+from os import system, listdir, statvfs, popen
+from Tools.Directories import SCOPE_HDD, resolveFilename
+from Tools.CList import CList
def tryOpen(filename):
return ""
return procFile
+def num2prochdx(num):
+ return "/proc/ide/hd" + ("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i")[num] + "/"
class Harddisk:
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
- #perhaps this is easier?
- self.prochdx = "/proc/ide/hd" + ("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")[index] + "/"
+ host = self.index / 4
+ bus = (self.index & 2)
+ target = (self.index & 1)
+ self.prochdx = num2prochdx(index)
+ self.devidex = "/dev/ide/host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun0/" % (host, bus, target)
+ def getIndex(self):
+ return self.index
+ def bus(self):
+ ret = ""
+ if self.index & 2:
+ ret = "External (CF) - "
+ else:
+ ret = "Internal - "
+ if self.index & 1:
+ return ret + "Slave"
+ else:
+ return ret + "Master"
def capacity(self):
procfile = tryOpen(self.prochdx + "capacity")
if procfile == "":
- return -1
+ return ""
line = procfile.readline()
- if line == "":
- return -1
- return int(line)
+ try:
+ cap = int(line)
+ except:
+ return ""
+ cap = cap / 1000 * 512 / 1000
+ return "%d.%03d GB" % (cap/1024, cap%1024)
def model(self):
procfile = tryOpen(self.prochdx + "model")
if procfile == "":
return ""
line = procfile.readline()
- return line
+ return line.strip()
def free(self):
- pass
+ procfile = tryOpen("/proc/mounts")
+ if procfile == "":
+ return -1
+ free = -1
+ while 1:
+ line = procfile.readline()
+ if line == "":
+ break
+ if line.startswith(self.devidex):
+ parts = line.strip().split(" ")
+ try:
+ stat = statvfs(parts[1])
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ free = stat.f_bfree/1000 * stat.f_bsize/1000
+ break
+ procfile.close()
+ return free
+ def numPartitions(self):
+ try:
+ idedir = listdir(self.devidex)
+ except OSError:
+ return -1
+ numPart = -1
+ for filename in idedir:
+ if filename.startswith("disc"):
+ numPart += 1
+ if filename.startswith("part"):
+ numPart += 1
+ return numPart
+ def unmount(self):
+ cmd = "/bin/umount " + self.devidex + "part*"
+ res = system(cmd)
+ return (res >> 8)
+ def createPartition(self):
+ cmd = "/sbin/sfdisk -f " + self.devidex + "disc"
+ sfdisk = popen(cmd, "w")
+ sfdisk.write("0,\n;\n;\n;\ny\n")
+ sfdisk.close()
+ return 0
+ def mkfs(self):
+ cmd = "/sbin/mkfs.ext3 -T largefile -m0 " + self.devidex + "part1"
+ res = system(cmd)
+ return (res >> 8)
+ def mount(self):
+ cmd = "/bin/mount -t ext3 " + self.devidex + "part1 /hdd"
+ res = system(cmd)
+ return (res >> 8)
+ def createMovieFolder(self):
+ res = system("mkdir " + resolveFilename(SCOPE_HDD))
+ return (res >> 8)
\ No newline at end of file
+ errorList = [ _("Everything is fine"), _("Creating partition failed"), _("Mkfs failed"), _("Mount failed"), _("Create movie folder failed"), _("Unmount failed")]
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.unmount()
+ if self.createPartition() != 0:
+ return -1
+ if self.mkfs() != 0:
+ return -2
+ if self.mount() != 0:
+ return -3
+ if self.createMovieFolder() != 0:
+ return -4
+ return 0
+def existHDD(num):
+ mediafile = tryOpen(num2prochdx(num) + "media")
+ if mediafile == "":
+ return -1
+ line = mediafile.readline()
+ mediafile.close()
+ if line.startswith("disk"):
+ return 1
+ return -1
+class Partition:
+ def __init__(self, mountpoint, description = "", force_mounted = False):
+ self.mountpoint = mountpoint
+ self.description = description
+ self.force_mounted = force_mounted
+ def stat(self):
+ return statvfs(self.mountpoint)
+ def free(self):
+ try:
+ s = self.stat()
+ return s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize
+ except OSError:
+ return None
+ def total(self):
+ try:
+ s = self.stat()
+ return s.f_blocks * s.f_bsize
+ except OSError:
+ return None
+ def mounted(self):
+ # TODO: can os.path.ismount be used?
+ if self.force_mounted:
+ return True
+ procfile = tryOpen("/proc/mounts")
+ for n in procfile.readlines():
+ if n.split(' ')[1] == self.mountpoint:
+ return True
+ return False
+class HarddiskManager:
+ def __init__(self):
+ hddNum = 0
+ self.hdd = [ ]
+ self.partitions = [ ]
+ self.on_partition_list_change = CList()
+ for hddNum in range(8):
+ if existHDD(hddNum):
+ hdd = Harddisk(hddNum)
+ self.hdd.append(hdd)
+ # currently, this is just an enumeration of what's possible,
+ # this probably has to be changed to support automount stuff.
+ # still, if stuff is mounted into the correct mountpoints by
+ # external tools, everything is fine (until somebody inserts
+ # a second usb stick.)
+ p = [
+ ("/media/hdd", _("Harddisk")),
+ ("/media/card", _("Card")),
+ ("/media/cf", _("Compact Flash")),
+ ("/media/mmc1", _("MMC Card")),
+ ("/media/net", _("Network Mount")),
+ ("/media/ram", _("Ram Disk")),
+ ("/media/usb", _("USB Stick")),
+ ("/", _("Internal Flash"))
+ ]
+ for x in p:
+ self.partitions.append(Partition(mountpoint = x[0], description = x[1]))
+ def getAutofsMountpoint(self, device):
+ return "/autofs/%s/" % (device)
+ def addHotplugPartition(self, device, description):
+ p = Partition(mountpoint = self.getAutofsMountpoint(device), description = description, force_mounted = True)
+ self.partitions.append(p)
+ self.on_partition_list_change("add", p)
+ def removeHotplugPartition(self, device):
+ mountpoint = self.getAutofsMountpoint(device)
+ for x in self.partitions[:]:
+ if x.mountpoint == mountpoint:
+ self.partitions.remove(x)
+ self.on_partition_list_change("remove", x)
+ def HDDCount(self):
+ return len(self.hdd)
+ def HDDList(self):
+ list = [ ]
+ for hd in self.hdd:
+ hdd = hd.model() + " ("
+ hdd += hd.bus()
+ cap = hd.capacity()
+ if cap != "":
+ hdd += ", " + cap
+ hdd += ")"
+ list.append((hdd, hd))
+ return list
+ def getMountedPartitions(self):
+ return [x for x in self.partitions if x.mounted()]
+harddiskmanager = HarddiskManager()