Check results

    HTM; $stateMap = array( 'ok' => 'success', 'info' => 'info', 'error' => 'danger' ); foreach ($messages as $arMessage) { list($type, $message) = $arMessage; $out .= '
  • '; $out .= htmlspecialchars($message); $out .= '
  • ' . "\n"; } $out .= << HTM; if (array_sum($GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfgfiles']) == 0) { //no config file loaded reset($GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfgfiles']); list($cfgFilePath, ) = each($GLOBALS['phorkie']['cfgfiles']); $cfgFilePath = Tools::foldPath($cfgFilePath); $cfgFileTemplate = htmlspecialchars( file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../data/config.php.dist') ); $out .= <<Configuration file

    Phorkie did not find a configuration file. Please create one at


    from the following template:


    Remove the leading // from a line if you want to adjust it.

    HTM; } $out .= << back to the index

HTM; echo $out; ?>