from xml.sax import make_parser
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
+def tryOpen(filename):
+ try:
+ procFile = open(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ return ""
+ return procFile
class SecConfigure:
def addLNBSimple(self, slotid, orbpos, toneburstmode, diseqcmode, diseqcpos):
#simple defaults
#print "set orbpos to:" + str(orbpos)
+ self.satList.append(orbpos)
+ def getSatList(self):
+ return self.satList
def update(self):
+ self.satList = []
for slot in self.NimManager.nimslots:
x = slot.slotid
self.satellites[tpos] = tname
self.satList.append( (tname, tpos) )
+ def getConfiguredSats(self):
+ return self.sec.getSatList()
+ def getSatDescription(self, pos):
+ return self.satellites[str(pos)]
def readSatsfromFile(self):
self.satellites = { }
def getNimType(self, slotID):
#FIXME get it from /proc
- if slotID == 0:
- return self.nimType["DVB-S"]
- else:
- return self.nimType["empty/unknown"]
+ nimfile = tryOpen("/proc/bus/nim_sockets")
+ if nimfile == "":
+ # FIXME: remove this in the final version
+ # check if we have a device for 7020 comp?atibility reasons
+ try:
+ open("/dev/dvb/card0/frontend" + str(slotID))
+ return self.nimType["DVB-S"]
+ except IOError:
+ return self.nimType["empty/unknown"]
+ while 1:
+ line = nimfile.readline()
+ if line == "":
+ break
+ if line.startswith("NIM Socket"):
+ parts = line.strip().split(" ")
+ id = int(parts[2][:1])
+ if id == slotID:
+ line = nimfile.readline()
+ if line == "":
+ break
+ if line.startswith(" Type:"):
+ nimfile.close()
+ return self.nimType["DVB-S"]
+ else:
+ break
+ nimfile.close()
+ return self.nimType["empty/unknown"]
def getNimName(self, slotID):
#FIXME get it from /proc
return list
def getSatListForNim(self, slotid):
- #print "slotid:", slotid
list = []
- #print "self.satellites:", self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value]
- #print "diseqcA:", config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value
- if (config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value <= 3):
- list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value])
- if (0 < config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value <= 3):
- list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcB.value])
- if (config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value == 3):
- list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcC.value])
- list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcD.value])
+ if (self.getNimType(slotid) != self.nimType["empty/unknown"]):
+ #print "slotid:", slotid
+ #print "self.satellites:", self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value]
+ #print "diseqcA:", config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value
+ if (config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value <= 3):
+ list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcA.value])
+ if (0 < config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value <= 3):
+ list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcB.value])
+ if (config.Nims[slotid].diseqcMode.value == 3):
+ list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcC.value])
+ list.append(self.satList[config.Nims[slotid].diseqcD.value])
return list
#callbacks for c++ config
#print "nimDiseqcModeChanged set to " + str(mode)
def nimPortAChanged(self, slotid, val):
- #print "nimDiseqcA set to " + str(val)
+ #print "nimDiseqcA set to " + str(slotid) + " val:" + str(val)
def nimPortBChanged(self, slotid, val):
+ #print "nimDiseqcA set to " + str(slotid) + " val:" + str(val)
#print "nimDiseqcB set to " + str(val)
def nimPortCChanged(self, slotid, val):
def InitNimManager(nimmgr):
- config.Nims = [ConfigSubsection()] * nimmgr.nimCount
+ config.Nims = []
+ for x in range(nimmgr.nimCount):
+ config.Nims.append(ConfigSubsection())
def nimConfigModeChanged(slotid, configElement):
nimmgr.nimConfigModeChanged(slotid, configElement.value)
def nimDiseqcModeChanged(slotid, configElement):
#perhaps the instance of the slot is more useful?
- nim.diseqcA.addNotifier(boundFunction(nimPortAChanged,x))
+ nim.diseqcA.addNotifier(boundFunction(nimPortAChanged,int(x)))
print "pls add support for this frontend type!"
nimmgr.sec = SecConfigure(nimmgr)
nimmanager = NimManager()