#!/usr/bin/env php getElementsbyTagName($tag) as $elem) { $elems[] = $elem; } foreach ($elems as $elem) { $elem->parentNode->removeChild($elem); } } $url = $argv[1]; $req = new \HTTP_Request2($url); $req->setConfig('follow_redirects', true); $req->setConfig('connect_timeout', 5); $req->setConfig('timeout', 10); $req->setConfig('ssl_verify_peer', false); //FIXME: size limit $es = new Elasticsearch($GLOBALS['phinde']['elasticsearch']); $existingDoc = $es->get($url); if ($existingDoc && $existingDoc->status == 'indexed') { $nMoDate = strtotime($existingDoc->modate); $refreshtime = $GLOBALS['phinde']['refreshtime']; if (time() - $nMoDate < $refreshtime) { echo "URL already indexed less than $refreshtime seconds ago: $url\n"; exit(0); } $req->setHeader('If-Modified-Since: ' . date('r', $nMoDate)); } //FIXME: sourcetitle, sourcelink $res = $req->send(); //FIXME: try-catch if ($res->getStatus() === 304) { //not modified since last time //FIXME: store "last try" time exit(0); } else if ($res->getStatus() !== 200) { //FIXME: delete if 401 gone or 404 when updating echo "Response code is not 200 but " . $res->getStatus() . ", stopping\n"; //FIXME: update status exit(3); } $mimetype = explode(';', $res->getHeader('content-type'))[0]; if (!in_array($mimetype, $supportedIndexTypes)) { echo "MIME type not supported for indexing: $mimetype\n"; //FIXME: update status exit(4); } //FIXME: update index only if changed since last index time //FIXME: extract base url from html //FIXME: check if effective url needs updating $url = $res->getEffectiveUrl(); $base = new \Net_URL2($url); $indexDoc = new \stdClass(); //FIXME: MIME type switch $doc = new \DOMDocument(); //@ to hide parse warning messages in invalid html @$doc->loadHTML($res->getBody()); $dx = new \DOMXPath($doc); $xbase = $dx->evaluate('/html/head/base[@href]')->item(0); if ($xbase) { $base = $base->resolve( $xbase->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->textContent ); } //remove script tags removeTags($doc, 'script'); removeTags($doc, 'style'); removeTags($doc, 'nav'); //default content: $xpContext = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); //FIXME: follow meta refresh, no body // example: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ //use microformats content if it exists $xpElems = $dx->query( "//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' e-content ')]" ); if ($xpElems->length) { $xpContext = $xpElems->item(0); } else if ($doc->getElementById('content')) { //if there is an element with ID "content", we'll use this $xpContext = $doc->getElementById('content'); } $indexDoc->url = $url; $indexDoc->schemalessUrl = Helper::noSchema($url); $indexDoc->type = 'html'; $indexDoc->subtype = ''; $indexDoc->mimetype = $mimetype; $indexDoc->domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); //$indexDoc->source = 'FIXME'; //$indexDoc->sourcetitle = 'FIXME'; $indexDoc->author = new \stdClass(); $arXpElems = $dx->query('/html/head/meta[@name="author" and @content]'); if ($arXpElems->length) { $indexDoc->author->name = trim( $arXpElems->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('content')->textContent ); } $arXpElems = $dx->query('/html/head/link[@rel="author" and @href]'); if ($arXpElems->length) { $indexDoc->author->url = trim( $base->resolve( $arXpElems->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->textContent ) ); } $arXpElems = $dx->query('/html/head/title'); if ($arXpElems->length) { $indexDoc->title = trim( $arXpElems->item(0)->textContent ); } foreach (array('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6') as $headlinetype) { $indexDoc->$headlinetype = array(); foreach ($xpContext->getElementsByTagName($headlinetype) as $xheadline) { array_push( $indexDoc->$headlinetype, trim($xheadline->textContent) ); } } //FIXME: split paragraphs //FIXME: insert space after br $indexDoc->text = array(); $indexDoc->text[] = trim( str_replace( array("\r\n", "\n", "\r", ' '), ' ', $xpContext->textContent ) ); //tags $tags = array(); foreach ($dx->query('/html/head/meta[@name="keywords" and @content]') as $xkeywords) { $keywords = $xkeywords->attributes->getNamedItem('content')->textContent; foreach (explode(',', $keywords) as $keyword) { $tags[trim($keyword)] = true; } } $indexDoc->tags = array_keys($tags); //dates $arXpdates = $dx->query('/html/head/meta[@name="DC.date.created" and @content]'); if ($arXpdates->length) { $indexDoc->crdate = date( 'c', strtotime( $arXpdates->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('content')->textContent ) ); } //FIXME: keep creation date from database, or use modified date if we // do not have it there $arXpdates = $dx->query('/html/head/meta[@name="DC.date.modified" and @content]'); if ($arXpdates->length) { $indexDoc->modate = date( 'c', strtotime( $arXpdates->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('content')->textContent ) ); } else { $lm = $res->getHeader('last-modified'); if ($lm !== null) { $indexDoc->modate = date('c', strtotime($lm)); } else { //use current time since we don't have any other data $indexDoc->modate = date('c'); } } //language //there may be "en-US" and "de-DE" $xlang = $doc->documentElement->attributes->getNamedItem('lang'); if ($xlang) { $indexDoc->language = strtolower(substr($xlang->textContent, 0, 2)); } //FIXME: fallback, autodetection //FIXME: check noindex //var_dump($indexDoc);die(); $indexDoc->status = 'indexed'; //FIXME: update index if it exists already $r = new Elasticsearch_Request( $GLOBALS['phinde']['elasticsearch'] . 'document/' . rawurlencode($url), \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_PUT ); $r->setBody(json_encode($indexDoc)); $r->send(); ?>