from Components.config import config
import timer
-import xml.dom.minidom
+import xml.etree.cElementTree
from enigma import eEPGCache, getBestPlayableServiceReference, \
eServiceReference, iRecordableService, quitMainloop
from time import localtime
-from Tools.XMLTools import elementsWithTag, mergeText, stringToXML
+from Tools.XMLTools import stringToXML
from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
# ok, for descriptions etc we have:
record_service = property(lambda self: self.__record_service, setRecordService)
def createTimer(xml):
- begin = int(xml.getAttribute("begin"))
- end = int(xml.getAttribute("end"))
- serviceref = ServiceReference(xml.getAttribute("serviceref").encode("utf-8"))
- description = xml.getAttribute("description").encode("utf-8")
- repeated = xml.getAttribute("repeated").encode("utf-8")
- disabled = long(xml.getAttribute("disabled") or "0")
- justplay = long(xml.getAttribute("justplay") or "0")
- afterevent = str(xml.getAttribute("afterevent") or "nothing")
+ begin = int(xml.get("begin"))
+ end = int(xml.get("end"))
+ serviceref = ServiceReference(xml.get("serviceref").encode("utf-8"))
+ description = xml.get("description").encode("utf-8")
+ repeated = xml.get("repeated").encode("utf-8")
+ disabled = long(xml.get("disabled") or "0")
+ justplay = long(xml.get("justplay") or "0")
+ afterevent = str(xml.get("afterevent") or "nothing")
afterevent = {
- if xml.hasAttribute("eit") and xml.getAttribute("eit") != "None":
- eit = long(xml.getAttribute("eit"))
+ eit = xml.get("eit")
+ if eit and eit != "None":
+ eit = long(eit);
eit = None
- if xml.hasAttribute("location") and xml.getAttribute("location") != "None":
- location = xml.getAttribute("location").encode("utf-8")
+ location = xml.get("location")
+ if location and location != "None":
+ location = location.encode("utf-8")
location = None
- if xml.hasAttribute("tags") and xml.getAttribute("tags"):
- tags = xml.getAttribute("tags").encode("utf-8").split(' ')
+ tags = xml.get("tags")
+ if tags and tags != "None":
+ tags = tags.encode("utf-8").split(' ')
tags = None
- name = xml.getAttribute("name").encode("utf-8")
- #filename = xml.getAttribute("filename").encode("utf-8")
+ name = xml.get("name").encode("utf-8")
+ #filename = xml.get("filename").encode("utf-8")
entry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname = location, tags = tags)
entry.repeated = int(repeated)
- for l in elementsWithTag(xml.childNodes, "log"):
- time = int(l.getAttribute("time"))
- code = int(l.getAttribute("code"))
- msg = mergeText(l.childNodes).strip().encode("utf-8")
+ for l in xml.findall("log"):
+ time = int(l.get("time"))
+ code = int(l.get("code"))
+ msg = l.text.strip().encode("utf-8")
entry.log_entries.append((time, code, msg))
return entry
def loadTimer(self):
- doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.Filename)
- except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+ doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(self.Filename)
+ except SyntaxError:
from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup
from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
import os
os.rename(self.Filename, self.Filename + "_old")
- except IOError:
+ except (IOError, OSError):
print "renaming broken timer failed"
+ except IOError:
+ print "timers.xml not found!"
+ return
- root = doc.childNodes[0]
+ root = doc.getroot()
# put out a message when at least one timer overlaps
checkit = True
- for timer in elementsWithTag(root.childNodes, "timer"):
+ for timer in root.findall("timer"):
newTimer = createTimer(timer)
if (self.record(newTimer, True, True) is not None) and (checkit == True):
from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup
checkit = False # at moment it is enough when the message is displayed one time
def saveTimer(self):
- #doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
- #root_element = doc.createElement('timers')
- #doc.appendChild(root_element)
- #root_element.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n"))
+ #root_element = xml.etree.cElementTree.Element('timers')
+ #root_element.text = "\n"
#for timer in self.timer_list + self.processed_timers:
# some timers (instant records) don't want to be saved.
# skip them
#if timer.dontSave:
- #t = doc.createTextNode("\t")
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
- #t = doc.createElement('timer')
- #t.setAttribute("begin", str(int(timer.begin)))
- #t.setAttribute("end", str(int(timer.end)))
- #t.setAttribute("serviceref", str(timer.service_ref))
- #t.setAttribute("repeated", str(timer.repeated))
- #t.setAttribute("name",
- #t.setAttribute("description", timer.description)
- #t.setAttribute("eit", str(timer.eit))
+ #t = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(root_element, 'timers')
+ #t.set("begin", str(int(timer.begin)))
+ #t.set("end", str(int(timer.end)))
+ #t.set("serviceref", str(timer.service_ref))
+ #t.set("repeated", str(timer.repeated))
+ #t.set("name",
+ #t.set("description", timer.description)
+ #t.set("afterevent", str({
+ # AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing",
+ # AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: "standby",
+ # AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby",
+ # AFTEREVENT.AUTO: "auto"}))
+ #if timer.eit is not None:
+ # t.set("eit", str(timer.eit))
+ #if timer.dirname is not None:
+ # t.set("location", str(timer.dirname))
+ #t.set("disabled", str(int(timer.disabled)))
+ #t.set("justplay", str(int(timer.justplay)))
+ #t.text = "\n"
+ #t.tail = "\n"
#for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries:
- #t.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\t\t"))
- #l = doc.createElement('log')
- #l.setAttribute("time", str(time))
- #l.setAttribute("code", str(code))
- #l.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(msg))
- #t.appendChild(l)
- #t.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n"))
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
- #t = doc.createTextNode("\n")
- #root_element.appendChild(t)
- #file = open(self.Filename, "w")
- #doc.writexml(file)
- #file.write("\n")
- #file.close()
+ #l = xml.etree.cElementTree.SubElement(t, 'log')
+ #l.set("time", str(time))
+ #l.set("code", str(code))
+ #l.text = str(msg)
+ #l.tail = "\n"
+ #doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.ElementTree(root_element)
+ #doc.write(self.Filename)
list = []