'VersionControl_Git', 'pear.twig-project.org/Twig' => 'Twig_Autoloader', 'pear.php.net/Date_HumanDiff' => 'Date_HumanDiff', 'pear.php.net/Services_Libravatar' => 'Services_Libravatar', ); protected $writableDirs; public function __construct() { $cfg = $GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfg']; $this->writableDirs = array( 'gitdir' => $cfg['gitdir'], 'workdir' => $cfg['workdir'], ); } public static function run() { $sc = new self(); $sc->checkDeps(); $sc->checkDirs(); $sc->checkGit(); $sc->checkDatabase(); } public function checkDeps() { foreach ($this->deps as $package => $class) { if (!class_exists($class, true)) { $this->fail('PEAR package not installed: ' . $package); } } } public function checkDirs() { foreach ($this->writableDirs as $name => $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { $this->fail($name . ' directory does not exist at ' . $dir); } if (!is_writable($dir)) { $this->fail($name . ' directory is not writable at ' . $dir); } } } public function checkGit() { $line = exec('git --version', $lines, $retval); if ($retval !== 0) { $this->fail('Running git executable failed.'); } if (!preg_match('#^git version ([0-9.]+)$#', $line, $matches)) { $this->fail('git version output format unexpected: ' . $line); } if (version_compare($matches[1], '1.7.5') < 0) { $this->fail( 'git version needs to be at least 1.7.5, got: ' . $matches[1] ); } } public function checkDatabase() { $dbs = new Database_Setup_Elasticsearch(); $dbs->setup(); } public function fail($msg) { throw new Exception($msg); } } ?>