array('id', 'asc'), 'crdate' => array('crdate', 'desc'), 'tstamp' => array('tstamp', 'desc'), ); public function __construct() { $this->searchInstance = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']['elasticsearch']; } /** * List all repositories * * @param integer $page Page of search results, starting with 0 * @param integer $perPage Number of results per page * @param string $sort Sort order. Allowed values: * - id - repository id * - crdate - creation date * - tstamp - modification date * * @return Search_Result Search result object */ public function listAll($page = 0, $perPage = 10, $sort = 'id', $sortOrder = null) { list($sortField, $orderField) = $this->getSortField($sort, $sortOrder); $r = new Database_Adapter_Elasticsearch_HTTPRequest( $this->searchInstance . 'repo/_search', \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET ); $r->setBody( json_encode( (object)array( 'from' => $page * $perPage, 'size' => $perPage, 'sort' => array( $sortField => $orderField ), 'query' => (object)array( 'match_all' => (object)array() ), ) ) ); $httpRes = $r->send(); $jRes = json_decode($httpRes->getBody()); if (isset($jRes->error)) { throw new Exception( 'Search exception: ' . $jRes->error, $jRes->status ); } $sres = new Search_Result(); $sres->results = $jRes->hits->total; $sres->page = $page; $sres->perPage = $perPage; foreach ($jRes->hits->hits as $hit) { $r = new Repository(); $r->loadById($hit->_source->id); $r->crdate = strtotime($hit->_source->crdate); $sres->repos[] = $r; } return $sres; } /** * Search for a given term and return repositories that contain it * in their description, file names or file content * * @param string $term Search term * @param integer $page Page of search results, starting with 0 * @param integer $perPage Number of results per page * * @return Search_Result Search result object */ public function search($term, $page = 0, $perPage = 10) { $r = new Database_Adapter_Elasticsearch_HTTPRequest( $this->searchInstance . 'repo/_search', \HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET ); $r->setBody( json_encode( (object)array( 'from' => $page * $perPage, 'size' => $perPage, 'query' => (object)array( 'bool' => (object)array( 'should' => array( (object)array( 'query_string' => (object)array( 'query' => $term, 'default_operator' => 'AND' ), ), (object)array( 'has_child' => (object)array( 'type' => 'file', 'query' => (object)array( 'query_string' => (object)array( 'query' => $term, 'default_operator' => 'AND' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); $httpRes = $r->send(); $jRes = json_decode($httpRes->getBody()); if (isset($jRes->error)) { throw new Exception( 'Search exception: ' . $jRes->error, $jRes->status ); } $sres = new Search_Result(); $sres->results = $jRes->hits->total; $sres->page = $page; $sres->perPage = $perPage; foreach ($jRes->hits->hits as $hit) { $r = new Repository(); //FIXME: error handling. what about deleted repos? $r->loadById($hit->_source->id); $sres->repos[] = $r; } return $sres; } protected function getSortField($sort, $sortOrder) { if (!isset(self::$sortMap[$sort])) { throw new Exception('Invalid sort parameter: ' . $sort); } if ($sortOrder !== 'asc' && $sortOrder !== 'desc') { throw new Exception('Invalid sortOrder parameter: ' . $sortOrder); } $data = self::$sortMap[$sort]; if ($sortOrder !== null) { $data[1] = $sortOrder; } return $data; } } ?>