cfg = $cfg; $this->host = $host; $this->req = $this->getHttpRequest( $this->host->endpoints->micropub, $this->host->token ); } protected function getHttpRequest($url, $accessToken) { $req = new MyHttpRequest2($url, 'POST'); $req->setHeader('User-Agent: shpub'); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<')) { //correct ssl validation on php 5.5 is a pain, so disable $req->setConfig('ssl_verify_host', false); $req->setConfig('ssl_verify_peer', false); } $req->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->setHeader('authorization', 'Bearer ' . $accessToken); return $req; } public function send($body = null) { if ($this->sendAsJson) { //application/json if ($body !== null) { throw new \Exception('body already defined'); } $this->req->setHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); $data = []; if ($this->action !== null) { $data['action'] = $this->action; } if ($this->url !== null) { $data['url'] = $this->url; } if ($this->type !== null) { $data['type'] = array('h-' . $this->type); } if (count($this->properties)) { $data['properties'] = $this->properties; } $body = json_encode($data); } else { //form-encoded if ($this->type !== null) { $this->req->addPostParameter('h', $this->type); } if ($this->action !== null) { $this->req->addPostParameter('action', $this->action); } if ($this->url !== null) { $this->req->addPostParameter('url', $this->url); } foreach ($this->properties as $propkey => $propval) { if (isset($propval['html'])) { //workaround for content[html] $propkey = $propkey . '[html]'; $propval = $propval['html']; } else if (count($propval) == 1) { $propval = reset($propval); } $this->req->addPostParameter($propkey, $propval); } } if ($body !== null) { $this->dedicatedBody = true; $this->req->setBody($body); } if ($this->cfg->debug) { $cp = new CurlPrinter(); $cp->show($this->req, $this->uploadsInfo, $this->dedicatedBody); } if ($this->cfg->dryRun && $this->req->getMethod() != 'GET') { //do not run any modifying queries //fake a successful response $res = new \HTTP_Request2_Response('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', false); $res->parseHeaderLine('Content-type: text/plain'); $res->appendBody('Fake --dry-run response'); return $res; } $res = $this->req->send(); if (intval($res->getStatus() / 100) != 2) { $this->displayErrorResponse($res); } return $res; } protected function displayErrorResponse($res) { Log::err( 'Server returned an error status code ' . $res->getStatus() ); $shown = false; if (Util::getMimeType($res) == 'application/json') { $errData = json_decode($res->getBody()); if (!isset($errData->error)) { Log::err('Error response does not contain "error" property'); } else if (isset($errData->error_description)) { Log::err($errData->error . ': ' . $errData->error_description); $shown = true; } else { Log::err($errData->error); $shown = true; } } if (!$shown) { Log::err($res->getBody()); } exit(11); } public function setAction($action) { $this->action = $action; } public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } /** * Add file upload * * @param string $fieldName name of file-upload field * @param array $fileNames list of local file paths * * @return void */ public function addUpload($fieldName, $fileNames) { if ($this->directUpload && $this->sendAsJson) { throw new \Exception( 'Cannot do direct upload with JSON requests' ); } if ($this->host->endpoints->media === null || $this->directUpload ) { if ($this->sendAsJson) { throw new \Exception( 'No media endpoint available, which is required for JSON' ); } if (count($fileNames) == 1) { $fileNames = reset($fileNames); } $this->uploadsInfo[$fieldName] = $fileNames; return $this->req->addUpload($fieldName, $fileNames); } $urls = []; foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) { $urls[] = $this->uploadToMediaEndpoint($fileName); } if (count($urls) == 1) { $urls = reset($urls); } $this->addProperty($fieldName, $urls); } /** * Execute the file upload * * @param string $fileName File path * * @return string URL at media endpoint */ public function uploadToMediaEndpoint($fileName) { $httpReq = $this->getHttpRequest( $this->host->endpoints->media, $this->host->token ); $httpReq->addUpload('file', $fileName); if ($this->cfg->debug) { $cp = new CurlPrinter(); $cp->show($httpReq, ['file' => $fileName]); } $res = $httpReq->send(); if (intval($res->getStatus() / 100) != 2) { Log::err( 'Media endpoint returned an error status code ' . $res->getStatus() ); Log::err($res->getBody()); exit(11); } $location = $res->getHeader('location'); if ($location === null) { Log::err('Media endpoint did not return a URL'); exit(11); } $base = new \Net_URL2($this->host->endpoints->media); return (string) $base->resolve($location); } public function addContent($text, $isHtml) { if ($isHtml) { $this->addProperty( 'content', [['html' => $text]] ); } else { $this->addProperty('content', $text); } } /** * Adds a micropub property to the request. * * @param string $key Parameter name * @param string|array $values One or multiple values * * @return void */ public function addProperty($key, $values) { $this->properties[$key] = (array) $values; } public function setSendAsJson($json) { $this->sendAsJson = $json; } public function setDirectUpload($directUpload) { $this->directUpload = $directUpload; } }