* @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @link http://cweiske.de/grauphel.htm */ namespace OCA\Grauphel\Lib; /** * Flat file storage for notes * * @category Tools * @package Grauphel * @author Christian Weiske * @copyright 2014 Christian Weiske * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://cweiske.de/grauphel.htm */ class NoteStorage { /** * @var \OCP\IDBConnection */ protected $db; protected $urlGen; protected $username; public function __construct($urlGen) { $this->urlGen = $urlGen; $this->db = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(); } public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * Create a new sync data object for fresh users. * Used by loadSyncData() * * @return SyncData New synchronization statistics */ protected function getNewSyncData() { $syncdata = new SyncData(); $syncdata->initNew($this->username); return $syncdata; } public function getTags() { $result = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT `note_tags` FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE note_user = ?', array($this->username) ); $tags = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $tags = array_merge($tags, json_decode($row['note_tags'])); } return array_unique($tags); } /** * Updates the given $note object with data from $noteUpdate. * Sets the last-sync-revision to $syncRevision * * @param object $note Original note object * @param object $noteUpdate Update note object from a PUT to the API * @param integer $syncRevision Current sync revision number * * @return void */ public function update($note, $noteUpdate, $syncRevision) { static $updateFields = array( 'create-date', 'last-change-date', 'last-metadata-change-date', 'note-content', 'note-content-version', 'open-on-startup', 'pinned', 'tags', 'title', ); $changed = array(); foreach ($updateFields as $field) { $changed[$field] = false; if (isset($noteUpdate->$field)) { if ($note->$field != $noteUpdate->$field) { $note->$field = $noteUpdate->$field; $changed[$field] = true; } } } if (!isset($noteUpdate->{'last-change-date'}) && ($changed['title'] || $changed['note-content']) ) { //no idea how to get the microseconds in there $note->{'last-change-date'} = date('c'); } if (!isset($noteUpdate->{'last-metadata-change-date'})) { //no idea how to get the microseconds in there $note->{'last-metadata-change-date'} = date('c'); } if (isset($noteUpdate->{'node-content'}) && $note->{'note-content-version'} == 0 ) { $note->{'note-content-version'} = 0.3; } $note->{'last-sync-revision'} = $syncRevision; } /** * Loads synchronization data for the given user. * Creates fresh sync data if there are none for the user. * * @return SyncData Synchronization statistics (revision, sync guid) */ public function loadSyncData() { $row = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_syncdata`' . ' WHERE `syncdata_user` = ?', array($this->username) )->fetch(); if ($row === false) { $syncdata = $this->getNewSyncData(); $this->saveSyncData($syncdata); } else { $syncdata = new SyncData(); $syncdata->latestSyncRevision = (int) $row['syncdata_latest_sync_revision']; $syncdata->currentSyncGuid = $row['syncdata_current_sync_guid']; } return $syncdata; } /** * Save synchronization data for the given user. * * @param SyncData $syncdata Synchronization data object * * @return void */ public function saveSyncData(SyncData $syncdata) { $row = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_syncdata`' . ' WHERE `syncdata_user` = ?', array($this->username) )->fetch(); if ($row === false) { //INSERT $sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*grauphel_syncdata`' . '(`syncdata_user`, `syncdata_latest_sync_revision`, `syncdata_current_sync_guid`)' . ' VALUES(?, ?, ?)'; $params = array( $this->username, $syncdata->latestSyncRevision, $syncdata->currentSyncGuid ); } else { //UPDATE $data = array( 'syncdata_latest_sync_revision' => $syncdata->latestSyncRevision, 'syncdata_current_sync_guid' => $syncdata->currentSyncGuid, ); $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*grauphel_syncdata` SET' . ' `' . implode('` = ?, `', array_keys($data)) . '` = ?' . ' WHERE `syncdata_user` = ?'; $params = array_values($data); $params[] = $this->username; } $this->db->executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * Delete synchronization data for the given user. * * @param SyncData $syncdata Synchronization data object * * @return void */ public function deleteSyncData() { $this->db->executeQuery( 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_syncdata`' . ' WHERE `syncdata_user` = ?', array($this->username) ); } /** * Load a note from the storage. * * @param string $guid Note identifier * @param boolean $createNew Create a new note if it does not exist * * @return object Note object, NULL if !$createNew and note does not exist */ public function load($guid, $createNew = true) { $row = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ? AND `note_guid` = ?', array($this->username, $guid) )->fetch(); if ($row === false) { if (!$createNew) { return null; } return (object) array( 'guid' => $guid, 'create-date' => null, 'last-change-date' => null, 'last-metadata-change-date' => null, 'title' => null, 'note-content' => null, 'note-content-version' => 0.3, 'open-on-startup' => false, 'pinned' => false, 'tags' => array(), ); } return $this->noteFromRow($row); } /** * Load a GUID of a note by the note title. * * The note title is stored html-escaped in the database because we * get it that way from tomboy. Thus we have to escape the search * input, too. * * @param string $title Note title. * * @return string GUID, NULL if note could not be found */ public function loadGuidByTitle($title) { $row = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT note_guid FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ? AND `note_title` = ?', array($this->username, htmlspecialchars($title)) )->fetch(); if ($row === false) { return null; } return $row['note_guid']; } /** * Search for a note * * @param array $keywords arrays of query strings within keys AND and NOT * * @return array Database rows with note_guid and note_title */ public function search($keywordGroups) { if (!isset($keywordGroups['AND'])) { $keywordGroups['AND'] = array(); } if (!isset($keywordGroups['NOT'])) { $keywordGroups['NOT'] = array(); } $sqlTplAnd = ' AND (note_title ILIKE ? OR note_tags ILIKE ? OR note_content ILIKE ?)'; $sqlTplNot = ' AND NOT (note_title ILIKE ? OR note_tags ILIKE ? OR note_content ILIKE ?)'; $arData = array( $this->username ); foreach (array('AND', 'NOT') as $group) { $keywords = $keywordGroups[$group]; foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $arData[] = '%' . $keyword . '%';//title $arData[] = '%' . $keyword . '%';//tags $arData[] = '%' . $keyword . '%';//content } } $result = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT `note_guid`, `note_title`' . ' FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE note_user = ?' . str_repeat($sqlTplAnd, count($keywordGroups['AND'])) . str_repeat($sqlTplNot, count($keywordGroups['NOT'])), $arData ); $notes = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $notes[] = $row; } return $notes; } /** * Save a note into storage. * * @param object $note Note to save * * @return void */ public function save($note) { $row = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ? AND `note_guid` = ?', array($this->username, $note->guid) )->fetch(); $data = $this->rowFromNote($note); if ($row === false) { //INSERT $data['note_user'] = $this->username; $sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' (`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($data)) . '`)' . ' VALUES(' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($data), '?')) . ')'; $params = array_values($data); } else { //UPDATE $sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes` SET ' . '`' . implode('` = ?, `', array_keys($data)) . '` = ?' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ? AND `note_guid` = ?'; $params = array_values($data); $params[] = $this->username; $params[] = $note->guid; } $this->db->executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * Delete a note from storage. * * @param object $guid ID of the note * * @return void */ public function delete($guid) { $this->db->executeQuery( 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ? AND `note_guid` = ?', array($this->username, $guid) ); } /** * Delete all notes from storage. * * @return void */ public function deleteAll() { $this->db->executeQuery( 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE `note_user` = ?', array($this->username) ); } /** * Load notes for the given user in short form. * Optionally only those changed after $since revision * * @param integer $since Revision number after which the notes changed * @param string $rawtag Filter by tag. Special tags: * - grauphel:special:all * - grauphel:special:untagged * @param boolean $includeDate Load the last modification date or not * * @return array Array of short note objects */ public function loadNotesOverview( $since = null, $rawtag = null, $includeDate = false ) { $sql = 'SELECT `note_guid`, `note_title`' . ', `note_last_sync_revision`, `note_tags`' . ', `note_last_change_date`' . ' FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE note_user = ?'; $sqlData = array($this->username); if ($since !== null) { $sqlData[] = $since; $sql .= ' AND note_last_sync_revision > ?'; } if ($rawtag == 'grauphel:special:all') { $rawtag = null; } else if ($rawtag == 'grauphel:special:untagged') { $jsRawtag = json_encode(array()); } else { $jsRawtag = json_encode($rawtag); } if ($rawtag !== null) { $sqlData[] = '%' . $jsRawtag . '%'; $sql .= ' AND note_tags LIKE ?'; } $result = $this->db->executeQuery($sql, $sqlData); $notes = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $note = array( 'guid' => $row['note_guid'], 'ref' => array( 'api-ref' => $this->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.api.note', array( 'username' => $this->username, 'guid' => $row['note_guid'] ) ) ), 'href' => $this->urlGen->getAbsoluteURL( $this->urlGen->linkToRoute( 'grauphel.gui.note', array( 'guid' => $row['note_guid'] ) ) ), ), 'title' => $row['note_title'], ); if ($includeDate) { $note['last-change-date'] = $row['note_last_change_date']; } $notes[] = $note; } return $notes; } /** * Load notes for the given user in full form. * Optionally only those changed after $since revision * * @param integer $since Revision number after which the notes changed * * @return array Array of full note objects */ public function loadNotesFull($since = null) { $result = $this->db->executeQuery( 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*grauphel_notes`' . ' WHERE note_user = ?', array($this->username) ); $notes = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if ($since !== null && $row['note_last_sync_revision'] <= $since) { continue; } $notes[] = $this->noteFromRow($row); } return $notes; } protected function fixDate($date) { if (strlen($date) == 32) { //Bug in grauphel 0.1.1; date fields in DB had only 32 instead of 33 // characters. The last digit of the time zone was missing $date .= '0'; } return $date; } protected function noteFromRow($row) { return (object) array( 'guid' => $row['note_guid'], 'create-date' => $this->fixDate($row['note_create_date']), 'last-change-date' => $this->fixDate($row['note_last_change_date']), 'last-metadata-change-date' => $this->fixDate($row['note_last_metadata_change_date']), 'title' => $row['note_title'], 'note-content' => $row['note_content'], 'note-content-version' => $row['note_content_version'], 'open-on-startup' => (bool) $row['note_open_on_startup'], 'pinned' => (bool) $row['note_pinned'], 'tags' => json_decode($row['note_tags']), 'last-sync-revision' => (int) $row['note_last_sync_revision'], ); } protected function rowFromNote($note) { return array( 'note_guid' => $note->guid, 'note_title' => (string) $note->title, 'note_content' => (string) $note->{'note-content'}, 'note_content_version' => (string) $note->{'note-content-version'}, 'note_create_date' => $note->{'create-date'}, 'note_last_change_date' => $note->{'last-change-date'}, 'note_last_metadata_change_date' => $note->{'last-metadata-change-date'}, 'note_open_on_startup' => (int) $note->{'open-on-startup'}, 'note_pinned' => (int) $note->pinned, 'note_tags' => json_encode($note->tags), 'note_last_sync_revision' => $note->{'last-sync-revision'}, ); } } ?>