#!/usr/bin/env php * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html AGPLv3 or later * @link http://git.cweiske.de/?p=surrogator.git */ namespace surrogator; $cfgFile = __DIR__ . '/data/surrogator.config.php'; if (!file_exists($cfgFile)) { $cfgFile = '/etc/surrogator.config.php'; if (!file_exists($cfgFile)) { logErr( "Configuration file does not exist.\n" . "Copy data/surrogator.config.php.dist to data/surrogator.config.php" ); exit(2); } } require $cfgFile; array_shift($argv); $files = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if ($arg == '-v' || $arg == '--verbose') { ++$logLevel; } else if ($arg == '-vv') { $logLevel += 2; } else if ($arg == '-q' || $arg == '--quiet') { $logLevel = 0; } else if ($arg == '-f' || $arg == '--force') { $forceUpdate = true; } else if ($arg == '-h' || $arg == '--help') { showHelp(); exit(4); } else if ($arg == '--version') { echo "surrogator 0.0.1\n"; exit(); } else if (file_exists($arg)) { $files[] = $arg; } else { logErr('Unknown argument: ' . $arg); exit(3); } } /** * Echos the --help screen. * * @return void */ function showHelp() { echo <<getPathname(); $fileName = $fileInfo->getFilename(); $ext = strtolower(substr($fileName, strrpos($fileName, '.') + 1)); $squarePath = $varDir . '/square/' . substr($fileName, 0, -strlen($ext)) . 'png'; log('processing ' . $fileName, 1); if (imageUptodate($origPath, $squarePath)) { log(' image up to date', 2); continue; } if (!createSquare($origPath, $ext, $squarePath, $maxSize)) { continue; } if ($fileName == 'default.png') { $md5 = $sha256 = 'default'; } else { list($md5, $sha256) = getHashes($fileName); } log(' creating sizes for ' . $fileName, 2); log(' md5: ' . $md5, 3); log(' sha256: ' . $sha256, 3); $imgSquare = imagecreatefrompng($squarePath); foreach ($sizes as $size) { log(' size ' . $size, 3); $sizePathMd5 = $varDir . '/' . $size . '/' . $md5 . '.png'; $sizePathSha256 = $varDir . '/' . $size . '/' . $sha256 . '.png'; $imgSize = imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size); imagealphablending($imgSize, false); imagefilledrectangle( $imgSize, 0, 0, $size - 1, $size - 1, imagecolorallocatealpha($imgSize, 0, 0, 0, 127) ); imagecopyresampled( $imgSize, $imgSquare, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size, $size, $maxSize, $maxSize ); imagesavealpha($imgSize, true); imagepng($imgSize, $sizePathMd5); imagepng($imgSize, $sizePathSha256); imagedestroy($imgSize); } imagedestroy($imgSquare); } /** * Create and return md5 and sha256 hashes from a filename. * * @param string $fileName filename without path, e.g. "foo@example.org.png" * * @return array Array with 2 values: md5 and sha256 hash */ function getHashes($fileName) { $fileNameNoExt = substr($fileName, 0, -strlen(strrpos($fileName, '.')) - 2); $emailAddress = trim(strtolower($fileNameNoExt)); return array( md5($emailAddress), hash('sha256', $emailAddress) ); } /** * Creates the square image from the given image in maximum size. * Scales the image up or down and makes the non-covered parts transparent. * * @param string $origPath Full path to original image * @param string $ext File extension ("jpg" or "png") * @param string $targetPath Full path to target image file * @param integer $maxSize Maxium image size the server supports * * @return boolean True if all went well, false if there was an error */ function createSquare($origPath, $ext, $targetPath, $maxSize) { if ($ext == 'png') { $imgOrig = imagecreatefrompng($origPath); } else if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') { $imgOrig = imagecreatefromjpeg($origPath); } else { //unsupported format return false; } if ($imgOrig === false) { logErr('Error loading image file: ' . $origPath); return false; } $imgSquare = imagecreatetruecolor($maxSize, $maxSize); imagealphablending($imgSquare, false); imagefilledrectangle( $imgSquare, 0, 0, $maxSize - 1, $maxSize - 1, imagecolorallocatealpha($imgSquare, 0, 0, 0, 127) ); imagealphablending($imgSquare, true); $oWidth = imagesx($imgOrig); $oHeight = imagesy($imgOrig); if ($oWidth > $oHeight) { $flScale = $maxSize / $oWidth; } else { $flScale = $maxSize / $oHeight; } $nWidth = (int)($oWidth * $flScale); $nHeight = (int)($oHeight * $flScale); imagecopyresampled( $imgSquare, $imgOrig, ($maxSize - $nWidth) / 2, ($maxSize - $nHeight) / 2, 0, 0, $nWidth, $nHeight, $oWidth, $oHeight ); imagesavealpha($imgSquare, true); imagepng($imgSquare, $targetPath); imagedestroy($imgSquare); imagedestroy($imgOrig); return true; } /** * Check if the target file is newer than the source file. * * @param string $sourcePath Full source file path * @param string $targetPath Full target file path * * @return boolean True if target file is newer than the source file */ function imageUptodate($sourcePath, $targetPath) { global $forceUpdate; if ($forceUpdate) { return false; } if (!file_exists($targetPath)) { return false; } if (filemtime($sourcePath) > filemtime($targetPath)) { //source newer return false; } return true; } /** * Write a log message to stdout * * @param string $msg Message to write * @param integer $level Log level - 1 is important, 3 is unimportant * * @return void */ function log($msg, $level = 1) { global $logLevel; if ($level <= $logLevel) { echo $msg . "\n"; } } /** * Write an error message to stderr * * @param string $msg Message to write * * @return void */ function logErr($msg) { file_put_contents('php://stderr', $msg . "\n"); } ?>