hash = $_GET['rev']; } $this->id = (int)$_GET['id']; $this->loadDirs(); $this->loadHash(); $this->loadMessage(); } public function loadById($id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { throw new Exception_Input('Paste ID not numeric'); } $this->id = (int)$id; $this->loadDirs(); $this->loadHash(); } protected function loadDirs() { $gitDir = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['gitdir'] . '/' . $this->id . '.git'; if (!is_dir($gitDir)) { throw new Exception_NotFound( sprintf('Paste %d .git dir not found', $this->id) ); } $this->gitDir = $gitDir; $workDir = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['workdir'] . '/' . $this->id; if (!is_dir($workDir)) { throw new Exception_NotFound( sprintf('Paste %d work dir not found', $this->id) ); } $this->workDir = $workDir; } public function loadHash() { if ($this->hash !== null) { return; } $output = $this->getVc()->getCommand('log') ->setOption('pretty', 'format:%H') ->setOption('max-count', 1) ->execute(); $output = trim($output); if (strlen($output) !== 40) { throw new Exception( 'Loading commit hash failed: ' . $output ); } $this->hash = $output; } public function reloadHash() { $this->hash = null; return $this->loadHash(); } /** * Populates $this->message * * @return void */ public function loadMessage() { $rev = (isset($this->hash)) ? $this->hash : 'HEAD'; $output = $this->getVc()->getCommand('log') ->setOption('oneline') ->addArgument('-1') ->addArgument($rev) ->execute(); $output = trim($output); if (strpos($output, ' ') > 0) { $output = substr($output, strpos($output, ' '), strlen($output)); $this->message = trim($output); } else { $this->message = "This commit message intentionally left blank."; } } public function getVc() { return new \VersionControl_Git($this->workDir); } /** * Loads the list of files in this repository * * @return File[] Array of file objects */ public function getFiles() { $files = $this->getFilePaths(); $arFiles = array(); foreach ($files as $name) { $arFiles[] = new File($name, $this); } return $arFiles; } /** * Decodes unicode characters in git filenames * They begin and end with double quote characters, and may contain * backslash + 3 letter octal code numbers representing the character. * * For example, * > "t\303\244st.txt" * means * > täst.txt * * On the shell, you can pipe them into "printf" and have them decoded. * * @param string Encoded git file name * * @return string Decoded file name */ protected function decodeFileName($name) { $name = substr($name, 1, -1); $name = str_replace('\"', '"', $name); $name = preg_replace_callback( '#\\\\[0-7]{3}#', function ($ar) { return chr(octdec(substr($ar[0], 1))); }, $name ); return $name; } /** * Return array with all file paths in this repository * * @return array */ protected function getFilePaths() { if ($this->hash === null) { $hash = 'HEAD'; } else { $hash = $this->hash; } $output = $this->getVc()->getCommand('ls-tree') ->setOption('r') ->setOption('name-only') ->addArgument($hash) ->execute(); $files = explode("\n", trim($output)); foreach ($files as &$file) { if ($file{0} == '"') { $file = $this->decodeFileName($file); } } return $files; } public function getFileByName($name, $bHasToExist = true) { $name = Tools::sanitizeFilename($name); if ($name == '') { throw new Exception_Input('Empty file name given'); } if ($bHasToExist) { $files = $this->getFilePaths(); if (array_search($name, $files) === false) { throw new Exception_Input('File does not exist'); } } return new File($name, $this); } public function hasFile($name) { try { $this->getFileByName($name); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Permanently deletes the paste repository without any way to get * it back. * * @return boolean True if all went well, false if not */ public function delete() { $db = new Database(); $db->getIndexer()->deleteRepo($this); $bOk = Tools::recursiveDelete($this->workDir) && Tools::recursiveDelete($this->gitDir); $not = new Notificator(); $not->delete($this); return $bOk; } public function getTitle() { $desc = $this->getDescription(); if (trim($desc) != '') { return $desc; } return 'paste #' . $this->id; } public function getDescription() { if (!is_readable($this->gitDir . '/description')) { return null; } return file_get_contents($this->gitDir . '/description'); } public function setDescription($description) { file_put_contents($this->gitDir . '/description', $description); } /** * @return array Array with keys "email" and "name" */ public function getOwner() { try { $name = $this->getVc()->getCommand('config') ->addArgument('owner.name')->execute(); } catch (\VersionControl_Git_Exception $e) { $name = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['auth']['anonymousName']; } try { $email = $this->getVc()->getCommand('config') ->addArgument('owner.email')->execute(); } catch (\VersionControl_Git_Exception $e) { $email = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['auth']['anonymousEmail']; } return array('name' => trim($name), 'email' => trim($email)); } /** * Get a link to the repository * * @param string $type Link type. Supported are: * - "edit" * - "delete" * - "delete-confirm" * - "display" * - "embed" * - "fork" * - "revision" * @param string $option Additional link option, e.g. revision number * @param boolean $full Return full URL or normal relative * * @return string */ public function getLink($type, $option = null, $full = false) { if ($type == 'edit') { $link = $this->id . '/edit'; if ($option !== null) { $link .= '/' . urlencode($option); } } else if ($type == 'display') { $link = $this->id; } else if ($type == 'fork') { $link = $this->id . '/fork'; } else if ($type == 'doap') { $link = $this->id . '/doap'; } else if ($type == 'delete') { $link = $this->id . '/delete'; } else if ($type == 'delete-confirm') { $link = $this->id . '/delete/confirm'; } else if ($type == 'embed') { $link = $this->id . '/embed'; } else if ($type == 'oembed-json') { $link = 'oembed.php?format=json&url=' . urlencode($this->getLink('display', null, true)); } else if ($type == 'oembed-xml') { $link = 'oembed.php?format=xml&url=' . urlencode($this->getLink('display', null, true)); } else if ($type == 'remotefork') { return 'web+fork:' . $this->getLink('display', null, true); } else if ($type == 'revision') { $link = $this->id . '/rev/' . $option; } else if ($type == 'linkback') { $link = $this->id . '/linkback'; } else { throw new Exception('Unknown link type'); } if ($full) { $link = Tools::fullUrl($link); } return $link; } public function getCloneURL($public = true) { $var = $public ? 'public' : 'private'; if (isset($GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['git'][$var])) { return $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['git'][$var] . $this->id . '.git'; } return null; } /** * Returns the history of the repository. * We don't use VersionControl_Git's rev list fetcher since it does not * give us separate email addresses and names, and it does not give us * the amount of changed (added/deleted) lines. * * @return array Array of history objects */ public function getHistory() { $output = $this->getVc()->getCommand('log') ->setOption('pretty', 'format:commit %H%n%at%n%an%n%ae') ->setOption('max-count', 10) ->setOption('shortstat') ->execute(); $arCommits = array(); $arOutput = explode("\n", $output); $lines = count($arOutput); $current = 0; while ($current < $lines) { $commit = new Repository_Commit(); list($name,$commit->hash) = explode(' ', $arOutput[$current]); if ($name !== 'commit') { throw new Exception( 'Git log output format not as expected: ' . $arOutput[$current] ); } $commit->committerTime = $arOutput[$current + 1]; $commit->committerName = $arOutput[$current + 2]; $commit->committerEmail = $arOutput[$current + 3]; if (substr($arOutput[$current + 4], 0, 1) != ' ') { //commit without changed lines $arCommits[] = $commit; $current += 4; continue; } $arLineParts = explode(' ', trim($arOutput[$current + 4])); $commit->filesChanged = $arLineParts[0]; $commit->linesAdded = $arLineParts[3]; if (isset($arLineParts[5])) { $commit->linesDeleted = $arLineParts[5]; } $current += 6; $arCommits[] = $commit; } return $arCommits; } /** * @return Repository_ConnectionInfo */ public function getConnectionInfo() { return new Repository_ConnectionInfo($this); } } ?>