* @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @link http://cweiske.de/grauphel.htm */ namespace OCA\Grauphel\Controller; use \OCP\AppFramework\Controller; use \OCP\AppFramework\Http\JSONResponse; use \OCA\Grauphel\Lib\NoteStorage; use \OCA\Grauphel\Lib\OAuth; use \OCA\Grauphel\Lib\OAuthException; use \OCA\Grauphel\Lib\Dependencies; use \OCA\Grauphel\Lib\Response\ErrorResponse; /** * Tomboy's REST API * * @category Tools * @package Grauphel * @author Christian Weiske * @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://cweiske.de/grauphel.htm */ class ApiController extends Controller { /** * constructor of the controller * * @param string $appName Name of the app * @param IRequest $request Instance of the request */ public function __construct($appName, \OCP\IRequest $request, $user) { parent::__construct($appName, $request); $this->user = $user; $this->deps = Dependencies::get(); $this->notes = new NoteStorage($this->deps->urlGen); //default http header: we assume something is broken header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); } /** * /api/1.0 * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function index($route = 'grauphel.api.index') { $deps = Dependencies::get(); $authenticated = false; $oauth = new OAuth(); $oauth->setDeps($deps); $urlGen = $deps->urlGen; try { $provider = OAuth::getProvider(); $oauth->registerHandler($provider) ->registerAccessTokenHandler($provider); $provider->checkOAuthRequest( $urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $urlGen->linkToRoute($route) ) ); $authenticated = true; $token = $deps->tokens->load('access', $provider->token); $username = $token->user; } catch (OAuthException $e) { return new ErrorResponse($e->getMessage()); } catch (\OAuthException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != OAUTH_PARAMETER_ABSENT) { $oauth->error($e); } if ($this->user !== null) { $username = $this->user->getUID(); $authenticated = true; } } $data = array( 'oauth_request_token_url' => $urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $urlGen->linkToRoute('grauphel.oauth.requestToken') ), 'oauth_authorize_url' => $urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $urlGen->linkToRoute('grauphel.oauth.authorize') ), 'oauth_access_token_url' => $urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $urlGen->linkToRoute('grauphel.oauth.accessToken') ), 'api-version' => '1.0', ); $client = $this->getClient(); if ($client !== false) { $data['oauth_authorize_url'] .= '?client=' . urlencode($this->getNiceClientName($client)); } if ($authenticated) { $data['user-ref'] = array( 'api-ref' => $urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.user', array('username' => $username) ) ), 'href' => null,//FIXME ); } return new JSONResponse($data); } /** * /api/1.0/ * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function indexSlash() { return $this->index('grauphel.api.indexSlash'); } /** * GET /api/1.0/$user * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function user($username) { $this->verifyUser( $username, $this->deps->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->deps->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.user', array('username' => $username) ) ) ); $syncdata = $this->notes->loadSyncData(); $data = array( 'user-name' => $username, 'first-name' => null, 'last-name' => null, 'notes-ref' => array( 'api-ref' => $this->deps->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->deps->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.notes', array('username' => $username) ) ), 'href' => null, ), 'latest-sync-revision' => $syncdata->latestSyncRevision, 'current-sync-guid' => $syncdata->currentSyncGuid, ); return new JSONResponse($data); } /** * GET /api/1.0/$user/notes * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function notes($username) { $this->verifyUser( $username, $this->deps->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->deps->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.notes', array('username' => $username) ) ) ); $syncdata = $this->notes->loadSyncData(); return $this->fetchNotes($syncdata); } /** * PUT /api/1.0/$user/notes * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function notesSave($username) { $this->verifyUser( $username, $this->deps->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->deps->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.notesSave', array('username' => $username) ) ) ); $syncdata = $this->notes->loadSyncData(); $res = $this->handleNoteSave($username, $syncdata); if ($res instanceof \OCP\AppFramework\Http\Response) { return $res; } return $this->fetchNotes($syncdata); } protected function fetchNotes($syncdata) { $since = null; if (isset($_GET['since'])) { $since = (int) $_GET['since']; } if (isset($_GET['include_notes']) && $_GET['include_notes']) { $notes = $this->notes->loadNotesFull($since); } else { $notes = $this->notes->loadNotesOverview($since); } //work around bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=734313 foreach ($notes as $note) { if (isset($note->{'note-content-version'})) { $note->{'note-content-version'} = 0.3; } } $data = array( 'latest-sync-revision' => $syncdata->latestSyncRevision, 'notes' => $notes, ); return new JSONResponse($data); } protected function handleNoteSave($username, $syncdata) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'PUT') { return; } //note that we have more data in $arPut than just our JSON // request object merges it with other data $arPut = $this->request->put; //structural validation if (!isset($arPut['latest-sync-revision'])) { return new ErrorResponse('Missing "latest-sync-revision"'); } if (!isset($arPut['note-changes'])) { return new ErrorResponse('Missing "note-changes"'); } foreach ($arPut['note-changes'] as $note) { //owncloud converts object to array, so we reverse $note = (object) $note; if (!isset($note->guid) || $note->guid == '') { return new ErrorResponse('Missing "guid" on note'); } } //content validation if ($arPut['latest-sync-revision'] != $syncdata->latestSyncRevision +1 && $syncdata->latestSyncRevision != -1 ) { return new ErrorResponse( 'Wrong "latest-sync-revision". You are not up to date.' ); } //update ++$syncdata->latestSyncRevision; foreach ($arPut['note-changes'] as $noteUpdate) { //owncloud converts object to array, so we reverse $noteUpdate = (object) $noteUpdate; $note = $this->notes->load($noteUpdate->guid); if (isset($noteUpdate->command) && $noteUpdate->command == 'delete') { $this->notes->delete($noteUpdate->guid); } else { $this->notes->update( $note, $noteUpdate, $syncdata->latestSyncRevision ); $this->notes->save($note); } } $this->notes->saveSyncData($syncdata); } /** * GET /api/1.0/$user/notes/$noteguid * * @NoAdminRequired * @NoCSRFRequired * @PublicPage */ public function note($username, $guid) { $this->verifyUser( $username, $this->deps->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->deps->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.note', array('username' => $username, 'guid' => $guid) ) ) ); $note = $this->notes->load($guid, false); if ($note === null) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo "Note does not exist\n"; exit(1); } return new JSONResponse($note); } protected function getClient() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TOMBOY_CLIENT'])) { $client = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TOMBOY_CLIENT']; $doublepos = strpos($client, ', org.tomdroid'); if ($doublepos !== false) { //https://bugs.launchpad.net/tomdroid/+bug/1375436 //X-Tomboy-Client header is sent twice $client = substr($client, 0, $doublepos); } return $client; } return false; } protected function getNiceClientName($client) { if (substr($client, 0, 12) == 'org.tomdroid') { //org.tomdroid v0.7.5, build 14, Android v4.4.2, innotek GmbH/VirtualBox return 'Tomdroid'; } return $client; } /** * Checks if the given user is authorized (by oauth token or normal login) * * @param string $username Username to verify * * @return boolean True if all is fine, Response in case of an error */ protected function verifyUser($username, $curUrl) { if ($this->user !== null && $this->user->getUid() == $username) { $this->notes->setUsername($username); return true; } $oauth = new OAuth(); $oauth->setDeps($this->deps); $oauth->verifyOAuthUser($username, $curUrl); $this->notes->setUsername($username); return true; } } ?>