-#ifndef __servicemp3_h
-#define __servicemp3_h
+#ifndef __servicedvb_h
+#define __servicedvb_h
#include <lib/service/iservice.h>
#include <lib/dvb/idvb.h>
#include <lib/dvb/pmt.h>
+#include <lib/dvb/eit.h>
+#include <lib/dvb/subtitle.h>
+#include <lib/dvb/teletext.h>
+#include <lib/dvb/radiotext.h>
+#include <lib/base/filepush.h>
+class eStaticServiceDVBInformation;
+class eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation;
class eServiceFactoryDVB: public iServiceHandler
+ DECLARE_REF(eServiceFactoryDVB);
+ ePtr<eStaticServiceDVBInformation> m_StaticServiceDVBInfo;
+ ePtr<eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation> m_StaticServiceDVBBouquetInfo;
virtual ~eServiceFactoryDVB();
RESULT play(const eServiceReference &, ePtr<iPlayableService> &ptr);
RESULT record(const eServiceReference &, ePtr<iRecordableService> &ptr);
RESULT list(const eServiceReference &, ePtr<iListableService> &ptr);
+ RESULT info(const eServiceReference &, ePtr<iStaticServiceInformation> &ptr);
+ RESULT offlineOperations(const eServiceReference &, ePtr<iServiceOfflineOperations> &ptr);
+ RESULT lookupService(ePtr<eDVBService> &ptr, const eServiceReference &ref);
-class eDVBServicePlay: public iPlayableService, public Object, public iServiceInformation
+class eBouquet;
+class eDVBServiceList: public iListableService, public iMutableServiceList
+ DECLARE_REF(eDVBServiceList);
+ virtual ~eDVBServiceList();
+ PyObject *getContent(const char* formatstr, bool sorted=false);
+ RESULT getContent(std::list<eServiceReference> &list, bool sorted=false);
+ RESULT getNext(eServiceReference &ptr);
+ inline int compareLessEqual(const eServiceReference &a, const eServiceReference &b);
+ RESULT startEdit(ePtr<iMutableServiceList> &);
+ RESULT flushChanges();
+ RESULT addService(eServiceReference &ref, eServiceReference before);
+ RESULT removeService(eServiceReference &ref);
+ RESULT moveService(eServiceReference &ref, int pos);
+ RESULT setListName(const std::string &name);
+ RESULT startQuery();
+ eServiceReference m_parent;
friend class eServiceFactoryDVB;
- eServiceReference m_reference;
- ePtr<iTSMPEGDecoder> m_decoder;
- eDVBServicePMTHandler m_serviceHandler;
+ eDVBServiceList(const eServiceReference &parent);
+ ePtr<iDVBChannelListQuery> m_query;
- eDVBServicePlay(const eServiceReference &ref);
- void serviceEvent(int event);
+ /* for editing purposes. WARNING: lifetime issue! */
+ eBouquet *m_bouquet;
+inline int eDVBServiceList::compareLessEqual(const eServiceReference &a, const eServiceReference &b)
+ return m_query->compareLessEqual((const eServiceReferenceDVB&)a, (const eServiceReferenceDVB&)b);
+class eDVBServiceBase: public iFrontendInformation
+ eDVBServicePMTHandler m_service_handler;
+ // iFrontendInformation
+ int getFrontendInfo(int w);
+ PyObject *getFrontendData();
+ PyObject *getFrontendStatus();
+ PyObject *getTransponderData(bool);
+ PyObject *getAll(bool original); // a sum of getFrontendData/Status/TransponderData
+class eSubtitleWidget;
+class eDVBServicePlay: public eDVBServiceBase,
+ public iPlayableService, public iPauseableService,
+ public iSeekableService, public Object, public iServiceInformation,
+ public iAudioTrackSelection, public iAudioChannelSelection,
+ public iSubserviceList, public iTimeshiftService,
+ public iCueSheet, public iSubtitleOutput, public iAudioDelay,
+ public iRdsDecoder, public iStreamableService
+ DECLARE_REF(eDVBServicePlay);
virtual ~eDVBServicePlay();
RESULT connectEvent(const Slot2<void,iPlayableService*,int> &event, ePtr<eConnection> &connection);
RESULT start();
RESULT stop();
- RESULT getIPausableService(ePtr<iPauseableService> &ptr);
- RESULT getIServiceInformation(ePtr<iServiceInformation> &ptr);
+ RESULT setTarget(int target);
+ RESULT seek(ePtr<iSeekableService> &ptr);
+ RESULT pause(ePtr<iPauseableService> &ptr);
+ RESULT info(ePtr<iServiceInformation> &ptr);
+ RESULT audioChannel(ePtr<iAudioChannelSelection> &ptr);
+ RESULT audioTracks(ePtr<iAudioTrackSelection> &ptr);
+ RESULT frontendInfo(ePtr<iFrontendInformation> &ptr);
+ RESULT subServices(ePtr<iSubserviceList> &ptr);
+ RESULT timeshift(ePtr<iTimeshiftService> &ptr);
+ RESULT cueSheet(ePtr<iCueSheet> &ptr);
+ RESULT subtitle(ePtr<iSubtitleOutput> &ptr);
+ RESULT audioDelay(ePtr<iAudioDelay> &ptr);
+ RESULT rdsDecoder(ePtr<iRdsDecoder> &ptr);
+ RESULT keys(ePtr<iServiceKeys> &ptr) { ptr = 0; return -1; }
+ // iPauseableService
+ RESULT pause();
+ RESULT unpause();
+ RESULT setSlowMotion(int ratio);
+ RESULT setFastForward(int ratio);
+ // iSeekableService
+ RESULT getLength(pts_t &len);
+ RESULT seekTo(pts_t to);
+ RESULT seekRelative(int direction, pts_t to);
+ RESULT getPlayPosition(pts_t &pos);
+ RESULT setTrickmode(int trick=0);
+ RESULT isCurrentlySeekable();
// iServiceInformation
RESULT getName(std::string &name);
+ RESULT getEvent(ePtr<eServiceEvent> &evt, int nownext);
+ int getInfo(int w);
+ std::string getInfoString(int w);
+ PyObject *getInfoObject(int w);
+ // iAudioTrackSelection
+ int getNumberOfTracks();
+ RESULT selectTrack(unsigned int i);
+ RESULT getTrackInfo(struct iAudioTrackInfo &, unsigned int n);
+ int getCurrentTrack();
+ // iAudioChannelSelection
+ int getCurrentChannel();
+ RESULT selectChannel(int i);
+ // iRdsDecoder
+ std::string getText(int i=0);
+ void showRassSlidePicture();
+ void showRassInteractivePic(int page, int subpage);
+ ePyObject getRassInteractiveMask();
+ // iSubserviceList
+ int getNumberOfSubservices();
+ RESULT getSubservice(eServiceReference &subservice, unsigned int n);
+ // iTimeshiftService
+ RESULT startTimeshift();
+ RESULT stopTimeshift();
+ int isTimeshiftActive();
+ RESULT activateTimeshift();
+ // iCueSheet
+ PyObject *getCutList();
+ void setCutList(SWIG_PYOBJECT(ePyObject));
+ void setCutListEnable(int enable);
+ // iSubtitleOutput
+ RESULT enableSubtitles(eWidget *parent, SWIG_PYOBJECT(ePyObject) entry);
+ RESULT disableSubtitles(eWidget *parent);
+ PyObject *getSubtitleList();
+ PyObject *getCachedSubtitle();
+ // iAudioDelay
+ int getAC3Delay();
+ int getPCMDelay();
+ void setAC3Delay(int);
+ void setPCMDelay(int);
+ // iStreamableService
+ RESULT stream(ePtr<iStreamableService> &ptr);
+ PyObject *getStreamingData();
+ friend class eServiceFactoryDVB;
+ eServiceReference m_reference;
+ ePtr<eDVBService> m_dvb_service;
+ ePtr<iTSMPEGDecoder> m_decoder;
+ int m_is_primary;
+ int m_have_video_pid;
+ int m_tune_state;
+ /* in timeshift mode, we essentially have two channels, and thus pmt handlers. */
+ eDVBServicePMTHandler m_service_handler_timeshift;
+ eDVBServiceEITHandler m_event_handler;
+ int m_current_audio_pid;
+ eDVBServicePlay(const eServiceReference &ref, eDVBService *service);
+ /* events */
+ void gotNewEvent();
+ void serviceEvent(int event);
+ void serviceEventTimeshift(int event);
+ Signal2<void,iPlayableService*,int> m_event;
+ /* pvr */
+ int m_is_pvr, m_is_paused, m_timeshift_enabled, m_timeshift_active;
+ int m_first_program_info;
+ std::string m_timeshift_file;
+ int m_timeshift_fd;
+ ePtr<iDVBDemux> m_decode_demux;
+ int m_current_audio_stream;
+ int selectAudioStream(int n = -1);
+ RESULT setFastForward_internal(int ratio);
+ /* timeshift */
+ ePtr<iDVBTSRecorder> m_record;
+ std::set<int> m_pids_active;
+ void updateTimeshiftPids();
+ void switchToLive();
+ void switchToTimeshift();
+ void updateDecoder();
+ int m_skipmode;
+ /* cuesheet */
+ ePtr<eCueSheet> m_cue;
+ struct cueEntry
+ {
+ pts_t where;
+ unsigned int what;
+ bool operator < (const struct cueEntry &o) const
+ {
+ return where < o.where;
+ }
+ cueEntry(const pts_t &where, unsigned int what) :
+ where(where), what(what)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ std::multiset<cueEntry> m_cue_entries;
+ int m_cuesheet_changed, m_cutlist_enabled;
+ void loadCuesheet();
+ void saveCuesheet();
+ void cutlistToCuesheet();
+ eSubtitleWidget *m_subtitle_widget;
+ /* teletext subtitles */
+ ePtr<eDVBTeletextParser> m_teletext_parser;
+ void newSubtitlePage(const eDVBTeletextSubtitlePage &p);
+ ePtr<eConnection> m_new_subtitle_page_connection;
+ std::list<eDVBTeletextSubtitlePage> m_subtitle_pages;
+ /* dvb subtitles */
+ ePtr<eDVBSubtitleParser> m_subtitle_parser;
+ void newDVBSubtitlePage(const eDVBSubtitlePage &p);
+ ePtr<eConnection> m_new_dvb_subtitle_page_connection;
+ std::list<eDVBSubtitlePage> m_dvb_subtitle_pages;
+ ePtr<eTimer> m_subtitle_sync_timer;
+ void checkSubtitleTiming();
+ /* radiotext */
+ ePtr<eDVBRdsDecoder> m_rds_decoder;
+ ePtr<eConnection> m_rds_decoder_event_connection;
+ void rdsDecoderEvent(int);
+ ePtr<eConnection> m_video_event_connection;
+ void video_event(struct iTSMPEGDecoder::videoEvent);
+class eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation: public iStaticServiceInformation
+ DECLARE_REF(eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation);
+ eServiceReference m_playable_service;
+ eServiceReference &getPlayableService() { return m_playable_service; }
+ RESULT getName(const eServiceReference &ref, std::string &name);
+ int getLength(const eServiceReference &ref);
+ int isPlayable(const eServiceReference &ref, const eServiceReference &ignore, bool simulate=false);
+ RESULT getEvent(const eServiceReference &ref, ePtr<eServiceEvent> &ptr, time_t start_time);