Group Datum Game data field Discover field App field Details field BrewyaOnOuya field Example Description
app Game title title title title title App.title Bloo Kid 2
app Overview text overview (optional) overview - App.overview Released in October 2015 by winterworks GmbH.
app Description description description description App.description Bloo Kid 2 is a classic 2D retro-style platformer experience with lovely designed pixel-graphics and a full chiptune soundtrack. Run, jump and swim your way through FIVE huge worlds with TWELVE levels each. Master brutal bossfights and discover lots of secrets in the world of Bloo Kid 2.\r\n\r\nBloo Kid 2 features:\r\n- five worlds with twelve levels each\r\n- handcrafted, colorful pixel-graphics\r\n- a full chiptune soundtrack\r\n- epic boss battles\r\n- tons of secrets\r\n- achievements
app Number of players players gamerNumbers gamerNumbers gamerNumbers App.playerNumbers [1] Any combination of 1-4
app Genre list genres genres genres genres App.genres [Platformer, Retro] original genre list:
  • Adventure
  • App
  • Arcade/Pinball
  • Card/Casino
  • Dual Stick
  • Entertainment
  • Fight!
  • FPS/Shooter
  • Kids List
  • Meditative
  • Multiplayer
  • Music
  • Platformer
  • Puzzle/Trivia
  • Racing
  • Retro
  • Role-Playing
  • Short on Time?
  • Sim/Strategy
  • Sports
  • Utility
  • Video
app Package name packageName package apk.package App.packageName evil.corptron.DuckGame Run "aapt dump badging file.apk", field "package: name"
app Details URL - url - - ouya://launcher/details?app=evil.corptron.DuckGame
app Game website website (optional) website -
app Content rating contentRating (optional) contentRating contentRating suggestedAge App.contentRating Everyone
  • Everyone
  • 9+
  • 12+
  • 17+
app FIXME premium (optional) premium premium premium App.premium false
app When the game was published firstPublishedAt (optional) firstPublishedAt firstPublishedAt (unix timestamp) App.firstPublishedAt 2015-10-09T07:53:25Z
app Are there in-app purchases? inAppPurchases (optional) inAppPurchases inAppPurchases - true
app FIXME - type type - app discover: "app", "discover" or "details_page" (for bundles)
details: "Game", FIXME
app Last update (unix timestamp) - updated_at - AppVersion.releaseTime 1417731390
app Last update releases.*.date (when "latest") updatedAt - AppVersion.releaseTime 2014-12-04T22:16:30Z
? Metadata about the file - - metaData - ["key:rating.average", "", "key:suggestedAge", "45.29 MiB"] Always those 4 values and in the same order (at least for apps)
rating Number of likes? rating.likeCount (optional) likeCount - Rating.likeCount 0
rating Average rating rating.average (optional) rating.average ratingAverage rating.average Rating.rating 4.1
rating Number of ratings rating.count (optional) rating.count ratingCount rating.count Rating.reviewCount 355
product Promotion data products.* (when "promoted=true") promotedProduct promotedProduct promotedProduct App.promotedProduct null May be "null" if none, otherwise object
product Product key products.*.identifier promotedProduct.identifier promotedProduct.identifier promotedProduct.identifier Product.identifier unlock_rockets
product Product name products.*.name Unlock Full Game
product Product currency products.*.currency promotedProduct.currency promotedProduct.currency promotedProduct.currency - EUR
product Product description products.*.description promotedProduct.description promotedProduct.description promotedProduct.description Product.description Remove the 9 satellites limitation. Infinite satellites!
null (759x)
product Saving - promotedProduct.percentOff promotedProduct.percentOff promotedProduct.percentOff - 0
product Current price products.*.localPrice promotedProduct.localPrice promotedProduct.localPrice promotedProduct.localPrice - 1.99
product Previous price products.*.originalPrice promotedProduct.originalPrice promotedProduct.originalPrice promotedProduct.originalPrice Product.originalPrice 1.99
product FIXME ? ? ? promotedProduct.type ? "entitlement" (502x), null (758x)
apk Human readable version releases.*.name latestVersion.versionNumber versionNumber version.number Apk.versionName 1.6 Run "aapt dump badging file.apk", field "versionName"
apk UUID of latest apk version releases.*.uuid uuid
version.uuid App.uuid 780688a9-95ee-429a-8755-69a8d0c88fe0 The OUYA API does not have app UUIDs, only release/apk uuids.
apk Internal version releases.*.versionCode - - apk.versionCode Apk.versionCode null (1162x), 120401, 11, 1001004 Run "aapt dump badging file.apk", field "versionCode"
apk FIXME releases.*.publicSize (optional) publicSize apk.publicSize Apk.publicSize 27275
apk FIXME releases.*.nativeSize (optional) nativeSize apk.nativeSize Apk.nativeSize 20292
apk MD5 file hash releases.*.md5sum latestVersion.apk.md5sum md5sum apk.md5sum Apk.md5sum a5b0f82d54df5f551a64295e43771a10, null (432x)
apk APK file size releases.*.size apkFileSize apk.fileSize Apk.size 25507828
apk APK publish date releases.*.date publishedAt version.publishedAt (unix timestamp) AppVersion.releaseTime 2015-10-23T09:58:19Z
apk downloadLink releases.*.url apk.filename Apk.location url:
details: 1zbYKRSS1elKIYI9eseH_BombSquad-ouya-release.apk
Also in download.json
Details field: only a file name, no path/domain. Always set.
apk state - ? ? apk.state ? "complete"
media Main image image mainImageFullUrl tileImage Media Discover preview. Size: 732x412
media FIXME - - - heroImage.url ?
Most games, had "null" here, only 14 had one set. When this was set, mobileAppIcon was also set.
media Video (optional) videoUrl Media
media Game screenshots media.screenshots (optional) filepickerScreenshots - Media [urls]
media Detail video media.details.*.url mediaTiles.*.url (type=video) ?
    "type": "video",
    "url": ""
Allows free ordering of images and videos on the details page.
"fp" is probably "FilePicker".
fp_url is not used in OUYA's launcher. The launcher loads the thumbnail at first, immediately after the full image. If no mediaTile is available, the app's mainImageFullUrl is used. When offline, the apk image is used.

Game data information: If details is not given or an emtpy array, "mediaTile" array should automatically be created by combining "media.large", "" and "media.screenshots" into the mediaTiles format.
media Detail image thumbnail media.details.*.thumb mediaTiles.*.urls.thumb (type=image) ? Thumbnails were all size 852x479
    "type: "image",
    "urls": [
      "full": "http://...",
      "thumb": "http://...",
    "fp_url": "http://...."
media Detail image full resolution media.details.*.url mediaTiles.*.urls.full (type=image) ? Many detail images had a resolution of 1280x720.
    "type: "image",
    "urls": [
      "full": "http://...",
      "thumb": "http://...",
    "fp_url": "http://...."
media Detail image file picker URL - mediaTiles.*.fp_url ?
    "type: "image",
    "urls": [
      "full": "http://...",
      "thumb": "http://...",
    "fp_url": "http://...."
media FIXME - mobileAppIcon mobileAppIcon App.iconImage null
1246x null, rest had its own URL. Set when heroImage was filled.
developer Developer name developer winterworks GmbH
developer Developer support mail developer.supportEmail (optional) supportEmailAddress - Developer.supportEmail null
developer Support phone number developer.supportPhone (optional) supportPhone - Developer.supportPhone null
developer Developer is a founder developer.founder (optional) founder developer.founder Developer.founder false
developer Developer UUID developer.uuid (optional) - - developer.url (part of) Developer.uuid ouya://launcher/details?developer=5b015434-8a78-4274-aa5d-0cb2e330e50e