for begin")
+ # create file to "reserve" the filename
+ # because another recording at the same time on another service can try to record the same event
+ # i.e. cable / sat.. then the second recording needs an own extension... when we create the file
+ # here than calculateFilename is happy
+ if not self.justplay:
+ open(self.Filename + ".ts", "w").close()
# fine. it worked, resources are allocated.
self.next_activation = self.begin
self.backoff = 0
return True
self.log(7, "prepare failed")
if self.first_try_prepare:
self.first_try_prepare = False
- if config.recording.asktozap.value == 0:
- self.log(8, "asking user to zap away")
- Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB, MessageBox, _("A timer failed to record!\nDisable TV and try again?\n"))
- else: # zap without asking
- self.log(9, "zap without asking")
- self.failureCB(True)
- self.do_backoff()
- # retry
- self.start_prepare = time.time() + self.backoff
+ cur_ref = NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
+ if cur_ref and not cur_ref.getPath():
+ if not config.recording.asktozap.value:
+ self.log(8, "asking user to zap away")
+ Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB, MessageBox, _("A timer failed to record!\nDisable TV and try again?\n"), timeout=20)
+ else: # zap without asking
+ self.log(9, "zap without asking")
+ Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("In order to record a timer, the TV was switched to the recording service!\n"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20)
+ self.failureCB(True)
+ elif cur_ref:
+ self.log(8, "currently running service is not a live service.. so stop it makes no sense")
+ else:
+ self.log(8, "currently no service running... so we dont need to stop it")
return False
elif next_state == self.StateRunning:
# if this timer has been cancelled, just go to "end" state.
return True
if self.justplay:
- self.log(11, "zapping")
- NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref)
+ if Screens.Standby.inStandby:
+ self.log(11, "wakeup and zap")
+ #set service to zap after standby
+ Screens.Standby.inStandby.prev_running_service = self.service_ref.ref
+ #wakeup standby
+ Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power()
+ else:
+ self.log(11, "zapping")
+ NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref)
return True
self.log(11, "start recording")
self.log(13, "start record returned %d" % record_res)
# retry
- self.begin = time.time() + self.backoff
+ self.begin = time() + self.backoff
return False
return True
elif next_state == self.StateEnded:
+ old_end = self.end
+ if self.setAutoincreaseEnd():
+ self.log(12, "autoincrase recording %d minute(s)" % int((self.end - old_end)/60))
+ self.state -= 1
+ return True
self.log(12, "stop recording")
if not self.justplay:
- self.record_service.stop()
+ NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service)
self.record_service = None
if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY:
- if self.session is not None:
- self.session.open(Standby, self)
+ if not Screens.Standby.inStandby: # not already in standby
+ Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to set your\nDreambox to standby. Do that now?"), timeout = 20)
elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY:
- quitMainloop(1)
+ if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # not a shutdown messagebox is open
+ if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # in standby
+ RecordTimerEntry.TryQuitMainloop() # start shutdown handling without screen
+ else:
+ Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, _("A finished record timer wants to shut down\nyour Dreambox. Shutdown now?"), timeout = 20)
return True
+ def setAutoincreaseEnd(self, entry = None):
+ if not self.autoincrease:
+ return False
+ if entry is None:
+ new_end = int(time()) + self.autoincreasetime
+ else:
+ new_end = entry.begin -30
+ dummyentry = RecordTimerEntry(self.service_ref, self.begin, new_end, self.name, self.description, self.eit, disabled=True, justplay = self.justplay, afterEvent = self.afterEvent, dirname = self.dirname, tags = self.tags)
+ dummyentry.disabled = self.disabled
+ timersanitycheck = TimerSanityCheck(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.timer_list, dummyentry)
+ if not timersanitycheck.check():
+ simulTimerList = timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList()
+ new_end = simulTimerList[1].begin
+ del simulTimerList
+ new_end -= 30 # 30 Sekunden Prepare-Zeit lassen
+ del dummyentry
+ if new_end <= time():
+ return False
+ self.end = new_end
+ return True
+ def sendStandbyNotification(self, answer):
+ if answer:
+ Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.Standby)
+ def sendTryQuitMainloopNotification(self, answer):
+ if answer:
+ Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop, 1)
def getNextActivation(self):
if self.state == self.StateEnded:
return self.end
self.start_prepare = self.begin - self.prepare_time
self.backoff = 0
- if old_prepare != self.start_prepare:
- self.log(15, "record time changed, start prepare is now: %s" % time.ctime(self.start_prepare))
+ if int(old_prepare) != int(self.start_prepare):
+ self.log(15, "record time changed, start prepare is now: %s" % ctime(self.start_prepare))
+ def gotRecordEvent(self, record, event):
+ # TODO: this is not working (never true), please fix. (comparing two swig wrapped ePtrs)
+ if self.__record_service.__deref__() != record.__deref__():
+ return
+ self.log(16, "record event %d" % event)
+ if event == iRecordableService.evRecordWriteError:
+ print "WRITE ERROR on recording, disk full?"
+ # show notification. the 'id' will make sure that it will be
+ # displayed only once, even if more timers are failing at the
+ # same time. (which is very likely in case of disk fullness)
+ Notifications.AddPopup(text = _("Write error while recording. Disk full?\n"), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "DiskFullMessage")
+ # ok, the recording has been stopped. we need to properly note
+ # that in our state, with also keeping the possibility to re-try.
+ # TODO: this has to be done.
+ elif event == iRecordableService.evStart:
+ text = _("A record has been started:\n%s") % self.name
+ if self.dirnameHadToFallback:
+ text = '\n'.join((text, _("Please note that the previously selected media could not be accessed and therefore the default directory is being used instead.")))
+ if config.usage.show_message_when_recording_starts.value:
+ Notifications.AddPopup(text = text, type = MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout = 3)
+ # we have record_service as property to automatically subscribe to record service events
+ def setRecordService(self, service):
+ if self.__record_service is not None:
+ print "[remove callback]"
+ NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.remove(self.gotRecordEvent)
+ self.__record_service = service
+ if self.__record_service is not None:
+ print "[add callback]"
+ NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.append(self.gotRecordEvent)
+ record_service = property(lambda self: self.__record_service, setRecordService)
def createTimer(xml):
- begin = int(xml.getAttribute("begin"))
- end = int(xml.getAttribute("end"))
- serviceref = ServiceReference(str(xml.getAttribute("serviceref")))
- description = xml.getAttribute("description").encode("utf-8")
- repeated = xml.getAttribute("repeated").encode("utf-8")
- disabled = long(xml.getAttribute("disabled") or "0")
- justplay = long(xml.getAttribute("justplay") or "0")
- afterevent = str(xml.getAttribute("afterevent") or "nothing")
- afterevent = { "nothing": AFTEREVENT.NONE, "standby": AFTEREVENT.STANDBY, "deepstandby": AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY }[afterevent]
- if xml.hasAttribute("eit") and xml.getAttribute("eit") != "None":
- eit = long(xml.getAttribute("eit"))
+ begin = int(xml.get("begin"))
+ end = int(xml.get("end"))
+ serviceref = ServiceReference(xml.get("serviceref").encode("utf-8"))
+ description = xml.get("description").encode("utf-8")
+ repeated = xml.get("repeated").encode("utf-8")
+ disabled = long(xml.get("disabled") or "0")
+ justplay = long(xml.get("justplay") or "0")
+ afterevent = str(xml.get("afterevent") or "nothing")
+ afterevent = {
+ "nothing": AFTEREVENT.NONE,
+ }[afterevent]
+ eit = xml.get("eit")
+ if eit and eit != "None":
+ eit = long(eit);
eit = None
- name = xml.getAttribute("name").encode("utf-8")
- #filename = xml.getAttribute("filename").encode("utf-8")
- entry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent)
+ location = xml.get("location")
+ if location and location != "None":
+ location = location.encode("utf-8")
+ else:
+ location = None
+ tags = xml.get("tags")
+ if tags and tags != "None":
+ tags = tags.encode("utf-8").split(' ')
+ else:
+ tags = None
+ name = xml.get("name").encode("utf-8")
+ #filename = xml.get("filename").encode("utf-8")
+ entry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname = location, tags = tags)
entry.repeated = int(repeated)
- for l in elementsWithTag(xml.childNodes, "log"):
- time = int(l.getAttribute("time"))
- code = int(l.getAttribute("code"))
- msg = mergeText(l.childNodes).strip().encode("utf-8")
+ for l in xml.findall("log"):
+ time = int(l.get("time"))
+ code = int(l.get("code"))
+ msg = l.text.strip().encode("utf-8")
entry.log_entries.append((time, code, msg))
return entry
except IOError:
print "unable to load timers from file!"
+ def doActivate(self, w):
+ # when activating a timer which has already passed,
+ # simply abort the timer. don't run trough all the stages.
+ if w.shouldSkip():
+ w.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded
+ else:
+ # when active returns true, this means "accepted".
+ # otherwise, the current state is kept.
+ # the timer entry itself will fix up the delay then.
+ if w.activate():
+ w.state += 1
+ self.timer_list.remove(w)
+ # did this timer reached the last state?
+ if w.state < RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded:
+ # no, sort it into active list
+ insort(self.timer_list, w)
+ else:
+ # yes. Process repeated, and re-add.
+ if w.repeated:
+ w.processRepeated()
+ w.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateWaiting
+ self.addTimerEntry(w)
+ else:
+ insort(self.processed_timers, w)
+ self.stateChanged(w)
def isRecording(self):
isRunning = False
for timer in self.timer_list:
def loadTimer(self):
- doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.Filename)
- root = doc.childNodes[0]
- for timer in elementsWithTag(root.childNodes, "timer"):
- self.record(createTimer(timer))
+ try:
+ doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(self.Filename)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup
+ from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
+ AddPopup(_("The timer file (timers.xml) is corrupt and could not be loaded."), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "TimerLoadFailed")
+ print "timers.xml failed to load!"
+ try:
+ import os
+ os.rename(self.Filename, self.Filename + "_old")
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ print "renaming broken timer failed"
+ return
+ except IOError:
+ print "timers.xml not found!"
+ return
+ root = doc.getroot()
+ # put out a message when at least one timer overlaps
+ checkit = True
+ for timer in root.findall("timer"):
+ newTimer = createTimer(timer)
+ if (self.record(newTimer, True, True) is not None) and (checkit == True):
+ from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup
+ from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
+ AddPopup(_("Timer overlap in timers.xml detected!\nPlease recheck it!"), type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout = 0, id = "TimerLoadFailed")
+ checkit = False # at moment it is enough when the message is displayed one time
def saveTimer(self):
- #doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
- #root_element = doc.createElement('timers')
- #doc.appendChild(root_element)
- #root_element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n"))
+ #root_element = xml.etree.cElementTree.Element('timers')
+ #root_element.text = "\n"
#for timer in self.timer_list + self.processed_timers:
# some timers (instant records) don't want to be saved.
# skip them
#if timer.dontSave:
- #t = doc.createTextNode("\t")
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
- #t = doc.createElement('timer')
- #t.setAttribute("begin", str(int(timer.begin)))
- #t.setAttribute("end", str(int(timer.end)))
- #t.setAttribute("serviceref", str(timer.service_ref))
- #t.setAttribute("repeated", str(timer.repeated))
- #t.setAttribute("name", timer.name)
- #t.setAttribute("description", timer.description)
- #t.setAttribute("eit", str(timer.eit))
- #for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries:
- #t.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\t\t"))
- #l = doc.createElement('log')
- #l.setAttribute("time", str(time))
- #l.setAttribute("code", str(code))
- #l.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(msg))
- #t.appendChild(l)
- #t.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n"))
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
- #t = doc.createTextNode("\n")
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
+ #t = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(root_element, 'timers')
+ #t.set("begin", str(int(timer.begin)))
+ #t.set("end", str(int(timer.end)))
+ #t.set("serviceref", str(timer.service_ref))
+ #t.set("repeated", str(timer.repeated))
+ #t.set("name", timer.name)
+ #t.set("description", timer.description)
+ #t.set("afterevent", str({
+ # AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing",
+ # AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: "standby",
+ # AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby",
+ # AFTEREVENT.AUTO: "auto"}))
+ #if timer.eit is not None:
+ # t.set("eit", str(timer.eit))
+ #if timer.dirname is not None:
+ # t.set("location", str(timer.dirname))
+ #t.set("disabled", str(int(timer.disabled)))
+ #t.set("justplay", str(int(timer.justplay)))
+ #t.text = "\n"
+ #t.tail = "\n"
+ #for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries:
+ #l = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(t, 'log')
+ #l.set("time", str(time))
+ #l.set("code", str(code))
+ #l.text = str(msg)
+ #l.tail = "\n"
- #file = open(self.Filename, "w")
- #doc.writexml(file)
- #file.write("\n")
- #file.close()
+ #doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.ElementTree(root_element)
+ #doc.write(self.Filename)
list = []
list.append(' begin="' + str(int(timer.begin)) + '"')
list.append(' end="' + str(int(timer.end)) + '"')
- list.append(' serviceref="' + str(timer.service_ref) + '"')
+ list.append(' serviceref="' + stringToXML(str(timer.service_ref)) + '"')
list.append(' repeated="' + str(int(timer.repeated)) + '"')
list.append(' name="' + str(stringToXML(timer.name)) + '"')
list.append(' description="' + str(stringToXML(timer.description)) + '"')
- list.append(' afterevent="' + str(stringToXML({ AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing", AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: "standby", AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby" }[timer.afterEvent])) + '"')
+ list.append(' afterevent="' + str(stringToXML({
+ AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing",
+ }[timer.afterEvent])) + '"')
if timer.eit is not None:
list.append(' eit="' + str(timer.eit) + '"')
+ if timer.dirname is not None:
+ list.append(' location="' + str(stringToXML(timer.dirname)) + '"')
+ if timer.tags is not None:
+ list.append(' tags="' + str(stringToXML(' '.join(timer.tags))) + '"')
list.append(' disabled="' + str(int(timer.disabled)) + '"')
list.append(' justplay="' + str(int(timer.justplay)) + '"')
- #for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries:
- #list.append('<log')
- #list.append(' code="' + str(code) + '"')
- #list.append(' time="' + str(time) + '"')
- #list.append('>')
- #list.append(str(msg))
- #list.append('</log>\n')
+ if config.recording.debug.value:
+ for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries:
+ list.append('<log')
+ list.append(' code="' + str(code) + '"')
+ list.append(' time="' + str(time) + '"')
+ list.append('>')
+ list.append(str(stringToXML(msg)))
+ list.append('</log>\n')
- def record(self, entry):
+ def getNextZapTime(self):
+ now = time()
+ for timer in self.timer_list:
+ if not timer.justplay or timer.begin < now:
+ continue
+ return timer.begin
+ return -1
+ def getNextRecordingTime(self):
+ now = time()
+ for timer in self.timer_list:
+ next_act = timer.getNextActivation()
+ if timer.justplay or next_act < now:
+ continue
+ return next_act
+ return -1
+ def isNextRecordAfterEventActionAuto(self):
+ now = time()
+ t = None
+ for timer in self.timer_list:
+ if timer.justplay or timer.begin < now:
+ continue
+ if t is None or t.begin == timer.begin:
+ t = timer
+ if t.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def record(self, entry, ignoreTSC=False, dosave=True): #wird von loadTimer mit dosave=False aufgerufen
+ timersanitycheck = TimerSanityCheck(self.timer_list,entry)
+ if not timersanitycheck.check():
+ if ignoreTSC != True:
+ print "timer conflict detected!"
+ print timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList()
+ return timersanitycheck.getSimulTimerList()
+ else:
+ print "ignore timer conflict"
+ elif timersanitycheck.doubleCheck():
+ print "ignore double timer"
+ return None
print "[Timer] Record " + str(entry)
entry.Timer = self
+ if dosave:
+ self.saveTimer()
+ return None
def isInTimer(self, eventid, begin, duration, service):
time_match = 0
chktime = None
chktimecmp = None
chktimecmp_end = None
end = begin + duration
+ refstr = str(service)
for x in self.timer_list:
- if str(x.service_ref) == str(service):
- #if x.eit is not None and x.repeated == 0:
- # if x.eit == eventid:
- # return duration
+ check = x.service_ref.ref.toString() == refstr
+ if not check:
+ sref = x.service_ref.ref
+ parent_sid = sref.getUnsignedData(5)
+ parent_tsid = sref.getUnsignedData(6)
+ if parent_sid and parent_tsid: # check for subservice
+ sid = sref.getUnsignedData(1)
+ tsid = sref.getUnsignedData(2)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(1, parent_sid)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(2, parent_tsid)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(5, 0)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(6, 0)
+ check = sref.toCompareString() == refstr
+ num = 0
+ if check:
+ check = False
+ event = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEventId(sref, eventid)
+ num = event and event.getNumOfLinkageServices() or 0
+ sref.setUnsignedData(1, sid)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(2, tsid)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(5, parent_sid)
+ sref.setUnsignedData(6, parent_tsid)
+ for cnt in range(num):
+ subservice = event.getLinkageService(sref, cnt)
+ if sref.toCompareString() == subservice.toCompareString():
+ check = True
+ break
+ if check:
if x.repeated != 0:
if chktime is None:
chktime = localtime(begin)
chktimecmp = chktime.tm_wday * 1440 + chktime.tm_hour * 60 + chktime.tm_min
chktimecmp_end = chktimecmp + (duration / 60)
time = localtime(x.begin)
- for y in range(7):
- if x.repeated & (2 ** y):
+ for y in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):
+ if x.repeated & (1 << y) and (x.begin <= begin or begin <= x.begin <= end):
timecmp = y * 1440 + time.tm_hour * 60 + time.tm_min
if timecmp <= chktimecmp < (timecmp + ((x.end - x.begin) / 60)):
time_match = ((timecmp + ((x.end - x.begin) / 60)) - chktimecmp) * 60
diff = x.end - begin
if time_match < diff:
time_match = diff
+ if time_match:
+ break
return time_match
def removeEntry(self, entry):
# abort timer.
# this sets the end time to current time, so timer will be stopped.
+ entry.autoincrease = False
if entry.state != entry.StateEnded:
print "state: ", entry.state
print "in processed: ", entry in self.processed_timers
print "in running: ", entry in self.timer_list
+ # autoincrease instanttimer if possible
+ if not entry.dontSave:
+ for x in self.timer_list:
+ if x.setAutoincreaseEnd():
+ self.timeChanged(x)
# now the timer should be in the processed_timers list. remove it from there.
+ self.saveTimer()
def shutdown(self):