reposDir = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['repos']; } /** * @return Repository */ public function createNew() { chdir($this->reposDir); $dirs = glob('*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); sort($dirs, SORT_NUMERIC); $n = end($dirs) + 1; unset($dirs); $dir = $this->reposDir . '/' . $n . '/'; mkdir($dir, 0777);//FIXME $r = new Repository(); $r->id = $n; $r->repoDir = $dir; return $r; } /** * Get a list of repository objects * * @param integer $page Page number, beginning with 0 * @param integer $perPage Number of repositories per page * * @return array Array of Repositories */ public function getList($page = 0, $perPage = 10) { chdir($this->reposDir); $dirs = glob('*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); sort($dirs, SORT_NUMERIC); $some = array_slice($dirs, $page * $perPage, $perPage); $repos = array(); foreach ($some as $oneDir) { $r = new Repository(); $r->loadById($oneDir); $repos[] = $r; } return $repos; } } ?>