class ParentalControl:
def __init__(self):
#Do not call open on init, because bouquets are not ready at that moment
self.serviceLevel = {}
#Instead: Use Flags to see, if we already initialized config and called open
self.configInitialized = False
- self.filesOpened = False
#This is the timer that is used to see, if the time for caching the pin is over
#Of course we could also work without a timer and compare the times every
#time we call isServicePlayable. But this might probably slow down zapping,
def isServicePlayable(self, ref, callback):
if not config.ParentalControl.configured.value or not config.ParentalControl.servicepinactive.value:
return True
- #Check if we already read the whitelists and blacklists. If not: call open
- if self.filesOpened == False:
#Check if configuration has already been read or if the significant values have changed.
#If true: read the configuration
if self.configInitialized == False or self.storeServicePin != config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin.value or self.storeServicePinCancel != config.ParentalControl.storeservicepincancel.value:
def getProtectionType(self, service):
#New method used in ParentalControlList: This method does not only return
#if a service is protected or not, it also returns, why (whitelist or blacklist, service or bouquet)
- if self.filesOpened == False:
sImage = ""
if (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST):
if self.whitelist.has_key(service):
return services
def save(self):
+ # we need to open the files in case we havent's read them yet
def open(self):
- self.filesOpened = True
parentalControl = ParentalControl()