from Components.config import *
from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap
from Components.ConfigList import ConfigList
-from Components.config import config
-from Components.config import getConfigListEntry
from Components.NimManager import nimmanager
from Components.Label import Label
+from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
+from enigma import eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite, eComponentScan, eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl, eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial
+def buildTerTransponder(frequency,
+ inversion=2, bandwidth = 3, fechigh = 6, feclow = 6,
+ modulation = 2, transmission = 2, guard = 4,
+ hierarchy = 4):
+ # WARNING: normally, enums are working directly.
+ # Don't copy this (very bad)!! Instead either fix swig (good) or
+ # move this into a central place.
+ Bw8MHz = 0
+ Bw7MHz = 1
+ Bw6MHz = 2
+ Bw5MHz = 3
+ BwAuto = 4
+ f1_2 = 0
+ f2_3 = 1
+ f3_4 = 2
+ f5_6 = 3
+ f7_8 = 4
+ fAuto = 5
+ TM2k = 0
+ TM8k = 1
+ TM4k = 2
+ TMAuto = 3
+ GI_1_32 = 0
+ GI_1_16 = 1
+ GI_1_8 = 2
+ GI_1_4 = 3
+ GI_Auto = 4
+ HNone = 0
+ H1 = 1
+ H2 = 2
+ H4 = 3
+ HAuto = 4
+ QPSK = 0
+ QAM16 = 1
+ QAM64 = 2
+ Auto = 3
+ Off = 0
+ On = 1
+ Unknown = 2
+ parm = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial()
+ parm.frequency = frequency
+ parm.inversion = [Off, On, Unknown][inversion]
+ parm.bandwidth = [Bw8MHz, Bw7MHz, Bw6MHz, BwAuto][bandwidth] # Bw5MHz unsupported
+ parm.code_rate_HP = [fAuto, f1_2, f2_3, f3_4, f5_6, f7_8, fAuto][fechigh]
+ parm.code_rate_LP = [fAuto, f1_2, f2_3, f3_4, f5_6, f7_8, fAuto][feclow]
+ parm.modulation = [QPSK, QAM16, Auto][modulation] # QAM64 unsupported
+ parm.transmission_mode = [TM2k, TM8k, TMAuto][transmission] # TM4k unsupported
+ parm.guard_interval = [GI_1_32, GI_1_16, GI_1_8, GI_1_4, GI_Auto][guard]
+ parm.hierarchy = [HNone, H1, H2, H4, HAuto][hierarchy]
+ return parm
+def getInitialTransponderList(tlist, pos):
+ list = nimmanager.getTransponders(pos)
+ for x in list:
+ if x[0] == 0: #SAT
+ parm = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite()
+ parm.frequency = x[1]
+ parm.symbol_rate = x[2]
+ parm.polarisation = x[3]#lookup_sat_polarisation[x[3]] # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Polarisation.Vertical
+ parm.fec = x[4] # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.FEC.f3_4;
+ #parm.fec = 6 # AUTO
+ #parm.inversion = 1 #eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Inversion.Off;
+ parm.inversion = 2 #AUTO
+ parm.orbital_position = pos
+ parm.system = x[5] #DVB-S or DVB-S2
+ parm.modulation = x[6]
+ tlist.append(parm)
+def getInitialCableTransponderList(tlist, cable):
+ list = nimmanager.getTranspondersCable(cable)
+ for x in list:
+ if x[0] == 1: #CABLE
+ parm = eDVBFrontendParametersCable()
+ parm.frequency = x[1]
+ parm.symbol_rate = x[2]
+ parm.modulation = x[3] # AUTO
+ parm.fec_inner = x[4] # AUTO
+ parm.inversion = 2 # AUTO
+ tlist.append(parm)
+def getInitialTerrestrialTransponderList(tlist, region):
+ list = nimmanager.getTranspondersTerrestrial(region)
+# inversion=2, bandwidth = 3, fechigh = 6, feclow = 6,
+# modulation = 2, transmission = 2, guard = 4,
+# hierarchy = 4):
+ for x in list:
+#self.transponders[self.parsedTer].append((2, freq, bw, const, crh, crl, guard, transm, hierarchy, inv))
+ if x[0] == 2: #TERRESTRIAL
+ # FIXME: we need to convert the other parameters...
+ # convert terrestrial.xml bandwidth to our enum
+ #if x[2] in [0, 1]:
+ # bandwidth = [1, 0][x[2]]
+ #else:
+ # bandwidth = 3 # auto
+ #
+ #parm = buildTerTransponder(x[1], bandwidth = [1, 0][x[2]])
+ parm = buildTerTransponder(x[1], inversion = x[9], bandwidth = x[2])
+ tlist.append(parm)
class ScanSetup(Screen):
- def __init__(self, session):
- Screen.__init__(self, session)
- self.updateSatList()
- self.createConfig()
- self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["SetupActions"],
- {
- "ok": self.keyGo,
- "cancel": self.keyCancel,
- "left": self.keyLeft,
- "right": self.keyRight,
- "1": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "2": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "3": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "4": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "5": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "6": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "7": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "8": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "9": self.keyNumberGlobal,
- "0": self.keyNumberGlobal
- }, -1)
- self.list = []
- self["config"] = ConfigList(self.list)
- self.createSetup()
- self["introduction"] = Label("Press OK to start the scan")
- def updateSatList(self):
- self.satList = []
- for slot in nimmanager.nimslots:
- self.satList.append(nimmanager.getSatListForNim(slot.slotid))
- def createSetup(self):
- self.list = []
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Type of scan", config.scan.type))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Tuner", config.scan.nims))
- # single transponder scan
- if (config.scan.type.value == 0):
- if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Frequency", config.scan.sat.frequency))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Inversion", config.scan.sat.inversion))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Symbolrate", config.scan.sat.symbolrate))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Polarity", config.scan.sat.polarzation))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("FEC", config.scan.sat.fec))
- if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"]):
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Frequency",
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Inversion",
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Symbolrate",
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Modulation",
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("FEC",
- if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"]):
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Frequency", config.scan.ter.frequency))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Inversion", config.scan.ter.inversion))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Bandwidth", config.scan.ter.bandwidth))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Code rate high", config.scan.ter.fechigh))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Code rate low", config.scan.ter.feclow))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Modulation", config.scan.ter.modulation))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Transmission mode", config.scan.ter.transmission))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Guard interval mode", config.scan.ter.guard))
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Hierarchy mode", config.scan.ter.hierarchy))
- # single satellite scan
- print config.scan.satselection
- if (config.scan.type.value == 1):
- self.updateSatList()
- print config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value]
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry("Satellite", config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value]))
- # multi sat scan
- if (config.scan.type.value == 2):
- for sat in nimmanager.satList:
- self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(sat[0], config.scan.scansat[sat[1]]))
- self["config"].list = self.list
- self["config"].l.setList(self.list)
- def newConfig(self):
- print self["config"].getCurrent()
- if self["config"].getCurrent()[0] == "Type of scan":
- self.createSetup()
- if self["config"].getCurrent()[0] == "Tuner":
- self.createSetup()
- def createConfig(self):
- config.scan = ConfigSubsection()
- config.scan.sat = ConfigSubsection()
- = ConfigSubsection()
- config.scan.ter = ConfigSubsection()
- config.scan.type = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.type", configSelection, 0, ("Single transponder", "Single satellite", "Multisat"))
- nimList = [ ]
- for nim in nimmanager.nimList():
- nimList.append(nim[0])
- nimList.append("all")
- config.scan.nims = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.nims", configSelection, 0, nimList)
- # sat
- config.scan.sat.frequency = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.frequency", configSequence, [12187], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (10000, 14000)))
- config.scan.sat.inversion = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.inversion", configSelection, 0, ("off", "on"))
- config.scan.sat.symbolrate = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.symbolrate", configSequence, [27500], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (1, 30000)))
- config.scan.sat.polarzation = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.polarzation", configSelection, 0, ("horizontal", "vertical"))
- config.scan.sat.fec = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.fec", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "4/5", "5/6", "7/8", "8/9"))
- # cable
- = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [466], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (10000, 14000)))
- = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, ("off", "on"))
- = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "16-QAM", "32-QAM", "64-QAM", "128-QAM", "256-QAM"))
- = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "4/5", "5/6", "7/8", "8/9"))
- = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [6900], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (1, 30000)))
- # terrestial
- config.scan.ter.frequency = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.frequency", configSequence, [466], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (10000, 14000)))
- config.scan.ter.inversion = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.inversion", configSelection, 0, ("off", "on"))
- config.scan.ter.bandwidth = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.bandwidth", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "6 MHz", "7MHz", "8MHz"))
- config.scan.ter.fechigh = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.fechigh", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "4/5", "5/6", "7/8", "8/9"))
- config.scan.ter.feclow = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.feclow", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "4/5", "5/6", "7/8", "8/9"))
- config.scan.ter.modulation = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.modulation", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "16-QAM", "32-QAM", "64-QAM", "128-QAM", "256-QAM"))
- config.scan.ter.transmission = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.transmission", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "2K", "8K"))
- config.scan.ter.guard = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.guard", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1/4", "1/8", "1/16", "1/32"))
- config.scan.ter.hierarchy = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.hierarchy", configSelection, 0, ("Auto", "1", "2", "4"))
- config.scan.scansat = {}
- for sat in nimmanager.satList:
- #print sat[1]
- config.scan.scansat[sat[1]] = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.scansat[" + str(sat[1]) + "]", configSelection, 0, ("yes", "no"))
- config.scan.satselection = []
- slotid = 0
- for slot in nimmanager.nimslots:
- config.scan.satselection.append(configElement_nonSave("config.scan.satselection[" + str(slot.slotid) + "]", configSatlist, 0, self.satList[slot.slotid]))
- def keyLeft(self):
- self["config"].handleKey(config.key["prevElement"])
- self.newConfig()
- def keyRight(self):
- self["config"].handleKey(config.key["nextElement"])
- self.newConfig()
- def keyNumberGlobal(self, number):
- print "You pressed number " + str(number)
- if (self["config"].getCurrent()[1].parent.enabled == True):
- self["config"].handleKey(config.key[str(number)])
- def keyGo(self):
- for x in self["config"].list:
- x[1].save()
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.keyCancel, ServiceScan)
- #self.close()
- def keyCancel(self):
- for x in self["config"].list:
- x[1].cancel()
- self.close()
\ No newline at end of file
+ def __init__(self, session):
+ Screen.__init__(self, session)
+ self.updateSatList()
+ self.createConfig()
+ self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["SetupActions"],
+ {
+ "ok": self.keyGo,
+ "cancel": self.keyCancel,
+ "left": self.keyLeft,
+ "right": self.keyRight,
+ "1": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "2": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "3": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "4": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "5": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "6": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "7": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "8": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "9": self.keyNumberGlobal,
+ "0": self.keyNumberGlobal
+ }, -1)
+ self.statusTimer = eTimer()
+ self.statusTimer.timeout.get().append(self.updateStatus)
+ #self.statusTimer.start(5000, True)
+ self.list = []
+ self["config"] = ConfigList(self.list)
+ self.createSetup()
+ self["introduction"] = Label(_("Press OK to start the scan"))
+ def run(self):
+ self.keyGo()
+ def updateSatList(self):
+ self.satList = []
+ for slot in nimmanager.nimslots:
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(slot.slotid) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
+ self.satList.append(nimmanager.getSatListForNim(slot.slotid))
+ else:
+ self.satList.append(None)
+ def createSetup(self):
+ self.list = []
+ self.multiscanlist = []
+ print "ID: " + str(config.scan.nims.value)
+ self.tunerEntry = getConfigListEntry(_("Tuner"), config.scan.nims)
+ self.list.append(self.tunerEntry)
+ self.typeOfScanEntry = None
+ self.systemEntry = None
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
+ self.typeOfScanEntry = getConfigListEntry(_("Type of scan"), config.scan.type)
+ self.list.append(self.typeOfScanEntry)
+ elif (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"]):
+ self.typeOfScanEntry = getConfigListEntry(_("Type of scan"), config.scan.typecable)
+ self.list.append(self.typeOfScanEntry)
+ elif (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"]):
+ self.typeOfScanEntry = getConfigListEntry(_("Type of scan"), config.scan.typeterrestrial)
+ self.list.append(self.typeOfScanEntry)
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "single_transponder":
+ self.systemEntry = getConfigListEntry(_('Transpondertype'), config.scan.sat.system)
+ self.list.append(self.systemEntry)
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('Satellite'), config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value]))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('Frequency'), config.scan.sat.frequency))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('Inversion'), config.scan.sat.inversion))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('Symbol Rate'), config.scan.sat.symbolrate))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Polarity"), config.scan.sat.polarization))
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.sat.system) == "dvb-s":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FEC"), config.scan.sat.fec))
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.sat.system) == "dvb-s2":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FEC"), config.scan.sat.fec_s2))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_('Modulation'), config.scan.sat.modulation))
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "single_satellite":
+ self.updateSatList()
+ print config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value]
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Satellite"), config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value]))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Clear before scan"), config.scan.clearallservices))
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "multisat":
+ # if (norotor)
+ tlist = []
+ SatList = nimmanager.getSatListForNim(config.scan.nims.value)
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Clear before scan"), config.scan.clearallservices))
+ for x in SatList:
+ if self.Satexists(tlist, x[1]) == 0:
+ tlist.append(x[1])
+ sat = configElement_nonSave(x[1], configSelection, 0, (("enable", _("Enable")), ("disable", _("Disable"))))
+ configEntry = getConfigListEntry(nimmanager.getSatDescription(x[1]), sat)
+ self.list.append(configEntry)
+ self.multiscanlist.append(configEntry)
+ # if (rotor):
+ # for sat in nimmanager.satList:
+ # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(sat[0], config.scan.scansat[sat[1]]))
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typecable) == "single_transponder":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Frequency"),
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Inversion"),
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Symbol Rate"),
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Modulation"),
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FEC"),
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Network scan"),
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typecable) == "complete":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Clear before scan"), config.scan.clearallservices))
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typeterrestrial) == "single_transponder":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Frequency"), config.scan.ter.frequency))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Network scan"), config.scan.ter.networkScan))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Inversion"), config.scan.ter.inversion))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Bandwidth"), config.scan.ter.bandwidth))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Code rate high"), config.scan.ter.fechigh))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Code rate low"), config.scan.ter.feclow))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Modulation"), config.scan.ter.modulation))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Transmission mode"), config.scan.ter.transmission))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Guard interval mode"), config.scan.ter.guard))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Hierarchy mode"), config.scan.ter.hierarchy))
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typeterrestrial) == "complete":
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Clear before scan"), config.scan.clearallservices))
+# if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"] and currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "single_transponder") or \
+# (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"] and currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typecable) == "single_transponder") or \
+# (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"] and currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typeterrestrial) == "single_transponder"):
+# self.configElementSNR = getConfigListEntry(_("SNR"), config.scan.snr)
+# self.list.append(self.configElementSNR)
+# self.configElementACG = getConfigListEntry(_("AGC"), config.scan.agc)
+# self.list.append(self.configElementACG)
+# self.configElementBER = getConfigListEntry(_("BER"), config.scan.ber)
+# self.list.append(self.configElementBER)
+# self.statusTimer.start(500, False)
+# else:
+# self.statusTimer.stop()
+ self["config"].list = self.list
+ self["config"].l.setList(self.list)
+ def Satexists(self, tlist, pos):
+ for x in tlist:
+ if x == pos:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def newConfig(self):
+ print self["config"].getCurrent()
+ if self["config"].getCurrent() == self.typeOfScanEntry:
+ self.createSetup()
+ elif self["config"].getCurrent() == self.tunerEntry:
+ self.createSetup()
+ elif self["config"].getCurrent() == self.systemEntry:
+ self.createSetup()
+ def createConfig(self):
+ config.scan = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.scan.sat = ConfigSubsection()
+ = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.scan.ter = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.scan.type = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.type", configSelection, 0, (("single_transponder", _("Single transponder")), ("single_satellite", _("Single satellite")), ("multisat", _("Multisat"))))
+ config.scan.typecable = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.typecable", configSelection, 0, (("single_transponder", _("Single transponder")), ("complete", _("Complete"))))
+ config.scan.typeterrestrial = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.typeterrestrial", configSelection, 0, (("single_transponder", _("Single transponder")), ("complete", _("Complete"))))
+ config.scan.clearallservices = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.clearallservices", configSelection, 0, (("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes")), ("yes_hold_feeds", _("yes (keep feeds)"))))
+ nimList = [ ]
+ for nim in nimmanager.nimList():
+ nimList.append(nim[0])
+ #nimList.append("all")
+ config.scan.nims = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.nims", configSelection, 0, nimList)
+ # status
+ config.scan.snr = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.snr", configSlider, 0, (1, 100))
+ config.scan.snr.enabled = False
+ config.scan.agc = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.agc", configSlider, 0, (1, 100))
+ config.scan.agc.enabled = False
+ config.scan.ber = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ber", configSlider, 0, (1, 100))
+ config.scan.ber.enabled = False
+ # sat
+ config.scan.sat.system = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.system", configSelection, 0, (("dvb-s", _("DVB-S")), ("dvb-s2", _("DVB-S2"))))
+ config.scan.sat.frequency = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.frequency", configSequence, [11836], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (1, 99999)))
+ config.scan.sat.inversion = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.inversion", configSelection, 2, (("off", _("off")), ("on", _("on")), _("Auto")))
+ config.scan.sat.symbolrate = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.symbolrate", configSequence, [27500], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (1, 99999)))
+ config.scan.sat.polarization = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.polarization", configSelection, 0, (("horizontal", _("horizontal")), ("vertical", _("vertical")), ("circular_left", _("circular left")), ("circular_right", _("circular right"))))
+ config.scan.sat.fec = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.fec", configSelection, 0, (("auto", _("Auto")), ("1_2", "1/2"), ("2_3", "2/3"), ("3_4", "3/4"), ("5_6", "5/6"), ("7_8", "7/8"), ("none", _("None"))))
+ config.scan.sat.fec_s2 = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.fec_s2", configSelection, 8, (("1_2", "1/2"), ("2_3", "2/3"), ("3_4", "3/4"), ("3_5", "3/5"), ("4_5", "4/5"), ("5_6", "5/6"), ("7_8", "7/8"), ("8_9", "8/9"), ("9_10", "9/10")))
+ config.scan.sat.modulation = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.sat.modulation", configSelection, 0, (("qpsk", "QPSK"), ("8psk", "8PSK")))
+ # cable
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [466], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (50, 999)))
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 2, (("off", _("off")), ("on", _("on")), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, (("auto", _("Auto")), ("16qam", "16-QAM"), ("32qam", "32-QAM"), ("64qam", "64-QAM"), ("128qam", "128-QAM"), ("256qam", "256-QAM")))
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, (("auto", _("Auto")), ("1_2", "1/2"), ("2_3", "2/3"), ("3_4", "3/4"), ("5_6", "5/6"), ("7_8", "7/8"), ("8_9", "8/9"), ("none", _("None"))))
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSequence, [6900], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (1, 9999)))
+ = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, (("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes"))))
+ # terrestial
+ config.scan.ter.frequency = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.frequency", configSequence, [466], configsequencearg.get("INTEGER", (100, 900)))
+ config.scan.ter.inversion = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.inversion", configSelection, 2, (("off", _("off")), ("on", _("on")), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ # WORKAROUND: we can't use BW-auto
+ config.scan.ter.bandwidth = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.bandwidth", configSelection, 0, (("8MHz", "8MHz"), ("7MHz", "7MHz"), ("6MHz", "6MHz")))
+ #, ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.fechigh = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.fechigh", configSelection, 6, (("none", _("None")), "1/2", "2/3", "3/4", "5/6", "7/8", _("Auto")))
+ config.scan.ter.feclow = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.feclow", configSelection, 6, (_("None"), ("1_2", "1/2"), ("2_3", "2/3"), ("3_4", "3/4"), ("5_6", "5/6"), ("7_8", "7/8"), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.modulation = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.modulation", configSelection, 2, (("qpsk", "QPSK"), ("qam16", "QAM16"), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.transmission = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.transmission", configSelection, 2, (("2k", "2K"), ("8k", "8K"), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.guard = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.guard", configSelection, 4, (("1_32", "1/32"), ("1_16", "1/16"), ("1_8", "1/8"), ("1_4", "1/4"), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.hierarchy = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.ter.hierarchy", configSelection, 4, (("none", _("None")), ("1", "1"), ("2", "2"), ("4", "4"), ("auto", _("Auto"))))
+ config.scan.ter.networkScan = configElement_nonSave("", configSelection, 0, (("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes"))))
+ config.scan.scansat = {}
+ for sat in nimmanager.satList:
+ #print sat[1]
+ config.scan.scansat[sat[1]] = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.scansat[" + str(sat[1]) + "]", configSelection, 0, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
+ config.scan.satselection = []
+ slotid = 0
+ for slot in nimmanager.nimslots:
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(slot.slotid) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
+ print str(slot.slotid) + " : " + str(self.satList)
+ config.scan.satselection.append(configElement_nonSave("config.scan.satselection[" + str(slot.slotid) + "]", configSatlist, 0, self.satList[slot.slotid]))
+ else:
+ config.scan.satselection.append(None)
+ def keyLeft(self):
+ self["config"].handleKey(config.key["prevElement"])
+ self.newConfig()
+ def keyRight(self):
+ self["config"].handleKey(config.key["nextElement"])
+ self.newConfig()
+ def updateStatus(self):
+ print "updatestatus"
+ def keyNumberGlobal(self, number):
+ print "You pressed number " + str(number)
+ if (self["config"].getCurrent()[1].parent.enabled == True):
+ self["config"].handleKey(config.key[str(number)])
+ fecmap = { "auto": 0,
+ "1_2": 1,
+ "2_3": 2,
+ "3_4": 3,
+ "5_6": 4,
+ "7_8": 5,
+ "8_9": 6,
+ "3_5": 7,
+ "4_5": 8,
+ "9_10": 9,
+ "none": 15
+ }
+ def addSatTransponder(self, tlist, frequency, symbol_rate, polarisation, fec, inversion, orbital_position, system, modulation):
+ print "Add Sat: frequ: " + str(frequency) + " symbol: " + str(symbol_rate) + " pol: " + str(polarisation) + " fec: " + str(fec) + " inversion: " + str(inversion)
+ print "orbpos: " + str(orbital_position)
+ parm = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite()
+ if modulation == 1:
+ parm.modulation = 2 # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Modulation.8PSK
+ else:
+ parm.modulation = 1 # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Modulation.QPSK
+ parm.system = system
+ parm.frequency = frequency * 1000
+ parm.symbol_rate = symbol_rate * 1000
+ parm.polarisation = polarisation # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Polarisation.Verti
+ parm.fec = self.fecmap[fec] # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.FEC.f3_4;
+ #parm.fec = 6 # AUTO
+ parm.inversion = inversion #eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Inversion.Off;
+ #parm.inversion = 2 #AUTO
+ parm.orbital_position = int(orbital_position)
+ tlist.append(parm)
+ # FIXME use correct parameters
+ def addCabTransponder(self, tlist, frequency, symbol_rate, modulation, fec, inversion):
+ print "Add Cab: frequ: " + str(frequency) + " symbol: " + str(symbol_rate) + " pol: " + str(modulation) + " fec: " + str(fec) + " inversion: " + str(inversion)
+ parm = eDVBFrontendParametersCable()
+ parm.frequency = frequency * 1000
+ parm.symbol_rate = symbol_rate * 1000
+ parm.modulation = modulation # modulation # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Polarisation.Verti
+ parm.fec = fec # eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.FEC.f3_4;
+ #parm.fec = 6 # AUTO
+ parm.inversion = inversion #eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite.Inversion.Off;
+ #parm.inversion = 2 #AUTO
+ tlist.append(parm)
+ def addTerTransponder(self, tlist, *args, **kwargs):
+ tlist.append(buildTerTransponder(*args, **kwargs))
+ def keyGo(self):
+ tlist = []
+ flags = 0
+ if (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "single_transponder":
+ l = len(self.satList)
+ if l and l > config.scan.nims.value:
+ nimsats=self.satList[config.scan.nims.value]
+ l = len(config.scan.satselection)
+ if l and l > config.scan.nims.value:
+ selsatidx=config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value].value
+ l = len(nimsats)
+ if l and l > selsatidx:
+ orbpos=nimsats[selsatidx][1]
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.sat.system) == "dvb-s":
+ fec = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.sat.fec)
+ else:
+ fec = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.sat.fec_s2)
+ self.addSatTransponder(tlist, config.scan.sat.frequency.value[0],
+ config.scan.sat.symbolrate.value[0],
+ config.scan.sat.polarization.value,
+ fec,
+ config.scan.sat.inversion.value,
+ orbpos,
+ config.scan.sat.system.value,
+ config.scan.sat.modulation)
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "single_satellite":
+ sat = self.satList[config.scan.nims.value][config.scan.satselection[config.scan.nims.value].value]
+ getInitialTransponderList(tlist, int(sat[1]))
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ tmp = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.clearallservices)
+ if tmp == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ elif tmp == "yes_hold_feeds":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanDontRemoveFeeds
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.type) == "multisat":
+ SatList = nimmanager.getSatListForNim(config.scan.nims.value)
+ for x in self.multiscanlist:
+ if x[1].parent.value == 0:
+ print " " + str(x[1].parent.configPath)
+ getInitialTransponderList(tlist, x[1].parent.configPath)
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ tmp = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.clearallservices)
+ if tmp == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ elif tmp == "yes_hold_feeds":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanDontRemoveFeeds
+ elif (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typecable) == "single_transponder":
+ self.addCabTransponder(tlist,[0],
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement( == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typecable) == "complete":
+ getInitialCableTransponderList(tlist, nimmanager.getCableDescription(config.scan.nims.value))
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ tmp = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.clearallservices)
+ if tmp == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ elif tmp == "yes_hold_feeds":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanDontRemoveFeeds
+ elif (nimmanager.getNimType(config.scan.nims.value) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"]):
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typeterrestrial) == "single_transponder":
+ self.addTerTransponder(tlist,
+ config.scan.ter.frequency.value[0] * 1000000,
+ inversion = config.scan.ter.inversion.value,
+ bandwidth = config.scan.ter.bandwidth.value,
+ fechigh = config.scan.ter.fechigh.value,
+ feclow = config.scan.ter.feclow.value,
+ modulation = config.scan.ter.modulation.value,
+ transmission = config.scan.ter.transmission.value,
+ guard = config.scan.ter.guard.value,
+ hierarchy = config.scan.ter.hierarchy.value)
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.ter.networkScan) == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ elif currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.typeterrestrial) == "complete":
+ getInitialTerrestrialTransponderList(tlist, nimmanager.getTerrestrialDescription(config.scan.nims.value))
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ tmp = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.clearallservices)
+ if tmp == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ elif tmp == "yes_hold_feeds":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanDontRemoveFeeds
+ for x in self["config"].list:
+ x[1].save()
+ if len(tlist):
+ feid = config.scan.nims.value
+ # flags |= eComponentScan.scanSearchBAT
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.doNothing, ServiceScan, [{"transponders": tlist, "feid": feid, "flags": flags}])
+ else:
+, _("Nothing to scan!\nPlease setup your tuner settings before you start a service scan."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
+ def doNothing(self):
+ pass
+ def keyCancel(self):
+ for x in self["config"].list:
+ x[1].cancel()
+ self.close()
+class ScanSimple(Screen):
+ def run(self):
+ self.keyGo()
+ def keyGo(self):
+ scanList = []
+ if nimmanager.getNimType(0) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"] and nimmanager.getNimType(0) == nimmanager.getNimType(1):
+ sec = eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl.getInstance()
+ if sec is not None:
+ exclusive_satellites = sec.get_exclusive_satellites(0,1)
+ else:
+ exclusive_satellites = [0,0]
+ print "exclusive satellites", exclusive_satellites
+ two_sat_tuners = True
+ else:
+ two_sat_tuners = False
+ for x in self.list:
+ slotid = x[1].parent.configPath
+ print "Scan Tuner", slotid, "-", currentConfigSelectionElement(x[1].parent)
+ if currentConfigSelectionElement(x[1].parent) == "yes":
+ scanPossible = False
+ tlist = [ ]
+ if nimmanager.getNimType(x[1].parent.configPath) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]:
+ if two_sat_tuners:
+ if slotid > 0:
+ idx = exclusive_satellites[0]+1
+ else:
+ idx = 0
+ exclusive_nim_sats = exclusive_satellites[idx+1:idx+1+exclusive_satellites[idx]]
+ print "exclusive_nim_sats", exclusive_nim_sats
+ SatList = nimmanager.getSatListForNim(slotid)
+ for sat in SatList:
+ if not two_sat_tuners or (sat[1] in exclusive_nim_sats or slotid == 0):
+ scanPossible = True
+ print sat
+ getInitialTransponderList(tlist, sat[1])
+ elif nimmanager.getNimType(x[1].parent.configPath) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-C"]:
+ scanPossible = True
+ getInitialCableTransponderList(tlist, nimmanager.getCableDescription(slotid))
+ elif nimmanager.getNimType(x[1].parent.configPath) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-T"]:
+ scanPossible = True
+ getInitialTerrestrialTransponderList(tlist, nimmanager.getTerrestrialDescription(slotid))
+ if scanPossible:
+ flags=eComponentScan.scanNetworkSearch
+ tmp = currentConfigSelectionElement(config.scan.clearallservices)
+ if tmp == "yes":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ elif tmp == "yes_hold_feeds":
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanRemoveServices
+ flags |= eComponentScan.scanDontRemoveFeeds
+ scanList.append({"transponders": tlist, "feid": slotid, "flags": flags})
+ if len(scanList):
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.doNothing, ServiceScan, scanList = scanList)
+ else:
+, _("Nothing to scan!\nPlease setup your tuner settings before you start a service scan."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
+ def doNothing(self):
+ pass
+ def keyCancel(self):
+ self.close()
+ def keyLeft(self):
+ self["config"].handleKey(config.key["prevElement"])
+ def keyRight(self):
+ self["config"].handleKey(config.key["nextElement"])
+ def Satexists(self, tlist, pos):
+ for x in tlist:
+ if x == pos:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def ScanNimTwoNeeded(self):
+ if nimmanager.getNimType(0) != nimmanager.getNimType(1):
+ return True
+ if nimmanager.getNimType(0) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"]: #two dvb-s nims
+ if nimmanager.getNimConfigMode(1) in ["loopthrough", "satposdepends", "equal", "nothing"]:
+ return False
+ sec = eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl.getInstance()
+ if sec is not None:
+ exclusive_satellites = sec.get_exclusive_satellites(0,1)
+ if len(exclusive_satellites) == 2:
+ return False
+ idx = exclusive_satellites[0]+1
+ exclusive_nim_sats = exclusive_satellites[idx+1:idx+1+exclusive_satellites[idx]]
+ if len(exclusive_nim_sats):
+ return True
+ return False # two -C or two -T tuners
+ def __init__(self, session):
+ Screen.__init__(self, session)
+ self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions"],
+ {
+ "ok": self.keyGo,
+ "cancel": self.keyCancel,
+ "left": self.keyLeft,
+ "right": self.keyRight,
+ }, -1)
+ self.list = []
+ tlist = []
+ nimcount = nimmanager.getNimSocketCount()
+ if nimcount > 0:
+ scan_possible=True
+ config.scan = ConfigSubsection()
+ config.scan.clearallservices = configElement_nonSave("config.scan.clearallservices", configSelection, 0, (("no", _("no")), ("yes", _("yes")), ("yes_hold_feeds", _("yes (keep feeds)"))))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Clear before scan"), config.scan.clearallservices))
+ nim = configElement_nonSave(0, configSelection, 0, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
+ if nimmanager.getNimType(0) == nimmanager.nimType["DVB-S"] and not len(nimmanager.getSatListForNim(0)):
+ scan_possible=False
+ if scan_possible:
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Scan NIM") + " 0 (" + nimmanager.getNimTypeName(0) + ")", nim))
+ if nimcount > 1 and self.ScanNimTwoNeeded():
+ nim = configElement_nonSave(1, configSelection, 0, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
+ self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Scan NIM") + " 1 (" + nimmanager.getNimTypeName(1) + ")", nim))
+ self["config"] = ConfigList(self.list)
+ self["header"] = Label(_("Automatic Scan"))
+ self["footer"] = Label(_("Press OK to scan"))