getEffectiveUrl()); $linkInfos = array(); //FIXME: mime type switch for cdata $doc = new \DOMDocument(); //@ to hide parse warning messages in invalid html @$doc->loadHTML($res->getBody()); //FIXME: extract base url from html $base = new \Net_URL2($url); $dx = new \DOMXPath($doc); $xbase = $dx->evaluate('/html/head/base[@href]')->item(0); if ($xbase) { $base = $base->resolve( $xbase->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->textContent ); } $meta = $dx->evaluate('/html/head/meta[@name="robots" and @content]') ->item(0); if ($meta) { $robots = $meta->attributes->getNamedItem('content')->textContent; foreach (explode(',', $robots) as $value) { if (trim($value) == 'nofollow') { //we shall not follow the links return array(); } } } $links = $dx->evaluate('//a'); //FIXME: link rel, img, video $alreadySeen = array($url => true); foreach ($links as $link) { $linkTitle = Helper::sanitizeTitle($link->textContent); $href = ''; foreach ($link->attributes as $attribute) { if ($attribute->name == 'href') { $href = $attribute->textContent; } else if ($attribute->name == 'rel') { foreach (explode(',', $attribute->textContent) as $value) { if (trim($value) == 'nofollow') { //we shall not follow this link continue 3; } } } } if ($href == '' || $href{0} == '#') { //link on this page continue; } $linkUrlObj = $base->resolve($href); $linkUrlObj->setFragment(false); $linkUrl = (string) $linkUrlObj; if (isset($alreadySeen[$linkUrl])) { continue; } switch ($linkUrlObj->getScheme()) { case 'http': case 'https': break; default: continue 2; } //FIXME: check target type $linkInfos[] = new LinkInfo( $linkUrl, $linkTitle, $url ); $alreadySeen[$linkUrl] = true; } return $linkInfos; } } ?>