+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Components.MenuList import MenuList
from Screens.Screen import Screen
from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
from Components.Label import Label
from Components.FileList import FileList
from Components.MultiContent import MultiContentEntryText
+from Components.ScrollLabel import ScrollLabel
from Tools.Directories import fileExists
from Tools.HardwareInfo import HardwareInfo
from enigma import eConsoleAppContainer, eListbox, gFont, eListboxPythonMultiContent, \
from os import system, remove
import re
import urllib
+from Tools.Downloader import downloadWithProgress
from twisted.web import client
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.python import failure
+from Plugins.SystemPlugins.Hotplug.plugin import hotplugNotifier
class UserRequestedCancel(Exception):
-class HTTPProgressDownloader(client.HTTPDownloader):
- def __init__(self, url, outfile, headers=None):
- client.HTTPDownloader.__init__(self, url, outfile, headers=headers, agent="Dreambox .NFI Download Plugin")
- self.status = None
- self.progress_callback = None
- self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
- def noPage(self, reason):
- if self.status == "304":
- print reason.getErrorMessage()
- client.HTTPDownloader.page(self, "")
- else:
- client.HTTPDownloader.noPage(self, reason)
- def gotHeaders(self, headers):
- if self.status == "200":
- if headers.has_key("content-length"):
- self.totalbytes = int(headers["content-length"][0])
- else:
- self.totalbytes = 0
- self.currentbytes = 0.0
- return client.HTTPDownloader.gotHeaders(self, headers)
- def pagePart(self, packet):
- if self.status == "200":
- self.currentbytes += len(packet)
- if self.totalbytes and self.progress_callback:
- self.progress_callback(self.currentbytes, self.totalbytes)
- return client.HTTPDownloader.pagePart(self, packet)
- def pageEnd(self):
- return client.HTTPDownloader.pageEnd(self)
-class downloadWithProgress:
- def __init__(self, url, outputfile, contextFactory=None, *args, **kwargs):
- scheme, host, port, path = client._parse(url)
- self.factory = HTTPProgressDownloader(url, outputfile, *args, **kwargs)
- self.connection = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self.factory)
- def start(self):
- return self.factory.deferred
- def stop(self):
- print "[stop]"
- self.connection.disconnect()
- #self.factory.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(UserRequestedCancel))
- def addProgress(self, progress_callback):
- print "[addProgress]"
- self.factory.progress_callback = progress_callback
class Feedlist(MenuList):
def __init__(self, list=[], enableWrapAround = False):
MenuList.__init__(self, list, enableWrapAround, eListboxPythonMultiContent)
def getNFIname(self):
l = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
return l and l[0][0]
def getNFIurl(self):
l = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
return l and l[0][1]
def getNFOname(self):
l = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
return l and l[0][0][:-3]+"nfo"
return False
return True
def moveSelection(self,idx=0):
if self.instance is not None:
+class NFOViewer(Screen):
+ skin = """
+ <screen name="NFOViewer" position="110,115" size="540,400" title="Changelog viewer" >
+ <widget name="changelog" position="10,10" size="520,380" font="Regular;16" />
+ </screen>"""
+ def __init__(self, session, nfo):
+ Screen.__init__(self, session)
+ self["changelog"] = ScrollLabel(nfo)
+ self["ViewerActions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "DirectionActions"],
+ {
+ "green": self.exit,
+ "red": self.exit,
+ "ok": self.exit,
+ "cancel": self.exit,
+ "down": self.pageDown,
+ "up": self.pageUp
+ })
+ def pageUp(self):
+ self["changelog"].pageUp()
+ def pageDown(self):
+ self["changelog"].pageDown()
+ def exit(self):
+ self.close(False)
class NFIDownload(Screen):
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/green.png" position="140,0" zPosition="0" size="140,40" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/yellow.png" position="280,0" zPosition="0" size="140,40" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/blue.png" position="420,0" zPosition="0" size="140,40" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
- <widget source="key_red" render="Label" position="0,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" />
- <widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="140,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" />
- <widget source="key_yellow" render="Label" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" />
- <widget source="key_blue" render="Label" position="420,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#18188b" transparent="1" />
+ <widget source="key_red" render="Label" position="0,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;19" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" />
+ <widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="140,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;19" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" />
+ <widget source="key_yellow" render="Label" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;19" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" />
+ <widget source="key_blue" render="Label" position="420,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;19" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="#18188b" transparent="1" />
<widget source="label_top" render="Label" position="10,44" size="240,20" font="Regular;16" />
<widget name="feedlist" position="10,66" size="250,222" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
self.box = HardwareInfo().get_device_name()
self.feed_base = "http://www.dreamboxupdate.com/opendreambox/1.5/%s/images/" % self.box
self.nfi_filter = "" # "release" # only show NFIs containing this string, or all if ""
+ self.wizard_mode = False
self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "DirectionActions", "EPGSelectActions"],
"cancel": self.closeCB,
"downRepeated": self.down,
"down": self.down
}, -1)
def downloading(self, state=True):
if state is True:
self["key_red"].text = _("Cancel")
self["key_green"].text = ""
self["key_yellow"].text = ""
self["key_blue"].text = ""
self.download = None
self["key_red"].text = _("Exit")
self["key_yellow"].text = (_("Change dir."))
self["key_yellow"].text = (_("Select image"))
- self["key_blue"].text = (_("Fix USB stick"))
+ self["key_blue"].text = (_("USB stick wizard"))
def switchList(self,to_where=None):
if self.download or not self["feedlist"].isValid():
self["job_progressbar"].value = 0
self["job_progresslabel"].text = ""
if to_where is None:
if self.focus is self.LIST_SOURCE:
to_where = self.LIST_DEST
if self.focus is self.LIST_DEST:
to_where = self.LIST_SOURCE
if to_where is self.LIST_DEST:
self.focus = self.LIST_DEST
self["statusbar"].text = _("Please select target directory or medium")
self["label_bottom"].text = _("Selected source image")+":"
self["path_bottom"].text = str(self["feedlist"].getNFIname())
self["key_yellow"].text = (_("Select image"))
elif to_where is self.LIST_SOURCE:
self.focus = self.LIST_SOURCE
self["statusbar"].text = _("Please choose .NFI image file from feed server to download")
self["label_bottom"].text = _("Destination directory")+":"
self["path_bottom"].text = str(self["destlist"].getCurrentDirectory())
self["key_yellow"].text = (_("Change dir."))
def up(self):
if self.download:
if self.focus is self.LIST_DEST:
def down(self):
if self.download:
if self.focus is self.LIST_DEST:
def left(self):
if self.download:
if self.focus is self.LIST_DEST:
def right(self):
if self.download:
def ok(self):
+ if self.focus is self.LIST_SOURCE and self.nfo:
+ self.session.open(NFOViewer, self.nfo)
if self.download:
if self.focus is self.LIST_DEST:
def feed_finished(self, feedhtml):
print "[feed_finished] " + str(feedhtml)
- fileresultmask = re.compile("<a href=[\'\"](?P<url>.*?)[\'\"]>(?P<name>.*?.nfi)</a>", re.DOTALL)
+ fileresultmask = re.compile("<a class=[\'\"]nfi[\'\"] href=[\'\"](?P<url>.*?)[\'\"]>(?P<name>.*?.nfi)</a>", re.DOTALL)
searchresults = fileresultmask.finditer(feedhtml)
fileresultlist = []
if searchresults:
self.download = self.nfo_download
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Downloading image description...")
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Downloading image description...")
def nfo_failed(self, failure_instance):
print "[nfo_failed] " + str(failure_instance)
self.nfofilename = ""
self.nfo = ""
def nfo_finished(self,nfodata=""):
print "[nfo_finished] " + str(nfodata)
self.nfofilename = ""
self["infolabel"].text = _("No details for this image file")
- self["statusbar"].text = ""
+ self["statusbar"].text = _("Press OK to view full changelog")
def nfi_download(self):
if self["destlist"].getCurrentDirectory() is None:
if self["feedlist"].isValid():
url = self["feedlist"].getNFIurl()
- localfile = self["destlist"].getCurrentDirectory()+'/'+self["feedlist"].getNFIname()
- print "[nfi_download] downloading %s to %s" % (url, localfile)
- self.download = downloadWithProgress(url,localfile)
+ self.nfilocal = self["destlist"].getCurrentDirectory()+'/'+self["feedlist"].getNFIname()
+ print "[nfi_download] downloading %s to %s" % (url, self.nfilocal)
+ self.download = downloadWithProgress(url,self.nfilocal)
self["job_progressbar"].range = 1000
#print "[update_progress] recvbytes=%d, totalbytes=%d" % (recvbytes, totalbytes)
self["job_progressbar"].value = int(1000*recvbytes/float(totalbytes))
self["job_progresslabel"].text = "%d of %d kBytes (%.2f%%)" % (recvbytes/1024, totalbytes/1024, 100*recvbytes/float(totalbytes))
def nfi_failed(self, failure_instance=None, error_message=""):
if error_message == "" and failure_instance is not None:
error_message = failure_instance.getErrorMessage()
self.session.open(MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
- #def nfi_failed(self, failure_instance):
- #print "[nfi_failed] "
- #print failure_instance
- #if isinstance(failure_instance, Plugins.SystemPlugins.NFIFlash.plugin.UserRequestedCancel):
- #print "is instance of Plugins.SystemPlugins.NFIFlash.plugin.UserRequestedCancel"
- #else:
- #print "not an instance of Plugins.SystemPlugins.NFIFlash.plugin.UserRequestedCancel"
def nfi_finished(self, string=""):
print "[nfi_finished] " + str(string)
if self.nfo != "":
print "couldn't save nfo file " + self.nfofilename
- pos = self.nfo.find("md5sum")
- if pos > 0:
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Please wait for md5 signature verification...")
- cmd = "md5sum -cs " + self.nfofilename
- print cmd
+ pos = self.nfo.find("MD5:")
+ if pos > 0 and len(self.nfo) >= pos+5+32:
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Please wait for md5 signature verification...")
+ cmd = "md5sum -c -"
+ md5 = self.nfo[pos+5:pos+5+32] + " " + self.nfilocal
+ print cmd, md5
- self.download_container.appClosed.get().append(self.md5finished)
+ self.download_container.appClosed.append(self.md5finished)
+ self.download_container.write(md5)
+ self.download_container.dataSent.append(self.md5ready)
self["statusbar"].text = "Download completed."
self["statusbar"].text = "Download completed."
+ if self.wizard_mode:
+ self.configBackup()
+ def md5ready(self, retval):
+ self.download_container.sendEOF()
def md5finished(self, retval):
print "[md5finished]: " + str(retval)
- self.download_container.appClosed.get().remove(self.md5finished)
+ self.download_container.appClosed.remove(self.md5finished)
if retval==0:
- self["statusbar"].text = _(".NFI file passed md5sum signature check. You can safely flash this image!")
- self.switchList(self.LIST_SOURCE)
+ if self.wizard_mode:
+ self.configBackup()
+ else:
+ self["statusbar"].text = _(".NFI file passed md5sum signature check. You can safely flash this image!")
+ self.switchList(self.LIST_SOURCE)
self.session.openWithCallback(self.nfi_remove, MessageBox, (_("The md5sum validation failed, the file may be downloaded incompletely or be corrupted!") + "\n" + _("Remove the broken .NFI file?")), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO)
def nfi_remove(self, answer):
if answer == True:
self.imagefilename = "/tmp/nfiflash_" + self.box + ".img"
message = _("You have chosen to create a new .NFI flasher bootable USB stick. This will repartition the USB stick and therefore all data on it will be erased.")
self.session.openWithCallback(self.flasherdownload_query, MessageBox, (message + '\n' + _("First we need to download the latest boot environment for the USB flasher.")), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO)
def flasherdownload_query(self, answer):
if answer is False:
def flasherdownload_finished(self, string=""):
print "[flasherdownload_finished] " + str(string)
self.container = eConsoleAppContainer()
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.umount_finished)
- self.container.dataAvail.get().append(self.tool_avail)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.umount_finished)
+ self.container.dataAvail.append(self.tool_avail)
self.taskstring = ""
umountdevs = ""
from os import listdir
self.taskstring += string
def umount_finished(self, retval):
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.umount_finished)
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.dmesg_clear, MessageBox, _("To make sure you intend to do this, please remove the target USB stick now and stick it back in upon prompt. Press OK when you have taken the stick out."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
- def dmesg_clear(self, answer):
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.dmesg_cleared)
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.umount_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.dmesg_cleared)
self.taskstring = ""
self.cmd = "dmesg -c"
print "executing " + self.cmd
- def dmesg_cleared(self, retval):
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.dmesg_cleared)
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.stick_back_in, MessageBox, (_("Now please insert the USB stick (minimum size is 64 MB) that you want to format and use as .NFI image flasher. Press OK after you've put the stick back in.")), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
- def stick_back_in(self, answer):
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Waiting for USB stick to settle...")
- self.delayTimer = eTimer()
- self.delayTimer.callback.append(self.waiting_for_stick)
- self.delayCount = -1
- self.delayTimer.start(1000)
- def waiting_for_stick(self):
- self.delayCount += 1
- self["job_progressbar"].range = 6
- self["job_progressbar"].value = self.delayCount
- self["job_progresslabel"].text = "-%d s" % (6-self.delayCount)
- if self.delayCount > 5:
- self.delayTimer.stop()
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.dmesg_scanned)
+ def dmesg_cleared(self, answer):
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.dmesg_cleared)
+ self.msgbox = self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Please disconnect all USB devices from your Dreambox and (re-)attach the target USB stick (minimum size is 64 MB) now!"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
+ hotplugNotifier.append(self.hotplugCB)
+ def hotplugCB(self, dev, action):
+ print "[hotplugCB]", dev, action
+ if dev.startswith("sd") and action == "add":
+ self.msgbox.close()
+ hotplugNotifier.remove(self.hotplugCB)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.dmesg_scanned)
self.taskstring = ""
self.cmd = "dmesg"
print "executing " + self.cmd
def dmesg_scanned(self, retval):
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.dmesg_scanned)
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.dmesg_scanned)
dmesg_lines = self.taskstring.splitlines()
self.devicetext = None
self.stickdevice = None
self.session.openWithCallback(self.remove_img, MessageBox, _("No useable USB stick found"), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
self.session.openWithCallback(self.fdisk_query, MessageBox, (_("The following device was found:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to write the USB flasher to this stick?") % self.devicetext), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO)
def fdisk_query(self, answer):
- if answer == True:
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Partitioning USB stick...")
+ if answer == True and self.stickdevice:
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Partitioning USB stick...")
self["job_progressbar"].range = 1000
self["job_progressbar"].value = 100
self["job_progresslabel"].text = "5.00%"
self.taskstring = ""
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.fdisk_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.fdisk_finished)
self.container.execute("fdisk " + self.stickdevice + "/disc")
- self.container.write("d\nn\np\n1\n\n\nt\n6\nw\n")
+ self.container.write("d\n4\nd\n3\nd\n2\nd\nn\np\n1\n\n\nt\n6\nw\n")
self.delayTimer = eTimer()
self.delayTimer.start(105, False)
def fdisk_finished(self, retval):
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.fdisk_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.fdisk_finished)
if retval == 0:
if fileExists(self.imagefilename):
self["job_progressbar"].value = 700
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Decompressing USB stick flasher boot image...")
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Decompressing USB stick flasher boot image...")
self.taskstring = ""
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.tar_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.tar_finished)
self.cmd = "tar -xjvf nfiflasher_image.tar.bz2"
def tar_finished(self, retval):
- if len(self.container.appClosed.get()) > 0:
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.tar_finished)
+ if len(self.container.appClosed) > 0:
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.tar_finished)
if retval == 0:
self.imagefilename = "/tmp/nfiflash_" + self.box + ".img"
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Copying USB flasher boot image to stick...")
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Copying USB flasher boot image to stick...")
self.taskstring = ""
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.dd_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.dd_finished)
self.cmd = "dd if=%s of=%s" % (self.imagefilename,self.stickdevice+"/part1")
print "executing " + self.cmd
def dd_finished(self, retval):
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.dd_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.dd_finished)
if retval == 0:
self["job_progressbar"].value = 950
self["job_progresslabel"].text = "95.00%"
- self["statusbar"].text = _("Remounting stick partition...")
+ self["statusbar"].text = ("Remounting stick partition...")
self.taskstring = ""
- self.container.appClosed.get().append(self.mount_finished)
+ self.container.appClosed.append(self.mount_finished)
self.cmd = "mount %s /mnt/usb -o rw,sync" % (self.stickdevice+"/part1")
print "executing " + self.cmd
self.session.openWithCallback(self.remove_img, MessageBox, (self.cmd + " " + _("failed") + ":\n" + str(self.taskstring)), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
def mount_finished(self, retval):
- self.container.dataAvail.get().remove(self.tool_avail)
- self.container.appClosed.get().remove(self.mount_finished)
+ self.container.dataAvail.remove(self.tool_avail)
+ self.container.appClosed.remove(self.mount_finished)
if retval == 0:
self["job_progressbar"].value = 1000
self["job_progresslabel"].text = "100.00%"
- self["statusbar"].text = _(".NFI Flasher bootable USB stick successfully created.")
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.remove_img, MessageBox, _("The .NFI Image flasher USB stick is now ready to use. Please download an .NFI image file from the feed server and save it on the stick. Then reboot and hold the 'Down' key on the front panel to boot the .NFI flasher from the stick!"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
+ self["statusbar"].text = (".NFI Flasher bootable USB stick successfully created.")
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.flasherFinishedCB, MessageBox, _("The USB stick is now bootable. Do you want to download the latest image from the feed server and save it on the stick?"), type = MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO)
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.remove_img, MessageBox, (self.cmd + " " + _("failed") + ":\n" + str(self.taskstring)), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.flasherFinishedCB, MessageBox, (self.cmd + " " + _("failed") + ":\n" + str(self.taskstring)), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
+ self.remove_img(True)
def remove_img(self, answer):
if fileExists("/tmp/nfiflasher_image.tar.bz2"):
+ def flasherFinishedCB(self, answer):
+ if answer == True:
+ self.wizard_mode = True
+ self["feedlist"].moveSelection(0)
+ self["path_bottom"].text = str(self["destlist"].getCurrentDirectory())
+ self.nfo_download()
+ self.nfi_download()
+ def configBackup(self):
+ self.session.openWithCallback(self.runBackup, MessageBox, _("The wizard can backup your current settings. Do you want to do a backup now?"))
+ def runBackup(self, result=None):
+ from Tools.Directories import createDir, isMount, pathExists
+ from time import localtime
+ from datetime import date
+ from Screens.Console import Console
+ if result:
+ if isMount("/mnt/usb/"):
+ if (pathExists("/mnt/usb/backup") == False):
+ createDir("/mnt/usb/backup", True)
+ d = localtime()
+ dt = date(d.tm_year, d.tm_mon, d.tm_mday)
+ self.backup_file = "backup/" + str(dt) + "_settings_backup.tar.gz"
+ self.session.open(Console, title = "Backup running", cmdlist = ["tar -czvf " + "/mnt/usb/" + self.backup_file + " /etc/enigma2/ /etc/network/interfaces /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"], finishedCallback = self.backup_finished, closeOnSuccess = True)
+ else:
+ self.backup_file = None
+ self.backup_finished(skipped=True)
+ def backup_finished(self, skipped=False):
+ if not skipped:
+ wizardfd = open("/mnt/usb/wizard.nfo", "w")
+ if wizardfd:
+ wizardfd.write("image: "+self["feedlist"].getNFIname()+'\n')
+ wizardfd.write("configuration: "+self.backup_file+'\n')
+ wizardfd.close()
+ self.session.open(MessageBox, _("To update your Dreambox firmware, please follow these steps:\n1) Turn off your box with the rear power switch and plug in the bootable USB stick.\n2) Turn mains back on and hold the DOWN button on the front panel pressed for 10 seconds.\n3) Wait for bootup and follow instructions of the wizard."), type = MessageBox.TYPE_INFO)
def closeCB(self):
if self.download:
Scanner(mimetypes = ["application/x-dream-image"],
paths_to_scan =
- ScanPath(path = "", with_subdirs = False),
+ ScanPath(path = "", with_subdirs = False),
name = "NFI",
- description = (_("Download .NFI-Files for USB-Flasher")+"..."),
+ description = (_("Download .NFI-Files for USB-Flasher")+"..."),
openfnc = filescan_open, )