+ self.weekday_rect = Rect(0, 0, width/20*2-10, height)
+ self.datetime_rect = Rect(width/20*2, 0, width/20*5-15, height)
+ self.service_rect = Rect(width/20*7, 0, width/20*13, height)
+ def getClockPixmap(self, refstr, beginTime, duration, eventId):
+ pre_clock = 1
+ post_clock = 2
+ clock_type = 0
+ endTime = beginTime + duration
+ for x in self.timer.timer_list:
+ if x.service_ref.ref.toString() == refstr:
+ if x.eit == eventId:
+ return self.clock_pixmap
+ beg = x.begin
+ end = x.end
+ if beginTime > beg and beginTime < end and endTime > end:
+ clock_type |= pre_clock
+ elif beginTime < beg and endTime > beg and endTime < end:
+ clock_type |= post_clock
+ if clock_type == 0:
+ return self.clock_add_pixmap
+ elif clock_type == pre_clock:
+ return self.clock_pre_pixmap
+ elif clock_type == post_clock:
+ return self.clock_post_pixmap
+ else:
+ return self.clock_prepost_pixmap
+ def buildSingleEntry(self, service, eventId, beginTime, duration, EventName):
+ rec=beginTime and (self.timer.isInTimer(eventId, beginTime, duration, service))
+ r1=self.weekday_rect
+ r2=self.datetime_rect
+ r3=self.descr_rect
+ t = localtime(beginTime)
+ res = [
+ None, # no private data needed
+ (eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, r1.left(), r1.top(), r1.width(), r1.height(), 0, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, self.days[t[6]]),
+ (eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, r2.left(), r2.top(), r2.width(), r1.height(), 0, RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, "%02d.%02d, %02d:%02d"%(t[2],t[1],t[3],t[4]))
+ ]
+ if rec:
+ clock_pic = self.getClockPixmap(service, beginTime, duration, eventId)
+ res.extend((
+ (eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHATEST, r3.left(), r3.top(), 21, 21, clock_pic),
+ (eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, r3.left() + 25, r3.top(), r3.width(), r3.height(), 0, RT_HALIGN_LEFT, EventName)
+ ))
+ else:
+ res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, r3.left(), r3.top(), r3.width(), r3.height(), 0, RT_HALIGN_LEFT, EventName))
+ return res