from Components.Button import Button
from Components.Label import Label
from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap
+from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo
+from Components.UsageConfig import defaultMoviePath
from Screens.MovieSelection import getPreferredTagEditor
from Screens.LocationBox import MovieLocationBox
from Screens.ChoiceBox import ChoiceBox
from RecordTimer import AFTEREVENT
-from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_HDD
from enigma import eEPGCache
from time import localtime, mktime, time, strftime
from datetime import datetime
day[weekday] = 1
self.timerentry_justplay = ConfigSelection(choices = [("zap", _("zap")), ("record", _("record"))], default = {0: "record", 1: "zap"}[justplay])
- self.timerentry_afterevent = ConfigSelection(choices = [("nothing", _("do nothing")), ("standby", _("go to standby")), ("deepstandby", _("go to deep standby")), ("auto", _("auto"))], default = afterevent)
+ if SystemInfo["DeepstandbySupport"]:
+ shutdownString = _("go to deep standby")
+ else:
+ shutdownString = _("shut down")
+ self.timerentry_afterevent = ConfigSelection(choices = [("nothing", _("do nothing")), ("standby", _("go to standby")), ("deepstandby", shutdownString), ("auto", _("auto"))], default = afterevent)
self.timerentry_type = ConfigSelection(choices = [("once",_("once")), ("repeated", _("repeated"))], default = type)
self.timerentry_name = ConfigText(default =, visible_width = 50, fixed_size = False)
self.timerentry_description = ConfigText(default = self.timer.description, visible_width = 50, fixed_size = False)
self.timerentry_starttime = ConfigClock(default = self.timer.begin)
self.timerentry_endtime = ConfigClock(default = self.timer.end)
- default = self.timer.dirname or resolveFilename(SCOPE_HDD)
+ default = self.timer.dirname or defaultMoviePath()
tmp = config.movielist.videodirs.value
if default not in tmp:
self.timer.service_ref = self.timerentry_service_ref
self.timer.tags = self.timerentry_tags
- self.timer.dirname = self.timerentry_dirname.value
- config.movielist.last_timer_videodir.value = self.timer.dirname
+ if self.timer.dirname or self.timerentry_dirname.value != defaultMoviePath():
+ self.timer.dirname = self.timerentry_dirname.value
+ config.movielist.last_timer_videodir.value = self.timer.dirname
if self.timerentry_type.value == "once":
self.timer.begin, self.timer.end = self.getBeginEnd()