- self.msgBox = self.session.openWithCallback(self.MsgBoxClosed, MessageBox, _("If you see this, something is wrong with\nyour scart connection. Press OK to return."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
+ if not self.session.in_exec:
+ self.notificationVisible = True
+ Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(self.MsgBoxClosed, MessageBox, _("If you see this, something is wrong with\nyour scart connection. Press OK to return."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, msgBoxID = "scart_msgbox")
+ else:
+ self.msgBox = self.session.openWithCallback(self.MsgBoxClosed, MessageBox, _("If you see this, something is wrong with\nyour scart connection. Press OK to return."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)