repo = $repo; } /** * Processes the POST data, changes description and files * * @return boolean True if the post was successful */ public function process($postData, $sessionData) { if (!isset($postData['files'])) { return false; } if (!$this->hasContent($postData)) { return false; } if (!$this->repo) { $this->repo = $this->createRepo(); } $vc = $this->repo->getVc(); $bChanged = false; $bCommit = false; if ($postData['description'] != $this->repo->getDescription()) { $this->repo->setDescription($postData['description']); $bChanged = true; } foreach ($postData['files'] as $num => $arFile) { $bUpload = false; if ($_FILES['files']['error'][$num]['upload'] == 0) { //valid file upload $bUpload = true; } else if ($arFile['content'] == '' && $arFile['name'] == '') { //empty (new) file continue; } $orignalName = Tools::sanitizeFilename($arFile['original_name']); $name = Tools::sanitizeFilename($arFile['name']); if ($arFile['type'] == '_auto_') { //FIXME: upload $arFile['type'] = $this->getType($arFile['content']); } if ($name == '') { if ($bUpload) { $name = Tools::sanitizeFilename( $_FILES['files']['name'][$num]['upload'] ); } else { $name = $this->getNextNumberedFile('phork') . '.' . $arFile['type']; } } $bNew = false; $bDelete = false; if (!isset($orignalName) || $orignalName == '') { //new file $bNew = true; if (strpos($name, '.') === false) { //automatically append file extension if none is there $name .= '.' . $arFile['type']; } } else if (!$this->repo->hasFile($orignalName)) { //unknown file //FIXME: Show error message continue; } else if (isset($arFile['delete']) && $arFile['delete'] == 1) { $bDelete = true; } else if ($orignalName != $name) { if (strpos($name, '/') === false) { //ignore names with a slash in it, would be new directory //FIXME: what to do with overwrites? $vc->getCommand('mv') ->addArgument($orignalName) ->addArgument($name) ->execute(); $bCommit = true; } else { $name = $orignalName; } } $file = $this->repo->getFileByName($name, false); if ($bDelete) { $command = $vc->getCommand('rm') ->addArgument($file->getFilename()) ->execute(); $bCommit = true; } else if ($bUpload) { move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$num]['upload'], $file->getFullPath() ); $command = $vc->getCommand('add') ->addArgument($file->getFilename()) ->execute(); $bCommit = true; } else if ($bNew || (isset($arFile['content']) && $file->getContent() != $arFile['content'] ) ) { file_put_contents($file->getFullPath(), $arFile['content']); $command = $vc->getCommand('add') ->addArgument($file->getFilename()) ->execute(); $bCommit = true; } } if (isset($sessionData['identity'])) { $notes = $sessionData['identity']; } else { $notes = $sessionData['ipaddr']; } if ($bCommit) { $vc->getCommand('commit') ->setOption('message', '') ->setOption('allow-empty-message') ->setOption( 'author', $sessionData['name'] . ' <' . $sessionData['email'] . '>' ) ->execute(); //FIXME: git needs ref BEFORE add //quick hack until is fixed //also waiting for $vc->getCommand('notes --ref=identity add') ->setOption('force') ->setOption('message', "$notes") ->execute(); $bChanged = true; } if ($bChanged) { //FIXME: index changed files only //also handle file deletions $db = new Database(); if ($bNew) { $db->getIndexer()->addRepo($this->repo); } else { $commits = $this->repo->getHistory(); $db->getIndexer()->updateRepo( $this->repo, $commits[count($commits)-1]->committerTime, $commits[0]->committerTime ); } } return true; } protected function hasContent($postData) { foreach ($postData['files'] as $num => $arFile) { if ($_FILES['files']['error'][$num]['upload'] == 0) { return true; } if ($arFile['content'] != '') { return true; } } return false; } public function createRepo() { $rs = new Repositories(); $repo = $rs->createNew(); $vc = $repo->getVc(); $vc->getCommand('init') //this should be setOption, but it fails with a = between name and value ->addArgument('--separate-git-dir') ->addArgument( $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['gitdir'] . '/' . $repo->id . '.git' ) ->addArgument($repo->workDir) ->execute(); $rs = new Repository_Setup($repo); $rs->afterInit(); return $repo; } public function getNextNumberedFile($prefix) { $num = -1; do { ++$num; $files = glob($this->repo->workDir . '/' . $prefix . $num . '.*'); } while (count($files)); return $prefix . $num; } protected function getType($content) { $tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'phorkie-autodetect-'); file_put_contents($tmp, $content); $type = \MIME_Type_PlainDetect::autoDetect($tmp); unlink($tmp); return $this->findExtForType($type); } protected function findExtForType($type) { $ext = 'txt'; foreach ($GLOBALS['phorkie']['languages'] as $lext => $arLang) { if ($arLang['mime'] == $type) { $ext = $lext; break; } } return $ext; } } ?>