+ if ( seenPrivateSections.find(data[6]) == seenPrivateSections.end() )
+ {
+ cache->privateSectionRead(m_PrivateService, data);
+ seenPrivateSections.insert(data[6]);
+ }
+ if ( seenPrivateSections.size() == (unsigned int)(data[7] + 1) )
+ {
+ eDebug("[EPGC] private finished");
+ eDVBChannelID chid = channel->getChannelID();
+ int tmp = chid.original_network_id.get();
+ tmp |= 0x80000000; // we use highest bit as private epg indicator
+ chid.original_network_id = tmp;
+ cache->channelLastUpdated[chid] = ::time(0);
+ m_PrevVersion = (data[5] & 0x3E) >> 1;
+ startPrivateReader();
+ }
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::cleanup()
+ m_channels.clear();
+ m_themes.clear();
+ m_titles.clear();
+ m_program_ids.clear();
+__u8 *eEPGCache::channel_data::delimitName( __u8 *in, __u8 *out, int len_in )
+ // Names in mhw structs are not strings as they are not '\0' terminated.
+ // This function converts the mhw name into a string.
+ // Constraint: "length of out" = "length of in" + 1.
+ int i;
+ for ( i=0; i < len_in; i++ )
+ out[i] = in[i];
+ i = len_in - 1;
+ while ( ( i >=0 ) && ( out[i] == 0x20 ) )
+ i--;
+ out[i+1] = 0;
+ return out;
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::timeMHW2DVB( u_char hours, u_char minutes, u_char *return_time)
+// For time of day
+ return_time[0] = toBCD( hours );
+ return_time[1] = toBCD( minutes );
+ return_time[2] = 0;
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::timeMHW2DVB( int minutes, u_char *return_time)
+ timeMHW2DVB( int(minutes/60), minutes%60, return_time );
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::timeMHW2DVB( u_char day, u_char hours, u_char minutes, u_char *return_time)
+// For date plus time of day
+ // Remove offset in mhw time.
+ __u8 local_hours = hours;
+ if ( hours >= 16 )
+ local_hours -= 4;
+ else if ( hours >= 8 )
+ local_hours -= 2;
+ // As far as we know all mhw time data is sent in central Europe time zone.
+ // So, temporarily set timezone to western europe
+ time_t dt = ::time(0);
+ char *old_tz = getenv( "TZ" );
+ putenv("TZ=CET-1CEST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3");
+ tzset();
+ tm localnow;
+ localtime_r(&dt, &localnow);
+ if (day == 7)
+ day = 0;
+ if ( day + 1 < localnow.tm_wday ) // day + 1 to prevent old events to show for next week.
+ day += 7;
+ if (local_hours <= 5)
+ day++;
+ dt += 3600*24*(day - localnow.tm_wday); // Shift dt to the recording date (local time zone).
+ dt += 3600*(local_hours - localnow.tm_hour); // Shift dt to the recording hour.
+ tm recdate;
+ gmtime_r( &dt, &recdate ); // This will also take care of DST.
+ if ( old_tz == NULL )
+ unsetenv( "TZ" );
+ else
+ putenv( old_tz );
+ tzset();
+ // Calculate MJD according to annex in ETSI EN 300 468
+ int l=0;
+ if ( recdate.tm_mon <= 1 ) // Jan or Feb
+ l=1;
+ int mjd = 14956 + recdate.tm_mday + int( (recdate.tm_year - l) * 365.25) +
+ int( (recdate.tm_mon + 2 + l * 12) * 30.6001);
+ return_time[0] = (mjd & 0xFF00)>>8;
+ return_time[1] = mjd & 0xFF;
+ timeMHW2DVB( recdate.tm_hour, minutes, return_time+2 );
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::storeTitle(std::map<__u32, mhw_title_t>::iterator itTitle, std::string sumText, const __u8 *data)
+// data is borrowed from calling proc to save memory space.
+ __u8 name[34];
+ // For each title a separate EIT packet will be sent to eEPGCache::sectionRead()
+ bool isMHW2 = itTitle->second.mhw2_mjd_hi || itTitle->second.mhw2_mjd_lo ||
+ itTitle->second.mhw2_duration_hi || itTitle->second.mhw2_duration_lo;
+ eit_t *packet = (eit_t *) data;
+ packet->table_id = 0x50;
+ packet->section_syntax_indicator = 1;
+ packet->service_id_hi = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].channel_id_hi;
+ packet->service_id_lo = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].channel_id_lo;
+ packet->version_number = 0; // eEPGCache::sectionRead() will dig this for the moment
+ packet->current_next_indicator = 0;
+ packet->section_number = 0; // eEPGCache::sectionRead() will dig this for the moment
+ packet->last_section_number = 0; // eEPGCache::sectionRead() will dig this for the moment
+ packet->transport_stream_id_hi = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].transport_stream_id_hi;
+ packet->transport_stream_id_lo = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].transport_stream_id_lo;
+ packet->original_network_id_hi = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].network_id_hi;
+ packet->original_network_id_lo = m_channels[ itTitle->second.channel_id - 1 ].network_id_lo;
+ packet->segment_last_section_number = 0; // eEPGCache::sectionRead() will dig this for the moment
+ packet->segment_last_table_id = 0x50;
+ __u8 *title = isMHW2 ? ((__u8*)(itTitle->second.title))-4 : (__u8*)itTitle->second.title;
+ std::string prog_title = (char *) delimitName( title, name, isMHW2 ? 33 : 23 );
+ int prog_title_length = prog_title.length();
+ prog_title_length + 1;
+ eit_event_t *event_data = (eit_event_t *) (data + EIT_SIZE);
+ event_data->event_id_hi = (( itTitle->first ) >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
+ event_data->event_id_lo = ( itTitle->first ) & 0xFF;
+ if (isMHW2)
+ {
+ u_char *data = (u_char*) event_data;
+ data[2] = itTitle->second.mhw2_mjd_hi;
+ data[3] = itTitle->second.mhw2_mjd_lo;
+ data[4] = itTitle->second.mhw2_hours;
+ data[5] = itTitle->second.mhw2_minutes;
+ data[6] = itTitle->second.mhw2_seconds;
+ timeMHW2DVB( HILO(itTitle->second.mhw2_duration), data+7 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeMHW2DVB( itTitle->second.dh.day, itTitle->second.dh.hours, itTitle->second.ms.minutes,
+ (u_char *) event_data + 2 );
+ timeMHW2DVB( HILO(itTitle->second.duration), (u_char *) event_data+7 );
+ }
+ event_data->running_status = 0;
+ event_data->free_CA_mode = 0;
+ int descr_ll = EIT_SHORT_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE + 1 + prog_title_length;
+ eit_short_event_descriptor_struct *short_event_descriptor =
+ (eit_short_event_descriptor_struct *) ( (u_char *) event_data + EIT_LOOP_SIZE);
+ short_event_descriptor->descriptor_tag = EIT_SHORT_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR;
+ short_event_descriptor->descriptor_length = EIT_SHORT_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE +
+ prog_title_length - 1;
+ short_event_descriptor->language_code_1 = 'e';
+ short_event_descriptor->language_code_2 = 'n';
+ short_event_descriptor->language_code_3 = 'g';
+ short_event_descriptor->event_name_length = prog_title_length;
+ u_char *event_name = (u_char *) short_event_descriptor + EIT_SHORT_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;
+ memcpy(event_name, prog_title.c_str(), prog_title_length);
+ // Set text length
+ event_name[prog_title_length] = 0;
+ if ( sumText.length() > 0 )
+ // There is summary info
+ {
+ unsigned int sum_length = sumText.length();
+ if ( sum_length + short_event_descriptor->descriptor_length <= 0xff )
+ // Store summary in short event descriptor
+ {
+ // Increase all relevant lengths
+ event_name[prog_title_length] = sum_length;
+ short_event_descriptor->descriptor_length += sum_length;
+ packet_length += sum_length;
+ descr_ll += sum_length;
+ sumText.copy( (char *) event_name+prog_title_length+1, sum_length );
+ }
+ else
+ // Store summary in extended event descriptors
+ {
+ int remaining_sum_length = sumText.length();
+ int nbr_descr = int(remaining_sum_length/247) + 1;
+ for ( int i=0; i < nbr_descr; i++)
+ // Loop once per extended event descriptor
+ {
+ eit_extended_descriptor_struct *ext_event_descriptor = (eit_extended_descriptor_struct *) (data + packet_length);
+ sum_length = remaining_sum_length > 247 ? 247 : remaining_sum_length;
+ remaining_sum_length -= sum_length;
+ packet_length += 8 + sum_length;
+ descr_ll += 8 + sum_length;
+ ext_event_descriptor->descriptor_tag = EIT_EXTENDED_EVENT_DESCRIPOR;
+ ext_event_descriptor->descriptor_length = sum_length + 6;
+ ext_event_descriptor->descriptor_number = i;
+ ext_event_descriptor->last_descriptor_number = nbr_descr - 1;
+ ext_event_descriptor->iso_639_2_language_code_1 = 'e';
+ ext_event_descriptor->iso_639_2_language_code_2 = 'n';
+ ext_event_descriptor->iso_639_2_language_code_3 = 'g';
+ u_char *the_text = (u_char *) ext_event_descriptor + 8;
+ the_text[-2] = 0;
+ the_text[-1] = sum_length;
+ sumText.copy( (char *) the_text, sum_length, sumText.length() - sum_length - remaining_sum_length );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isMHW2)
+ {
+ // Add content descriptor
+ u_char *descriptor = (u_char *) data + packet_length;
+ packet_length += 4;
+ descr_ll += 4;
+ int content_id = 0;
+ std::string content_descr = (char *) delimitName( m_themes[itTitle->second.theme_id].name, name, 15 );
+ if ( content_descr.find( "FILM" ) != std::string::npos )
+ content_id = 0x10;
+ else if ( content_descr.find( "SPORT" ) != std::string::npos )
+ content_id = 0x40;
+ descriptor[0] = 0x54;
+ descriptor[1] = 2;
+ descriptor[2] = content_id;
+ descriptor[3] = 0;
+ }
+ event_data->descriptors_loop_length_hi = (descr_ll & 0xf00)>>8;
+ event_data->descriptors_loop_length_lo = (descr_ll & 0xff);
+ packet->section_length_hi = ((packet_length - 3)&0xf00)>>8;
+ packet->section_length_lo = (packet_length - 3)&0xff;
+ // Feed the data to eEPGCache::sectionRead()
+ cache->sectionRead( data, MHW, this );
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::startTimeout(int msec)
+ m_MHWTimeoutTimer.start(msec,true);
+ m_MHWTimeoutet=false;
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::startMHWReader(__u16 pid, __u8 tid)
+ m_MHWFilterMask.pid = pid;
+ m_MHWFilterMask.data[0] = tid;
+ m_MHWReader->start(m_MHWFilterMask);
+// eDebug("start 0x%02x 0x%02x", pid, tid);
+void eEPGCache::channel_data::startMHWReader2(__u16 pid, __u8 tid, int ext)
+ m_MHWFilterMask2.pid = pid;
+ m_MHWFilterMask2.data[0] = tid;
+ if (ext != -1)
+ {
+ m_MHWFilterMask2.data[1] = ext;
+ m_MHWFilterMask2.mask[1] = 0xFF;
+// eDebug("start 0x%03x 0x%02x 0x%02x", pid, tid, ext);
+ }