log->info('Updating feed entries..'); $res = $this->db->query( 'SELECT * FROM feedentries' . ' WHERE fe_needs_update = 1 OR fe_updated = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"' ); while ($entryRow = $res->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $this->log->info( sprintf( 'Updating feed entry #%d: %s', $entryRow->fe_id, $entryRow->fe_url ) ); $this->updateEntry($entryRow); } $this->log->info('Finished updating entries.'); } protected function updateEntry($entryRow) { $req = new \HTTP_Request2($entryRow->fe_url); $req->setHeader('User-Agent', 'stapibas'); $req->setHeader( 'Accept', 'application/xhtml+xml; q=1' . ', application/xml; q=0.9' . ', text/xml; q=0.9' . ', text/html; q=0.5' . ', */*; q=0.1' ); if ($entryRow->fe_updated != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $req->setHeader( 'If-Modified-Since', gmdate('r', strtotime($entryRow->fe_updated)) ); } $res = $req->send(); if ($res->getStatus() == 304) { //not modified $this->setNoUpdate($entryRow); $this->log->info('Not modified'); return; } if (intval($res->getStatus() / 100) != 2) { //no 2xx is an error for us $this->log->err('Error fetching feed entry URL'); return; } $urls = $this->extractUrls($entryRow, $res); $this->updateUrls($entryRow, $urls); $this->setUpdated($entryRow, $res); } protected function updateUrls($entryRow, $urls) { $res = $this->db->query( 'SELECT * FROM feedentryurls' . ' WHERE feu_fe_id = ' . $this->db->quote($entryRow->fe_id) ); $urlRows = array(); while ($urlRow = $res->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $urlRows[$urlRow->feu_url] = $urlRow; } $urls = array_unique($urls); $new = $updated = $deleted = 0; $items = count($urls); foreach ($urls as $url) { if (!isset($urlRows[$url])) { //URL is not known - insert it $this->db->exec( 'INSERT INTO feedentryurls SET' . ' feu_fe_id = ' . $this->db->quote($entryRow->fe_id) . ', feu_url = ' . $this->db->quote($url) . ', feu_active = 1' . ', feu_pinged = 0' . ', feu_updated = NOW()' ); ++$new; } else if ($urlRows[$url]->feu_active == 0) { //URL is known already, but was once deleted and is back now $this->db->exec( 'UPDATE feedentryurls SET' . ' feu_active = 1' . ', feu_updated = NOW()' . ' WHERE feu_id = ' . $this->db->quote($urlRows[$url]->feu_id) ); ++$updated; unset($urlRows[$url]); } else { //already known, all fine unset($urlRows[$url]); } } //these URLs are in DB but not on the page anymore foreach ($urlRows as $urlRow) { ++$deleted; $this->db->exec( 'UPDATE feedentryurls SET' . ' feu_active = 0' . ', feu_updated = NOW()' . ' WHERE feu_id = ' . $this->db->quote($urlRow->feu_id) ); } $this->log->info( sprintf( 'Feed entry #%d: %d new, %d updated, %d deleted of %d URLs', $entryRow->fe_id, $new, $updated, $deleted, $items ) ); } protected function extractUrls($entryRow, \HTTP_Request2_Response $res) { $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $typeParts = explode(';', $res->getHeader('content-type')); $type = $typeParts[0]; if ($type == 'application/xhtml+xml' || $type == 'application/xml' || $type == 'text/xml' ) { $doc->loadXML($res->getBody()); } else { $doc->loadHTML($res->getBody()); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('h', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); $query = '//*[' . $this->xpc('h-entry') . ' or ' . $this->xpc('hentry') . ']' . '//*[' . $this->xpc('e-content') . ' or ' . $this->xpc('entry-content') . ']' . '//*[(self::a or self::h:a) and @href and not(starts-with(@href, "#"))]'; $links = $xpath->query($query); $this->log->info(sprintf('%d links found', $links->length)); $entryUrl = new \Net_URL2($entryRow->fe_url); //FIXME: base URL in html code $urls = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $url = (string)$entryUrl->resolve( $link->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->nodeValue ); $this->log->info('URL in entry: ' . $url); $urls[] = $url; } return $urls; } protected function xpc($class) { return 'contains(' . 'concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "),' . '" ' . $class . ' "' . ')'; } protected function setNoUpdate($entryRow) { $this->db->exec( 'UPDATE feedentries SET fe_needs_update = 0' . ' WHERE fe_id = ' . $this->db->quote($entryRow->fe_id) ); } protected function setUpdated($entryRow, \HTTP_Request2_Response $res) { $this->db->exec( 'UPDATE feedentries' . ' SET fe_needs_update = 0' . ', fe_updated = ' . $this->db->quote( gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($res->getHeader('last-modified'))) ) . ' WHERE fe_id = ' . $this->db->quote($entryRow->fe_id) ); } } ?>