+from skin import parseColor
from Components.config import config, ConfigClock, ConfigInteger
from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap
from Components.Button import Button
from Components.GUIComponent import GUIComponent
from Components.EpgList import Rect
from Components.Sources.Event import Event
-from Components.Sources.Clock import Clock
+from Components.MultiContent import MultiContentEntryText, MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest
from Screens.Screen import Screen
from Screens.EventView import EventViewSimple
from Screens.TimeDateInput import TimeDateInput
from Screens.TimerEntry import TimerEntry
+from Screens.EpgSelection import EPGSelection
from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE
from RecordTimer import RecordTimerEntry, parseEvent
from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
-from enigma import eEPGCache, eListbox, eListboxPythonMultiContent, gFont, loadPNG, \
+from Tools.LoadPixmap import LoadPixmap
+from enigma import eEPGCache, eListbox, gFont, eListboxPythonMultiContent, \
from time import localtime, time, strftime
if overjump_empty:
self.epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance()
- self.clock_pixmap = loadPNG(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, 'epgclock-fs8.png'))
+ self.clock_pixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, 'skin_default/icons/epgclock.png'))
self.time_base = None
self.time_epoch = time_epoch
self.list = None
- self.entry_rect = None
+ self.event_rect = None
+ self.foreColor = None
+ self.foreColorSelected = None
+ self.borderColor = None
+ self.backColor = 0x586d88
+ self.backColorSelected = 0x808080
+ self.foreColorService = None
+ self.backColorService = None
+ def applySkin(self, desktop, screen):
+ if self.skinAttributes is not None:
+ attribs = [ ]
+ for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes:
+ if attrib == "EntryForegroundColor":
+ self.foreColor = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "EntryForegroundColorSelected":
+ self.foreColorSelected = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "EntryBorderColor":
+ self.borderColor = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "EntryBackgroundColor":
+ self.backColor = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "EntryBackgroundColorSelected":
+ self.backColorSelected = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "ServiceNameForegroundColor":
+ self.foreColorService = parseColor(value).argb()
+ elif attrib == "ServiceNameBackgroundColor":
+ self.backColorService = parseColor(value).argb()
+ else:
+ attribs.append((attrib,value))
+ self.skinAttributes = attribs
+ return GUIComponent.applySkin(self, desktop, screen)
def isSelectable(self, service, sname, event_list):
return (event_list and len(event_list) and True) or False
old_service = self.cur_service #(service, service_name, events)
cur_service = self.cur_service = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
last_time = 0;
+ time_base = self.getTimeBase()
if old_service and self.cur_event is not None:
events = old_service[2]
cur_event = events[self.cur_event] #(event_id, event_title, begin_time, duration)
last_time = cur_event[2]
+ if last_time < time_base:
+ last_time = time_base
if cur_service:
self.cur_event = 0
events = cur_service[2]
best = len(events) #set invalid
idx = 0
for event in events: #iterate all events
- diff = abs(event[2]-last_time)
+ ev_time = event[2]
+ if ev_time < time_base:
+ ev_time = time_base
+ diff = abs(ev_time-last_time)
if (best == len(events)) or (diff < best_diff):
best = idx
best_diff = diff
+ self.l.setFont(0, gFont("Regular", 20))
+ self.l.setFont(1, gFont("Regular", 14))
+ self.l.setSelectionClip(eRect(0,0,0,0), False)
+ def preWidgetRemove(self, instance):
+ instance.selectionChanged.get().remove(self.serviceChanged)
+ instance.setContent(None)
def recalcEntrySize(self):
esize = self.l.getItemSize()
- self.l.setFont(0, gFont("Regular", 20))
- self.l.setFont(1, gFont("Regular", 14))
width = esize.width()
height = esize.height()
xpos = 0;
xpos += w;
w = width/10*8;
self.event_rect = Rect(xpos, 0, w, height)
- self.l.setSelectionClip(eRect(xpos, 0, w, height), False)
def calcEntryPosAndWidthHelper(self, stime, duration, start, end, width):
xpos = (stime - start) * width / (end - start)
def buildEntry(self, service, service_name, events):
- res = [ None ] # no private data needed
- res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, r1.left(), r1.top(), r1.width(), r1.height(), 0, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, service_name))
- start = self.time_base+self.offs*self.time_epoch*60
- end = start + self.time_epoch * 60
- left = r2.left()
- top = r2.top()
- width = r2.width()
- height = r2.height()
+ res = [ None, MultiContentEntryText(pos = (r1.left(),r1.top()), size = (r1.width(), r1.height()), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = service_name, color = self.foreColorService, backcolor = self.backColorService) ]
if events:
+ start = self.time_base+self.offs*self.time_epoch*60
+ end = start + self.time_epoch * 60
+ left = r2.left()
+ top = r2.top()
+ width = r2.width()
+ height = r2.height()
+ foreColor = self.foreColor
+ foreColorSelected = self.foreColorSelected
+ backColor = self.backColor
+ backColorSelected = self.backColorSelected
+ borderColor = self.borderColor
for ev in events: #(event_id, event_title, begin_time, duration)
- rec=self.timer.isInTimer(ev[0], ev[2], ev[3], service) > ((ev[3]/10)*8)
+ rec=ev[2] and self.timer.isInTimer(ev[0], ev[2], ev[3], service) > ((ev[3]/10)*8)
xpos, ewidth = self.calcEntryPosAndWidthHelper(ev[2], ev[3], start, end, width)
- res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, left+xpos, top, ewidth, height, 1, RT_HALIGN_CENTER|RT_VALIGN_CENTER|RT_WRAP, ev[1], None, 0x586d88, 0x808080, 1))
+ res.append(MultiContentEntryText(pos = (left+xpos, top), size = (ewidth, height), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_CENTER | RT_VALIGN_CENTER | RT_WRAP, text = ev[1], color = foreColor, color_sel = foreColorSelected, backcolor = backColor, backcolor_sel = backColorSelected, border_width = 1, border_color = borderColor))
if rec and ewidth > 23:
- res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHATEST, left+xpos+ewidth-22, top+height-22, 21, 21, self.clock_pixmap, 0x586d88, 0x808080))
+ res.append(MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (left+xpos+ewidth-22, top+height-22), size = (21, 21), png = self.clock_pixmap, backcolor = backColor, backcolor_sel = backColorSelected))
return res
- def selEntry(self, dir):
+ def selEntry(self, dir, visible=True):
cur_service = self.cur_service #(service, service_name, events)
- if not self.entry_rect:
- self.recalcEntrySize()
- if cur_service and self.cur_event is not None:
+ self.recalcEntrySize()
+ valid_event = self.cur_event is not None
+ if cur_service:
update = True
entries = cur_service[2]
if dir == 0: #current
update = False
- pass
elif dir == +1: #next
- if self.cur_event+1 < len(entries):
+ if valid_event and self.cur_event+1 < len(entries):
self.offs += 1
self.fillMultiEPG(None) # refill
- return
+ return True
elif dir == -1: #prev
- if self.cur_event-1 >= 0:
+ if valid_event and self.cur_event-1 >= 0:
elif self.offs > 0:
self.offs -= 1
self.fillMultiEPG(None) # refill
- return
+ return True
+ if cur_service and valid_event:
entry = entries[self.cur_event] #(event_id, event_title, begin_time, duration)
time_base = self.time_base+self.offs*self.time_epoch*60
xpos, width = self.calcEntryPosAndWidth(self.event_rect, time_base, self.time_epoch, entry[2], entry[3])
- self.l.setSelectionClip(eRect(xpos, 0, width, self.event_rect.height()), update)
+ self.l.setSelectionClip(eRect(xpos, 0, width, self.event_rect.height()), visible and update)
self.l.setSelectionClip(eRect(self.event_rect.left(), self.event_rect.top(), self.event_rect.width(), self.event_rect.height()), False)
+ return False
def queryEPG(self, list, buildFunc=None):
if self.epgcache is not None:
self.cur_service = None
self.time_base = int(stime)
test = [ (service.ref.toString(), 0, self.time_base, self.time_epoch) for service in services ]
- test.insert(0, 'RnITBD')
+ test.insert(0, 'XRnITBD')
epg_data = self.queryEPG(test)
self.list = [ ]
for x in epg_data:
if service != x[0]:
if tmp_list is not None:
- self.list.append((service, sname, tmp_list[0][0] and tmp_list))
+ self.list.append((service, sname, tmp_list[0][0] is not None and tmp_list or None))
service = x[0]
sname = x[1]
tmp_list = [ ]
tmp_list.append((x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5]))
if tmp_list and len(tmp_list):
- self.list.append((service, sname, tmp_list[0][0] and tmp_list))
+ self.list.append((service, sname, tmp_list[0][0] is not None and tmp_list or None))
def getEventRect(self):
- return self.event_rect
+ rc = self.event_rect
+ return Rect( rc.left() + (self.instance and self.instance.position().x() or 0), rc.top(), rc.width(), rc.height() )
def getTimeEpoch(self):
return self.time_epoch
def getTimeBase(self):
- return self.time_base
+ return self.time_base + (self.offs * self.time_epoch * 60)
+ def resetOffset(self):
+ self.offs = 0
class TimelineText(HTMLComponent, GUIComponent):
def __init__(self):
self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer"))
self["timeline_text"] = TimelineText()
self["Event"] = Event()
- self["Clock"] = Clock()
self.time_lines = [ ]
for x in (0,1,2,3,4,5):
pm = Pixmap()
self["input_actions"] = ActionMap(["InputActions"],
- "left": self.prevEvent,
- "right": self.nextEvent,
+ "left": self.leftPressed,
+ "right": self.rightPressed,
"1": self.key1,
"2": self.key2,
"3": self.key3,
self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer()
- self.updateTimelineTimer.timeout.get().append(self.moveTimeLines)
+ self.updateTimelineTimer.callback.append(self.moveTimeLines)
- def nextEvent(self):
- self["list"].selEntry(+1)
+ def leftPressed(self):
+ self.prevEvent()
+ def rightPressed(self):
+ self.nextEvent()
+ def nextEvent(self, visible=True):
+ ret = self["list"].selEntry(+1, visible)
+ if ret:
+ self.moveTimeLines(True)
- def prevEvent(self):
- self["list"].selEntry(-1)
+ def prevEvent(self, visible=True):
+ ret = self["list"].selEntry(-1, visible)
+ if ret:
+ self.moveTimeLines(True)
def key1(self):
if len(ret) > 1:
if ret[0]:
- self["list"].fillMultiEPG(self.services, ret[1])
- self.moveTimeLines()
+ l = self["list"]
+ l.resetOffset()
+ l.fillMultiEPG(self.services, ret[1])
+ self.moveTimeLines(True)
def closeScreen(self):
l = self["list"]
old = l.getCurrent()
if val == -1:
- l.selEntry(-1)
+ self.prevEvent(False)
elif val == +1:
- self.selEntry(+1)
+ self.nextEvent(False)
cur = l.getCurrent()
if cur[0] is None and cur[1].ref != old[1].ref:
self.eventViewCallback(setEvent, setService, val)
serviceref = cur[1]
if event is None:
- newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, checkOldTimers = True, *parseEvent(event))
+ newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(serviceref, checkOldTimers = True, dirname = config.movielist.last_timer_videodir.value, *parseEvent(event))
self.session.openWithCallback(self.timerEditFinished, TimerEntry, newEntry)
def timerEditFinished(self, answer):
- def moveTimeLines(self):
+ def moveTimeLines(self, force=False):
l = self["list"]
event_rect = l.getEventRect()
time_epoch = l.getTimeEpoch()
x += 1
pos += incWidth
- if changecount:
+ if changecount or force: