#ifndef __dvb_sec_h
#define __dvb_sec_h
-#include <config.h>
#include <lib/dvb/idvb.h>
+#include <list>
+#ifndef SWIG
+class eSecCommand
+ enum { modeStatic, modeDynamic };
+ enum {
+ };
+ int cmd;
+ struct rotor
+ {
+ union {
+ int deltaA; // difference in mA between running and stopped rotor
+ int lastSignal;
+ };
+ int okcount; // counter
+ int steps; // goto steps
+ int direction;
+ };
+ struct pair
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ int voltage;
+ int tone;
+ int val;
+ };
+ int steps;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ int val;
+ int steps;
+ int timeout;
+ int voltage;
+ int tone;
+ int toneburst;
+ int msec;
+ int mode;
+ rotor measure;
+ eDVBDiseqcCommand diseqc;
+ pair compare;
+ };
+ eSecCommand( int cmd )
+ :cmd(cmd)
+ {}
+ eSecCommand( int cmd, int val )
+ :cmd(cmd), val(val)
+ {}
+ eSecCommand( int cmd, eDVBDiseqcCommand diseqc )
+ :cmd(cmd), diseqc(diseqc)
+ {}
+ eSecCommand( int cmd, rotor measure )
+ :cmd(cmd), measure(measure)
+ {}
+ eSecCommand( int cmd, pair compare )
+ :cmd(cmd), compare(compare)
+ {}
+ eSecCommand()
+ :cmd(NONE)
+ {}
+class eSecCommandList
+ typedef std::list<eSecCommand> List;
+ List secSequence;
+ typedef List::iterator iterator;
+ iterator cur;
+ eSecCommandList()
+ :cur(secSequence.end())
+ {
+ }
+ void push_front(const eSecCommand &cmd)
+ {
+ secSequence.push_front(cmd);
+ }
+ void push_back(const eSecCommand &cmd)
+ {
+ secSequence.push_back(cmd);
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ secSequence.clear();
+ cur=secSequence.end();
+ }
+ inline iterator ¤t()
+ {
+ return cur;
+ }
+ inline iterator begin()
+ {
+ return secSequence.begin();
+ }
+ inline iterator end()
+ {
+ return secSequence.end();
+ }
+ int size() const
+ {
+ return secSequence.size();
+ }
+ operator bool() const
+ {
+ return secSequence.size();
+ }
+class eDVBSatelliteDiseqcParameters
+#ifdef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteDiseqcParameters();
+ ~eDVBSatelliteDiseqcParameters();
+ enum { AA=0, AB=1, BA=2, BB=3, SENDNO=4 /* and 0xF0 .. 0xFF*/ }; // DiSEqC Parameter
+ enum t_diseqc_mode { NONE=0, V1_0=1, V1_1=2, V1_2=3, SMATV=4 }; // DiSEqC Mode
+ enum t_toneburst_param { NO=0, A=1, B=2 };
+#ifndef SWIG
+ __u8 m_committed_cmd;
+ t_diseqc_mode m_diseqc_mode;
+ t_toneburst_param m_toneburst_param;
+ __u8 m_repeats; // for cascaded switches
+ bool m_use_fast; // send no DiSEqC on H/V or Lo/Hi change
+ bool m_seq_repeat; // send the complete DiSEqC Sequence twice...
+ __u8 m_command_order;
+ /* diseqc 1.0)
+ 0) commited, toneburst
+ 1) toneburst, committed
+ diseqc > 1.0)
+ 2) committed, uncommitted, toneburst
+ 3) toneburst, committed, uncommitted
+ 4) uncommitted, committed, toneburst
+ 5) toneburst, uncommitted, committed */
+ __u8 m_uncommitted_cmd; // state of the 4 uncommitted switches..
+class eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters
+#ifdef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters();
+ ~eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters();
+ enum t_22khz_signal { HILO=0, ON=1, OFF=2 }; // 22 Khz
+ enum t_voltage_mode { HV=0, _14V=1, _18V=2, _0V=3, HV_13=4 }; // 14/18 V
+#ifndef SWIG
+ t_voltage_mode m_voltage_mode;
+ t_22khz_signal m_22khz_signal;
+ __u8 m_rotorPosNum; // 0 is disable.. then use gotoxx
+class eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters
+#ifdef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters();
+ ~eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters();
+ enum { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST };
+ enum { FAST, SLOW };
+#ifndef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters() { setDefaultOptions(); }
+ struct eDVBSatelliteRotorInputpowerParameters
+ {
+ bool m_use; // can we use rotor inputpower to detect rotor running state ?
+ __u8 m_delta; // delta between running and stopped rotor
+ unsigned int m_turning_speed; // SLOW, FAST, or fast turning epoch
+ };
+ eDVBSatelliteRotorInputpowerParameters m_inputpower_parameters;
+ struct eDVBSatelliteRotorGotoxxParameters
+ {
+ __u8 m_lo_direction; // EAST, WEST
+ __u8 m_la_direction; // NORT, SOUTH
+ double m_longitude; // longitude for gotoXX? function
+ double m_latitude; // latitude for gotoXX? function
+ };
+ eDVBSatelliteRotorGotoxxParameters m_gotoxx_parameters;
+ void setDefaultOptions() // set default rotor options
+ {
+ m_inputpower_parameters.m_turning_speed = FAST; // fast turning
+ m_inputpower_parameters.m_use = true;
+ m_inputpower_parameters.m_delta = 60;
+ m_gotoxx_parameters.m_lo_direction = EAST;
+ m_gotoxx_parameters.m_la_direction = NORTH;
+ m_gotoxx_parameters.m_longitude = 0.0;
+ m_gotoxx_parameters.m_latitude = 0.0;
+ }
+class eDVBSatelliteLNBParameters
+#ifdef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteLNBParameters();
+ ~eDVBSatelliteLNBParameters();
+ enum t_12V_relais_state { OFF=0, ON };
+#ifndef SWIG
+ t_12V_relais_state m_12V_relais_state; // 12V relais output on/off
+ int m_slot_mask; // useable by slot ( 1 | 2 | 4...)
+ unsigned int m_lof_hi, // for 2 band universal lnb 10600 Mhz (high band offset frequency)
+ m_lof_lo, // for 2 band universal lnb 9750 Mhz (low band offset frequency)
+ m_lof_threshold; // for 2 band universal lnb 11750 Mhz (band switch frequency)
+ bool m_increased_voltage; // use increased voltage ( 14/18V )
+ std::map<int, eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters> m_satellites;
+ eDVBSatelliteDiseqcParameters m_diseqc_parameters;
+ eDVBSatelliteRotorParameters m_rotor_parameters;
+ int m_prio; // to override automatic tuner management ... -1 is Auto
+#define guard_offset_min -8000
+#define guard_offset_max 8000
+#define guard_offset_step 8000
+#define MAX_SATCR 8
+#define MAX_LNBNUM 32
+ int SatCR_idx;
+ unsigned int SatCRvco;
+ unsigned int UnicableTuningWord;
+ unsigned int UnicableConfigWord;
+ int old_frequency;
+ int old_polarisation;
+ int old_orbital_position;
+ int guard_offset_old;
+ int guard_offset;
+ int LNBNum;
+class eDVBRegisteredFrontend;
class eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl: public iDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl
+ DECLARE_REF(eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl);
+ enum {
+ DELAY_AFTER_CONT_TONE_DISABLE_BEFORE_DISEQC=0, // delay after continuous tone disable before diseqc command
+ DELAY_AFTER_FINAL_CONT_TONE_CHANGE, // delay after continuous tone change before tune
+ DELAY_AFTER_FINAL_VOLTAGE_CHANGE, // delay after voltage change at end of complete sequence
+ DELAY_BETWEEN_DISEQC_REPEATS, // delay between repeated diseqc commands
+ DELAY_AFTER_LAST_DISEQC_CMD, // delay after last diseqc command
+ DELAY_AFTER_TONEBURST, // delay after toneburst
+ DELAY_AFTER_ENABLE_VOLTAGE_BEFORE_SWITCH_CMDS, // delay after enable voltage before transmit toneburst/diseqc
+ DELAY_BETWEEN_SWITCH_AND_MOTOR_CMD, // delay after transmit toneburst / diseqc and before transmit motor command
+ DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_MEASURE_IDLE_INPUTPOWER, // delay after voltage change before measure idle input power
+ DELAY_AFTER_ENABLE_VOLTAGE_BEFORE_MOTOR_CMD, // delay after enable voltage before transmit motor command
+ DELAY_AFTER_MOTOR_STOP_CMD, // delay after transmit motor stop
+ DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_MOTOR_CMD, // delay after voltage change before transmit motor command
+ DELAY_BEFORE_SEQUENCE_REPEAT, // delay before the complete sequence is repeated (when enabled)
+ MOTOR_COMMAND_RETRIES, // max transmit tries of rotor command when the rotor dont start turning (with power measurement)
+ MOTOR_RUNNING_TIMEOUT, // max motor running time before timeout
+ DELAY_AFTER_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_BEFORE_SWITCH_CMDS, // delay after change voltage before transmit toneburst/diseqc
+ };
+#ifndef SWIG
+ static eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl *instance;
+ eDVBSatelliteLNBParameters m_lnbs[144]; // i think its enough
+ int m_lnbidx; // current index for set parameters
+ std::map<int, eDVBSatelliteSwitchParameters>::iterator m_curSat;
+ eSmartPtrList<eDVBRegisteredFrontend> &m_avail_frontends, &m_avail_simulate_frontends;
+ int m_rotorMoving;
+ int m_not_linked_slot_mask;
+ bool m_canMeasureInputPower;
+#ifdef SWIG
- RESULT prepare(iDVBFrontend &frontend, FRONTENDPARAMETERS &parm, eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite &sat);
+ ~eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl();
+ static int m_params[MAX_PARAMS];
+#ifndef SWIG
+ eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl(eSmartPtrList<eDVBRegisteredFrontend> &avail_frontends, eSmartPtrList<eDVBRegisteredFrontend> &avail_simulate_frontends);
+ RESULT prepare(iDVBFrontend &frontend, FRONTENDPARAMETERS &parm, const eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite &sat, int frontend_id, unsigned int tunetimeout);
+ int canTune(const eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite &feparm, iDVBFrontend *, int frontend_id, int *highest_score_lnb=0);
+ bool currentLNBValid() { return m_lnbidx > -1 && m_lnbidx < (int)(sizeof(m_lnbs) / sizeof(eDVBSatelliteLNBParameters)); }
+ static eDVBSatelliteEquipmentControl *getInstance() { return instance; }
+ static void setParam(int param, int value);
+ RESULT clear();
+/* LNB Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT addLNB();
+ RESULT setLNBSlotMask(int slotmask);
+ RESULT setLNBLOFL(int lofl);
+ RESULT setLNBLOFH(int lofh);
+ RESULT setLNBThreshold(int threshold);
+ RESULT setLNBIncreasedVoltage(bool onoff);
+ RESULT setLNBPrio(int prio);
+ RESULT setLNBNum(int LNBNum);
+/* DiSEqC Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT setDiSEqCMode(int diseqcmode);
+ RESULT setToneburst(int toneburst);
+ RESULT setRepeats(int repeats);
+ RESULT setCommittedCommand(int command);
+ RESULT setUncommittedCommand(int command);
+ RESULT setCommandOrder(int order);
+ RESULT setFastDiSEqC(bool onoff);
+ RESULT setSeqRepeat(bool onoff); // send the complete switch sequence twice (without rotor command)
+/* Rotor Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT setLongitude(float longitude);
+ RESULT setLatitude(float latitude);
+ RESULT setLoDirection(int direction);
+ RESULT setLaDirection(int direction);
+ RESULT setUseInputpower(bool onoff);
+ RESULT setInputpowerDelta(int delta); // delta between running and stopped rotor
+ RESULT setRotorTurningSpeed(int speed); // set turning speed..
+/* Unicable Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT setLNBSatCR(int SatCR_idx);
+ RESULT setLNBSatCRvco(int SatCRvco);
+// RESULT checkGuardOffset(const eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite &sat);
+ RESULT getLNBSatCRvco();
+/* Satellite Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT addSatellite(int orbital_position);
+ RESULT setVoltageMode(int mode);
+ RESULT setToneMode(int mode);
+ RESULT setRotorPosNum(int rotor_pos_num);
+/* Tuner Specific Parameters */
+ RESULT setTunerLinked(int from, int to);
+ RESULT setTunerDepends(int from, int to);
+ void setSlotNotLinked(int tuner_no);
+ void setRotorMoving(int, bool); // called from the frontend's
+ bool isRotorMoving();
+ bool canMeasureInputPower() { return m_canMeasureInputPower; }