repo = $repo; $this->arConfig = parse_ini_file($this->repo->gitDir . '/config', true); } public function isFork() { return $this->getOrigin() !== null; } public function hasForks() { return count($this->getForks()) > 0; } public function getOrigin() { return $this->getRemote('origin'); } /** * @return Repository_Remote|null NULL if the remote does not exist, array * with repository information otherwise */ public function getRemote($name) { if (!isset($this->arConfig['remote ' . $name])) { return null; } return new Repository_Remote($name, $this->arConfig['remote ' . $name]); } public function getForks() { $arForks = array(); foreach ($this->arConfig as $name => $data) { if (substr($name, 0, 12) != 'remote fork-') { continue; } $arForks[substr($name, 7)] = new Repository_Remote( substr($name, 7), $data ); } return $arForks; } } ?>