#!/usr/bin/env php description = 'phinde URL processor'; $cc->version = '0.0.1'; $cc->addOption( 'force', array( 'short_name' => '-f', 'long_name' => '--force', 'description' => 'Always process URL, even when it did not change', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'default' => false ) ); $cc->addOption( 'showLinksOnly', array( 'short_name' => '-s', 'long_name' => '--show-links', 'description' => 'Only show which URLs were found', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'default' => false ) ); $cc->addArgument( 'url', array( 'description' => 'URL to process', 'multiple' => false ) ); $cc->addArgument( 'actions', array( 'description' => 'Actions to take', 'multiple' => true, 'optional' => true, 'choices' => array('index', 'crawl'), 'default' => array('index', 'crawl'), ) ); try { $res = $cc->parse(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $cc->displayError($e->getMessage()); } $url = $res->args['url']; $url = Helper::addSchema($url); $urlObj = new \Net_URL2($url); $url = $urlObj->getNormalizedURL(); if (!Helper::isUrlAllowed($url)) { echo "Domain is not allowed; not crawling\n"; exit(2); } try { $actions = array(); foreach ($res->args['actions'] as $action) { if ($action == 'crawl') { $crawler = new Crawler(); $crawler->setShowLinksOnly($res->options['showLinksOnly']); $actions[$action] = $crawler; } else if ($action == 'index') { $actions[$action] = new Indexer(); } } $fetcher = new Fetcher(); $retrieved = $fetcher->fetch($url, $actions, $res->options['force']); if ($retrieved === false) { exit(0); } $update = false; foreach ($actions as $key => $action) { echo "step: $key\n"; $update |= $action->run($retrieved); } if ($update) { //FIXME: update index if it exists already $fetcher->storeDoc($retrieved->url, $retrieved->esDoc); } else { echo "Not updating\n"; } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(10); } ?>