+ diseqc.data[0] = 0xE0;
+ diseqc.data[1] = 0x31; // positioner
+ if ( useGotoXX )
+ {
+ diseqc.len = 5;
+ diseqc.data[2] = 0x6E; // drive to angular position
+ diseqc.data[3] = ((RotorCmd & 0xFF00) / 0x100);
+ diseqc.data[4] = RotorCmd & 0xFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ diseqc.len = 4;
+ diseqc.data[2] = 0x6B; // goto stored sat position
+ diseqc.data[3] = RotorCmd;
+ diseqc.data[4] = 0x00;
+ }
+ if(lnb_param.SatCR_idx == -1)
+ {
+ int mrt = m_params[MOTOR_RUNNING_TIMEOUT]; // in seconds!
+ if ( rotor_param.m_inputpower_parameters.m_use )
+ { // use measure rotor input power to detect rotor state
+ bool turn_fast = need_turn_fast(rotor_param.m_inputpower_parameters.m_turning_speed);
+ eSecCommand::rotor cmd;
+ eSecCommand::pair compare;
+ if (turn_fast)
+ compare.voltage = VOLTAGE(18);
+ else
+ compare.voltage = VOLTAGE(13);
+ compare.steps = +3;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_VOLTAGE_GOTO, compare) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_VOLTAGE, compare.voltage) );
+ // measure idle power values
+ compare.steps = -2;
+ if (turn_fast) {
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, m_params[DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_MEASURE_IDLE_INPUTPOWER]) ); // wait 150msec after voltage change
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::MEASURE_IDLE_INPUTPOWER, 1) );
+ compare.val = 1;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_MEASURE_IDLE_WAS_NOT_OK_GOTO, compare) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_VOLTAGE, VOLTAGE(13)) );
+ }
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, m_params[DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_MEASURE_IDLE_INPUTPOWER]) ); // wait 150msec before measure
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::MEASURE_IDLE_INPUTPOWER, 0) );
+ compare.val = 0;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_MEASURE_IDLE_WAS_NOT_OK_GOTO, compare) );
+ ////////////////////////////
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_ROTOR_DISEQC_RETRYS, m_params[MOTOR_COMMAND_RETRIES]) ); // 2 retries
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::INVALIDATE_CURRENT_ROTORPARMS) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SEND_DISEQC, diseqc) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_TIMEOUT, 40) ); // 2 seconds rotor start timout
+ // rotor start loop
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, 50) ); // 50msec delay
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::MEASURE_RUNNING_INPUTPOWER) );
+ cmd.direction=1; // check for running rotor
+ cmd.deltaA=rotor_param.m_inputpower_parameters.m_delta;
+ cmd.steps=+5;
+ cmd.okcount=0;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_INPUTPOWER_DELTA_GOTO, cmd ) ); // check if rotor has started
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_TIMEOUT_GOTO, +2 ) ); // timeout .. we assume now the rotor is already at the correct position
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, -4) ); // goto loop start
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_NO_MORE_ROTOR_DISEQC_RETRYS_GOTO, turn_fast ? 10 : 9 ) ); // timeout .. we assume now the rotor is already at the correct position
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, -8) ); // goto loop start
+ ////////////////////
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_ROTOR_MOVING) );
+ if (turn_fast)
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_VOLTAGE, VOLTAGE(18)) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_TIMEOUT, mrt*20) ); // mrt is in seconds... our SLEEP time is 50ms.. so * 20
+ // rotor running loop
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, 50) ); // wait 50msec
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::MEASURE_RUNNING_INPUTPOWER) );
+ cmd.direction=0; // check for stopped rotor
+ cmd.steps=+3;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_INPUTPOWER_DELTA_GOTO, cmd ) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_TIMEOUT_GOTO, +2 ) ); // timeout ? this should never happen
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, -4) ); // running loop start
+ /////////////////////
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::UPDATE_CURRENT_ROTORPARAMS) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_ROTOR_STOPPED) );
+ }
+ else
+ { // use normal turning mode
+ if (curRotorPos != -1)
+ {
+ mrt = abs(curRotorPos - sat.orbital_position);
+ if (mrt > 1800)
+ mrt = 3600 - mrt;
+ if (mrt % 10)
+ mrt += 10; // round a little bit
+ mrt *= 2000; // (we assume a very slow rotor with just 0.5 degree per second here)
+ mrt /= 10000;
+ mrt += 3; // a little bit overhead
+ }
+ doSetVoltageToneFrontend=false;
+ doSetFrontend=false;
+ eSecCommand::rotor cmd;
+ eSecCommand::pair compare;
+ compare.voltage = VOLTAGE(13);
+ compare.steps = +3;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_VOLTAGE_GOTO, compare) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_VOLTAGE, compare.voltage) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, m_params[DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_MOTOR_CMD]) ); // wait 150msec after voltage change
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::INVALIDATE_CURRENT_ROTORPARMS) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_ROTOR_MOVING) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SEND_DISEQC, diseqc) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, 1000) ); // sleep one second before change voltage or tone
+ compare.voltage = voltage;
+ compare.steps = +3;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_VOLTAGE_GOTO, compare) ); // correct final voltage?
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, 2000) ); // wait 2 second before set high voltage
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_VOLTAGE, voltage) );
+ compare.tone = tone;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_TONE_GOTO, compare) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_TONE, tone) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, m_params[DELAY_AFTER_FINAL_CONT_TONE_CHANGE]) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_FRONTEND, 0) );
+ cmd.direction=1; // check for running rotor
+ cmd.deltaA=0;
+ cmd.steps = +3;
+ cmd.okcount=0;
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_TIMEOUT, mrt*4) ); // mrt is in seconds... our SLEEP time is 250ms.. so * 4
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SLEEP, 250) ); // 250msec delay
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_TUNER_LOCKED_GOTO, cmd ) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::IF_TIMEOUT_GOTO, +5 ) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, -3) ); // goto loop start
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::UPDATE_CURRENT_ROTORPARAMS) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_ROTOR_STOPPED) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, +4) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::START_TUNE_TIMEOUT, tunetimeout) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::SET_FRONTEND, 1) );
+ sec_sequence.push_back( eSecCommand(eSecCommand::GOTO, -5) );
+ }
+ eDebug("set rotor timeout to %d seconds", mrt);
+ sec_fe->setData(eDVBFrontend::NEW_ROTOR_CMD, RotorCmd);
+ sec_fe->setData(eDVBFrontend::NEW_ROTOR_POS, sat.orbital_position);
+ }