from enigma import *
+from tools import *
+import traceback
+import Screens.InfoBar
import sys
import time
-from screens import *
-from skin import applyGUIskin
+import ServiceReference
+from Navigation import Navigation
+from skin import readSkin, applyAllAttributes
# A screen is a function which instanciates all components of a screen into a temporary component.
# Thus, the global stuff is a screen, too.
# we thus have one (static) hierarchy of screens (classes, not instances)
# and one with the instanciated components itself (both global and dynamic)
+had = dict()
def dump(dir, p = ""):
if isinstance(dir, dict):
for (entry, val) in dir.items():
- dump(val, p + "/" + entry)
- print p + ":" + str(dir.__class__)
-# defined components
-components = {}
-# do global
-# test our screens
-components["$001"] = screens["testDialog"]()
-print "*** classes:"
-print "*** instances:"
+ dump(val, p + "(dict)/" + entry)
+ if hasattr(dir, "__dict__"):
+ for name, value in dir.__dict__.items():
+ if not had.has_key(str(value)):
+ had[str(value)] = 1
+ dump(value, p + "/" + str(name))
+ else:
+ print p + "/" + str(name) + ":" + str(dir.__class__) + "(cycle)"
+ else:
+ print p + ":" + str(dir)
+# + ":" + str(dir.__class__)
# display
class GUIOutputDevice(OutputDevice):
parent = None
- def create(self, comp):
- comp.createGUIScreen(self.parent)
+ def create(self, comp, desktop):
+ comp.createGUIScreen(self.parent, desktop)
class Session:
def __init__(self):
self.currentDialog = None
+ self.dialogStack = [ ]
def processDelay(self):
- self.currentDialog.close()
- if self.currentWindow != None:
- self.currentWindow.hide()
+ self.execEnd()
- del self.currentDialog
- del self.currentWindow
+ if self.currentDialog.isTmp:
+ self.currentDialog.doClose()
- def open(self, screen):
- self.currentDialog = screen
- screen.session = self
+ print sys.getrefcount(self.currentDialog)
+ del self.currentDialog.instance
+# dump(self.currentDialog)
+ del self.currentDialog
- if self.desktop != None:
- self.currentWindow = wnd = eWindow(self.desktop)
- wnd.setTitle("Screen from python!")
- wnd.move(ePoint(300, 100))
- wnd.resize(eSize(300, 300))
- gui = GUIOutputDevice()
- gui.parent = wnd
- gui.create(self.currentDialog)
+ self.popCurrent()
+ def execBegin(self):
+ self.currentDialog.execBegin()
+ def execEnd(self):
+ self.currentDialog.execEnd()
+ self.currentDialog.instance.hide()
+ def create(self, screen, arguments):
+ # creates an instance of 'screen' (which is a class)
+ return screen(self, *arguments)
+ def instantiateDialog(self, screen, *arguments):
+ # create dialog
+ try:
+ dlg = self.create(screen, arguments)
+ except:
+ print '-'*60
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ quitMainloop()
+ print '-'*60
+ # read skin data
+ readSkin(dlg, None, dlg.skinName, self.desktop)
+ # create GUI view of this dialog
+ assert self.desktop != None
+ dlg.instance = eWindow(self.desktop)
+ applyAllAttributes(dlg.instance, self.desktop, dlg.skinAttributes)
+ gui = GUIOutputDevice()
+ gui.parent = dlg.instance
+ gui.create(dlg, self.desktop)
+ return dlg
+ def pushCurrent(self):
+ if self.currentDialog:
+ self.dialogStack.append(self.currentDialog)
+ self.execEnd()
+ def popCurrent(self):
+ if len(self.dialogStack):
+ self.currentDialog = self.dialogStack.pop()
+ self.execBegin()
+ def execDialog(self, dialog):
+ self.pushCurrent()
+ self.currentDialog = dialog
+ self.currentDialog.isTmp = False
+ self.execBegin()
- applyGUIskin(self.currentDialog, None, screen.__class__.__name__)
+ def open(self, screen, *arguments):
+ self.pushCurrent()
+ self.currentDialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments)
+ self.currentDialog.isTmp = True
+ self.execBegin()
- else:
- self.currentWindow = None
+ def keyEvent(self, code):
+ print "code " + str(code)
def close(self):
self.delayTimer.start(0, 1)
def runScreenTest():
session = Session()
session.desktop = getDesktop()
- # simple reason for this helper function: we want to call the currently
- # active "okbutton", even when we changed the dialog
- #
- # more complicated reason: we don't want to hold a reference.
- def blub():
+ session.nav = Navigation()
- tmr = eTimer()
- tmr.timeout.get().append(blub)
- tmr.start(4000, 0)
+ CONNECT(keyPressedSignal(), session.keyEvent)
+ session.nav.shutdown()
return 0
+import keymapparser
+import skin
+import Components.InputDevice
+import Components.AVSwitch
+import Components.Network
+import Components.SetupDevices
# first, setup a screen
+ runScreenTest()
+ print '-'*60
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ quitMainloop()
+ print '-'*60
# now, run the mainloop
+#pt = eDebugClassPtr()
+#eDebugClass.getDebug(pt, 12)
+#p = pt.__deref__()
+#print pt.x
+#print p.x
+#print "removing ptr..."
+#pt = 0
+#print "now"
+#print "p is " + str(p)
+#print p.x
+#p = 0
+#bla = eDebugClass()
+#bla = eDebugClass(2)