eDVBSatelliteDiseqcParameters as diseqcParam, \
eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters as switchParam, \
eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters as rotorParam, \
- eDVBResourceManager, eDVBDB
+ eDVBResourceManager, eDVBDB, eEnv
from time import localtime, mktime
from datetime import datetime
def setSatposDepends(self, sec, nim1, nim2):
print "tuner", nim1, "depends on satpos of", nim2
sec.setTunerDepends(nim1, nim2)
+ def linkInternally(self, slotid):
+ nim = self.NimManager.getNim(slotid)
+ if nim.internallyConnectableTo is not None:
+ nim.setInternalLink()
def linkNIMs(self, sec, nim1, nim2):
print "link tuner", nim1, "to tuner", nim2
+ if nim2 == (nim1 - 1):
+ self.linkInternally(nim1)
sec.setTunerLinked(nim1, nim2)
def getRoot(self, slotid, connto):
def update(self):
sec = secClass.getInstance()
self.configuredSatellites = set()
+ for slotid in self.NimManager.getNimListOfType("DVB-S"):
+ if self.NimManager.nimInternallyConnectableTo(slotid) is not None:
+ self.NimManager.nimRemoveInternalLink(slotid)
sec.clear() ## this do unlinking NIMs too !!
print "sec config cleared"
for slot in nim_slots:
if slot.type is not None:
- used_nim_slots.append((slot.slot, slot.description, slot.config.configMode.value != "nothing" and True or False, slot.isCompatible("DVB-S2")))
+ used_nim_slots.append((slot.slot, slot.description, slot.config.configMode.value != "nothing" and True or False, slot.isCompatible("DVB-S2"), slot.frontend_id is None and -1 or slot.frontend_id))
for slot in nim_slots:
elif currLnb.lof.value == "unicable":
- if currLnb.unicable.value == "unicable_user":
-#TODO satpositions for satcruser
- sec.setLNBLOFL(currLnb.lofl.value * 1000)
- sec.setLNBLOFH(currLnb.lofh.value * 1000)
- sec.setLNBThreshold(currLnb.threshold.value * 1000)
- sec.setLNBSatCR(currLnb.satcruser.index)
- sec.setLNBSatCRvco(currLnb.satcrvcouser[currLnb.satcruser.index].value*1000)
- sec.setLNBSatCRpositions(1) #HACK
- elif currLnb.unicable.value == "unicable_matrix":
- manufacturer_name = currLnb.unicableMatrixManufacturer.value
- manufacturer = currLnb.unicableMatrix[manufacturer_name]
+ def setupUnicable(configManufacturer, ProductDict):
+ manufacturer_name = configManufacturer.value
+ manufacturer = ProductDict[manufacturer_name]
product_name = manufacturer.product.value
sec.setLNBLOFL(manufacturer.lofl[product_name][0].value * 1000)
sec.setLNBLOFH(manufacturer.lofh[product_name][0].value * 1000)
sec.setLNBThreshold(manufacturer.loft[product_name][0].value * 1000)
- currLnb.unicableMatrixManufacturer.save_forced = True
+ configManufacturer.save_forced = True
manufacturer.product.save_forced = True
manufacturer.vco[product_name][manufacturer.scr[product_name].index].save_forced = True
+ if currLnb.unicable.value == "unicable_user":
+#TODO satpositions for satcruser
+ sec.setLNBLOFL(currLnb.lofl.value * 1000)
+ sec.setLNBLOFH(currLnb.lofh.value * 1000)
+ sec.setLNBThreshold(currLnb.threshold.value * 1000)
+ sec.setLNBSatCR(currLnb.satcruser.index)
+ sec.setLNBSatCRvco(currLnb.satcrvcouser[currLnb.satcruser.index].value*1000)
+ sec.setLNBSatCRpositions(1) #HACK
+ elif currLnb.unicable.value == "unicable_matrix":
+ setupUnicable(currLnb.unicableMatrixManufacturer, currLnb.unicableMatrix)
elif currLnb.unicable.value == "unicable_lnb":
- manufacturer_name = currLnb.unicableLnbManufacturer.value
- manufacturer = currLnb.unicableLnb[manufacturer_name]
- product_name = manufacturer.product.value
- sec.setLNBSatCR(manufacturer.scr[product_name].index)
- sec.setLNBSatCRvco(manufacturer.vco[product_name][manufacturer.scr[product_name].index].value*1000)
- sec.setLNBSatCRpositions(manufacturer.positions[product_name][0].value)
- sec.setLNBLOFL(manufacturer.lofl[product_name][0].value * 1000)
- sec.setLNBLOFH(manufacturer.lofh[product_name][0].value * 1000)
- sec.setLNBThreshold(manufacturer.loft[product_name][0].value * 1000)
- currLnb.unicableLnbManufacturer.save_forced = True
- manufacturer.product.save_forced = True
- manufacturer.vco[product_name][manufacturer.scr[product_name].index].save_forced = True
+ setupUnicable(currLnb.unicableLnbManufacturer, currLnb.unicableLnb)
elif currLnb.lof.value == "c_band":
class NIM(object):
- def __init__(self, slot, type, description, has_outputs = True, internally_connectable = None, multi_type = {}):
+ def __init__(self, slot, type, description, has_outputs = True, internally_connectable = None, multi_type = {}, frontend_id = None, i2c = None, is_empty = False):
self.slot = slot
if type not in ("DVB-S", "DVB-C", "DVB-T", "DVB-S2", None):
self.has_outputs = has_outputs
self.internally_connectable = internally_connectable
self.multi_type = multi_type
+ self.i2c = i2c
+ self.frontend_id = frontend_id
+ self.__is_empty = is_empty
def isCompatible(self, what):
+ if not self.isSupported():
+ return False
compatible = {
None: (None,),
"DVB-S": ("DVB-S", None),
def getSlotID(self):
return chr(ord('A') + self.slot)
+ def getI2C(self):
+ return self.i2c
def hasOutputs(self):
return self.has_outputs
def internallyConnectableTo(self):
return self.internally_connectable
+ def setInternalLink(self):
+ if self.internally_connectable is not None:
+ print "setting internal link on frontend id", self.frontend_id
+ open("/proc/stb/frontend/%d/rf_switch" % self.frontend_id, "w").write("internal")
+ def removeInternalLink(self):
+ if self.internally_connectable is not None:
+ print "removing internal link on frontend id", self.frontend_id
+ open("/proc/stb/frontend/%d/rf_switch" % self.frontend_id, "w").write("external")
def isMultiType(self):
return (len(self.multi_type) > 0)
+ def isEmpty(self):
+ return self.__is_empty
+ # empty tuners are supported!
+ def isSupported(self):
+ return (self.frontend_id is not None) or self.__is_empty
# returns dict {<slotid>: <type>}
def getMultiTypeList(self):
return self.multi_type
if self.empty:
nim_text += _("(empty)")
+ elif not self.isSupported():
+ nim_text += self.description + " (" + _("not supported") + ")"
- nim_text += self.description + " (" + self.friendly_type + ")"
+ nim_text += self.description + " (" + self.friendly_type + ")"
return nim_text
entries[current_slot] = {}
elif line.strip().startswith("Type:"):
entries[current_slot]["type"] = str(line.strip()[6:])
+ entries[current_slot]["isempty"] = False
elif line.strip().startswith("Name:"):
entries[current_slot]["name"] = str(line.strip()[6:])
+ entries[current_slot]["isempty"] = False
elif line.strip().startswith("Has_Outputs:"):
input = str(line.strip()[len("Has_Outputs:") + 1:])
entries[current_slot]["has_outputs"] = (input == "yes")
elif line.strip().startswith("Internally_Connectable:"):
input = int(line.strip()[len("Internally_Connectable:") + 1:])
entries[current_slot]["internally_connectable"] = input
+ elif line.strip().startswith("Frontend_Device:"):
+ input = int(line.strip()[len("Frontend_Device:") + 1:])
+ entries[current_slot]["frontend_device"] = input
elif line.strip().startswith("Mode"):
# "Mode 0: DVB-T" -> ["Mode 0", " DVB-T"]
split = line.strip().split(":")
modes = entries[current_slot].get("multi_type", {})
modes[split2[1]] = split[1].strip()
entries[current_slot]["multi_type"] = modes
+ elif line.strip().startswith("I2C_Device:"):
+ input = int(line.strip()[len("I2C_Device:") + 1:])
+ entries[current_slot]["i2c"] = input
elif line.strip().startswith("empty"):
entries[current_slot]["type"] = None
entries[current_slot]["name"] = _("N/A")
+ entries[current_slot]["isempty"] = True
+ from os import path
for id, entry in entries.items():
if not (entry.has_key("name") and entry.has_key("type")):
entry["name"] = _("N/A")
entry["type"] = None
+ if not (entry.has_key("i2c")):
+ entry["i2c"] = None
if not (entry.has_key("has_outputs")):
entry["has_outputs"] = True
- if not (entry.has_key("internally_connectable")):
- entry["internally_connectable"] = None
+ if entry.has_key("frontend_device"): # check if internally connectable
+ if path.exists("/proc/stb/frontend/%d/rf_switch" % entry["frontend_device"]):
+ entry["internally_connectable"] = entry["frontend_device"] - 1
+ else:
+ entry["internally_connectable"] = None
+ else:
+ entry["frontend_device"] = entry["internally_connectable"] = None
if not (entry.has_key("multi_type")):
entry["multi_type"] = {}
- self.nim_slots.append(NIM(slot = id, description = entry["name"], type = entry["type"], has_outputs = entry["has_outputs"], internally_connectable = entry["internally_connectable"], multi_type = entry["multi_type"]))
+ self.nim_slots.append(NIM(slot = id, description = entry["name"], type = entry["type"], has_outputs = entry["has_outputs"], internally_connectable = entry["internally_connectable"], multi_type = entry["multi_type"], frontend_id = entry["frontend_device"], i2c = entry["i2c"], is_empty = entry["isempty"]))
def hasNimType(self, chktype):
for slot in self.nim_slots:
def getNimName(self, slotid):
return self.nim_slots[slotid].description
+ def getNim(self, slotid):
+ return self.nim_slots[slotid]
+ def getI2CDevice(self, slotid):
+ return self.nim_slots[slotid].getI2C()
def getNimListOfType(self, type, exception = -1):
# returns a list of indexes for NIMs compatible to the given type, except for 'exception'
def hasOutputs(self, slotid):
return self.nim_slots[slotid].hasOutputs()
+ def nimInternallyConnectableTo(self, slotid):
+ return self.nim_slots[slotid].internallyConnectableTo()
+ def nimRemoveInternalLink(self, slotid):
+ self.nim_slots[slotid].removeInternalLink()
def canConnectTo(self, slotid):
slots = []
if self.nim_slots[slotid].internallyConnectableTo() is not None:
unicablelnbproducts = {}
unicablematrixproducts = {}
- doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse("/usr/share/enigma2/unicable.xml")
+ doc = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(eEnv.resolve("${datadir}/enigma2/unicable.xml"))
root = doc.getroot()
entry = root.find("lnb")
- lof.append(product.get("positions","1"))
- lof.append(product.get("lofl","9750"))
- lof.append(product.get("lofh","10600"))
- lof.append(product.get("threshold","11700"))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("positions",1)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("lofl",9750)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("lofh",10600)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("threshold",11700)))
- lof.append(product.get("positions","1"))
- lof.append(product.get("lofl","9750"))
- lof.append(product.get("lofh","10600"))
- lof.append(product.get("threshold","11700"))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("positions",1)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("lofl",9750)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("lofh",10600)))
+ lof.append(int(product.get("threshold",11700)))
section.unicable = ConfigSelection(choices = {"unicable_user": _("User defined")}, default = "unicable_user")
- if lnb < 3:
- section.unicableMatrix = ConfigSubDict()
- section.unicableMatrixManufacturer = ConfigSelection(choices = UnicableMatrixManufacturers, default = UnicableMatrixManufacturers[0])
- for y in unicablematrixproducts:
- products = unicablematrixproducts[y].keys()
+ def fillUnicableConf(sectionDict, unicableproducts, vco_null_check):
+ for y in unicableproducts:
+ products = unicableproducts[y].keys()
tmp = ConfigSubsection()
tmp.product = ConfigSelection(choices = products, default = products[0])
tmp.scr = ConfigSubDict()
tmp.vco = ConfigSubDict()
+ tmp.lofl = ConfigSubDict()
+ tmp.lofh = ConfigSubDict()
+ tmp.loft = ConfigSubDict()
+ tmp.positions = ConfigSubDict()
for z in products:
scrlist = []
- vcolist = unicablematrixproducts[y][z]
+ vcolist = unicableproducts[y][z]
tmp.vco[z] = ConfigSubList()
for cnt in range(1,1+len(vcolist)-1):
vcofreq = int(vcolist[cnt-1])
- if vcofreq == 0:
+ if vcofreq == 0 and vco_null_check:
scrlist.append(("%d" %cnt,"SCR %d " %cnt +_("not used")))
scrlist.append(("%d" %cnt,"SCR %d" %cnt))
tmp.vco[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=vcofreq, limits = (vcofreq, vcofreq)))
- tmp.scr[z] = ConfigSelection(choices = scrlist, default = scrlist[0][0])
- section.unicableMatrix[y] = tmp
+ tmp.scr[z] = ConfigSelection(choices = scrlist, default = scrlist[0][0])
+ positions = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][0])
+ tmp.positions[z] = ConfigSubList()
+ tmp.positions[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=positions, limits = (positions, positions)))
+ lofl = vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][1]
+ tmp.lofl[z] = ConfigSubList()
+ tmp.lofl[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=lofl, limits = (lofl, lofl)))
+ lofh = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][2])
+ tmp.lofh[z] = ConfigSubList()
+ tmp.lofh[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=lofh, limits = (lofh, lofh)))
+ loft = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][3])
+ tmp.loft[z] = ConfigSubList()
+ tmp.loft[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=loft, limits = (loft, loft)))
+ sectionDict[y] = tmp
+ if lnb < 3:
+ print "MATRIX"
+ section.unicableMatrix = ConfigSubDict()
+ section.unicableMatrixManufacturer = ConfigSelection(UnicableMatrixManufacturers, UnicableMatrixManufacturers[0])
+ fillUnicableConf(section.unicableMatrix, unicablematrixproducts, True)
if lnb < 2:
+ print "LNB"
section.unicableLnb = ConfigSubDict()
section.unicableLnbManufacturer = ConfigSelection(UnicableLnbManufacturers, UnicableLnbManufacturers[0])
- for y in unicablelnbproducts:
- products = unicablelnbproducts[y].keys()
- products.sort()
- tmp = ConfigSubsection()
- tmp.product = ConfigSelection(choices = products, default = products[0])
- tmp.scr = ConfigSubDict()
- tmp.vco = ConfigSubDict()
- tmp.lofl = ConfigSubDict()
- tmp.lofh = ConfigSubDict()
- tmp.loft = ConfigSubDict()
- tmp.positions = ConfigSubDict()
- for z in products:
- scrlist = []
- vcolist = unicablelnbproducts[y][z]
- tmp.vco[z] = ConfigSubList()
- for cnt in range(1,1+len(vcolist)-1):
- scrlist.append(("%d" %cnt,"SCR %d" %cnt))
- vcofreq = int(vcolist[cnt-1])
- tmp.vco[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=vcofreq, limits = (vcofreq, vcofreq)))
- tmp.scr[z] = ConfigSelection(choices = scrlist, default = scrlist[0][0])
- positions = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][0])
- tmp.positions[z] = ConfigSubList()
- tmp.positions[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=positions, limits = (positions, positions)))
- lofl = vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][1]
- tmp.lofl[z] = ConfigSubList()
- tmp.lofl[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=lofl, limits = (lofl, lofl)))
- lofh = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][2])
- tmp.lofh[z] = ConfigSubList()
- tmp.lofh[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=lofh, limits = (lofh, lofh)))
- loft = int(vcolist[len(vcolist)-1][3])
- tmp.loft[z] = ConfigSubList()
- tmp.loft[z].append(ConfigInteger(default=loft, limits = (loft, loft)))
- section.unicableLnb[y] = tmp
+ fillUnicableConf(section.unicableLnb, unicablelnbproducts, False)
#TODO satpositions for satcruser
section.satcruser = ConfigSelection(advanced_lnb_satcruser_choices, default="1")
tmp = ConfigSubList()
section.latitude = ConfigFloat(default = [50,767], limits = [(0,359),(0,999)])
section.latitudeOrientation = ConfigSelection(latitude_orientation_choices, "north")
section.powerMeasurement = ConfigYesNo(default=True)
- section.powerThreshold = ConfigInteger(default=hw.get_device_name() == "dm8000" and 15 or 50, limits=(0, 100))
+ section.powerThreshold = ConfigInteger(default=hw.get_device_name() == "dm7025" and 50 or 15, limits=(0, 100))
section.turningSpeed = ConfigSelection(turning_speed_choices, "fast")
section.fastTurningBegin = ConfigDateTime(default=advanced_lnb_fast_turning_btime, formatstring = _("%H:%M"), increment = 600)
section.fastTurningEnd = ConfigDateTime(default=advanced_lnb_fast_turning_etime, formatstring = _("%H:%M"), increment = 600)
nim = config.Nims[x]
if slot.isCompatible("DVB-S"):
- nim.toneAmplitude = ConfigSelection([("9", "600mV"), ("8", "700mV"), ("7", "800mV"), ("6", "900mV"), ("5", "1100mV")], "7")
+ nim.toneAmplitude = ConfigSelection([("11", "340mV"), ("10", "360mV"), ("9", "600mV"), ("8", "700mV"), ("7", "800mV"), ("6", "900mV"), ("5", "1100mV")], "7")
nim.toneAmplitude.fe_id = x - empty_slots
nim.toneAmplitude.slot_id = x