authorization === null || $this->token === null || $this->micropub === null; } public function discover($server) { //TODO: discovery via link headers $baseUrl = new \Net_URL2($server); $doc = new \DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTMLFile($server); $sx = simplexml_import_dom($doc); if ($sx === false) { Log::err('Error loading URL: ' . $server); exit(1); } //$sx->registerXPathNamespace('h', ''); $auths = $sx->xpath( '/html/head/link[@rel="authorization_endpoint" and @href]' ); if (!count($auths)) { Log::err('No authorization endpoint found at ' . $server); exit(1); } $this->authorization = (string) $baseUrl->resolve( (string) $auths[0]['href'] ); $tokens = $sx->xpath( '/html/head/link[@rel="token_endpoint" and @href]' ); if (!count($tokens)) { Log::err('No token endpoint found'); exit(1); } $this->token = (string) $baseUrl->resolve( (string) $tokens[0]['href'] ); $mps = $sx->xpath( '/html/head/link[@rel="micropub" and @href]' ); if (!count($mps)) { Log::err('No micropub endpoint found'); exit(1); } $this->micropub = (string) $baseUrl->resolve( (string) $mps[0]['href'] ); } public function load($server) { $file = $this->getCacheFilePath($server, false); if ($file === false || !file_exists($file)) { return false; } $data = parse_ini_file($file); foreach ($data as $prop => $val) { if (!property_exists($this, $prop)) { Log::err('Invalid cache config key "' . $prop . '"'); exit(1); } $this->$prop = $val; } return true; } public function save($server) { $file = $this->getCacheFilePath($server, true); if ($file === false) { return false; } file_put_contents( $file, 'micropub=' . Config::quoteIniValue($this->micropub) . "\n" . 'media=' . Config::quoteIniValue($this->media) . "\n" . 'token=' . Config::quoteIniValue($this->token) . "\n" . 'authorization=' . Config::quoteIniValue($this->authorization) . "\n" ); } public function getCacheFilePath($server, $create = false) { if (isset($_SERVER['XDG_CACHE_HOME']) && $_SERVER['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] != '' ) { $cacheBaseDir = $_SERVER['XDG_CACHE_HOME']; } else { if (!isset($_SERVER['HOME']) || $_SERVER['HOME'] == '') { Log::err('Cannot determine home directory'); return false; } $cacheBaseDir = $_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.cache'; } $cacheDir = $cacheBaseDir . '/shpub'; if (!is_dir($cacheDir) && $create) { mkdir($cacheDir, 0700, true); } $file = $cacheDir . '/' . urlencode($server) . '.ini'; return $file; } } ?>